Three conditions on ebsco display logic - NYULibraries/ILS-Tech GitHub Wiki

On 11/7/2012 5:56 AM, Mathias Kratzer wrote:

how about a short plugin threshold (Perl script that evaluates your condition and returns the result as 0 or 1, cf. the section on the "Plug-In Feature" in the SFX Advanced User's Guide) for this complex condition?

Best regards
On Dienstag, 6. November 2012 at 21:16, Janet Arth  wrote:
I would like to use the display logic to cut done the "over exposure" of
EBSCOHOST target on the menu, but I have three things to exclude:

The AZ list
    sid =
MARC It records from our Aleph catalog
    sid =
Journal records (including the MARC It records) from Primo
    sid =

But, as mentioned in a different context on this list in the past, the
condition field only allows for 100 characters.  Is there a way around
About as short as I can make it (and maybe too short), is still too long:
$obj->need('sfx.sid','!~','/az/') && $obj->need('sfx.sid','!~','/opac/') &&

What I have for the moment on our test server is this:
$obj->need('sfx.sid','!~','/') &&
$obj->need('sfx.sid','!~','/umn_aleph/')  :
   Not a bad compromise, but it does mean folks that use the citation linker
with a full reference, PMID or DOI get all those EBSCO targets.

Does anyone have any ideas??

   Thanks, Janet

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Walker, David  wrote:
The "hide multiple targets from the same platform" trick has been around
for a long time.  I wonder, is it not mentioned in the documentation or

For Ebsco it should be:

If available:    EBSCOHOST*      getFullTxt
Do not show:     EBSCOHOST*      getFullTxt
Condition:       $obj->need('sfx.sid','ne','')

The condition there says: Don't hide the additional Ebsco targets if the
request originated from the SFX A-Z list.  So this only applies to
article-level linking.

In the display logic section, the target pull-down menu has these wildcard
entries already available to you.


David Walker
Interim Director, Systemwide Digital Library Services
California State University

-----Original Message-----
From: SFX Discussion List [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of Jonathan Rochkind
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 9:37 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [SFX] SFX and linking to EBSCO question

On 10/31/2012 11:59 AM, Janet Warnke wrote:
In the meantime, one reply that came directly to me suggested I ask Ex
Libris to change our display logic so that anytime an EBSCO link is
found, all other EBSCO links are suppressed.  Has anyone else done
this?  Are there any potential problems with this approach?

i've tried to do that, but for some reason it's stopped working recently
and I haven't had time to investigate why yet. I forget exactly how I did

The one thing to be aware of is you probably only want to do this for
_article level_ links, not title-level links.  For a title-level link, the
different EBSCO targets may have different ranges of coverage, so you
wouldn't want to suppress all but one arbitrary one, or you'd be missing
out on advertising complete coverage. So far as I know, there's no way
supported by SFX to suppress targets only when they have overlapping

I forget how you do this, but there's some way to get the display logic to
activate only for article-level links. Or at least some way I've used
before that works reasonably okay.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Sharon Young

     __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

     Hi Janet____

     __ __

     I can confirm that we are experiencing this issue too (as well as
     many other issues arising from our activation of EBSCO API via

     __ __

     We don't have your number of EBSCO dbs but often (although not
     always), when SFX offers multiple EBSCO targets (ANZRef, BSP,
     MasterFile etc), EBSCO opens in MasterFile.  The client is
     happy....the full text article is available.  Our statistics have
     really changed. Dramatic rise in downloads from MasterFile
     accompanied by equally dramatic fall in downloads from other EBSCO
     dbs. ____

     __ __

     Over the last 2 months we have logged multiple customer support
     calls about EBSCO issues with Ex Libris and with EBSCO....but not yet
     about this issue.  I'll get onto it.____

     __ __


     __ __


     __ __

     __Sharon Young__| Senior Librarian, Applications Delivery Services |
     State Library of __Queensland__ | ____PO Box__ 3488__ | __South
     Brisbane__ 4101 ____

     *t*+61 7 3842 9862 |* f *+61 7 3840 7843 |* e*
     [email protected] * |

     __ __


     *From:*__SFX Discussion List__ [mailto:[email protected]
     ] *On Behalf Of *Janet Warnke
     *Sent:* Wednesday, 31 October 2012 6:15 AM
     *To:* [email protected]
     *Subject:* [SFX] SFX and linking to EBSCO question____

     __ __

     __ __

     We are a fairly new Primo/SFX customer and we are heavily involved
     with EBSCO (60+ databases).  We are struggling to make SFX usable
     with our EBSCO databases.  We are having many of the linking
     problems noted by others on this listserv, and more. ____


     Today, while once again trying to figure out why linking to EBSCO is
     so unreliable, I realized that no matter what EBSCO database link I
     click on in the //View Online// tab of an article, all EBSCO links
     go to only one database on the EBSCO platform.  I would really
     appreciate hearing from other Primo/SFX/EBSCO customers to verify
     that this is indeed the way it is suppose to work.  For


     Inline image 1____


     In this record every link goes to the cited article in EBSCO's
     Professional Development Collection database.  However, I would
     expect the first link to go to Academic Search Complete, the second
     link to go to Education Research Complete, and so on. ____

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