Configuration - NYPD/moe-sounds GitHub Wiki

Eclipse Configuration

I think since eclipse neon, maven integration (M2Eclipse) has been included by default in the download packages. This quick configuration tutorial should work in eclipse neon+.

Once you clone the repository to your preferred designated location, in eclipse go to File > Import.. and select Maven > Existing Maven Projects. Once imported, everything should automatically be configured thanks to the pom.xml.

Now we need to set up tomcat to be able to run this locally. Moe-sounds was created with Tomcat 8.5 but should work with any newer instances of Tomcat as long as it supports the Java 8, the Servlet 3.0 spec, and the JSP/EL 2.2 spec. Go ahead and download the specific zip version from the tomcat site. If you are unsure which to get just stick with the latest Tomcat 8.5 and download the zip file under Binary Distributions > Core > 64/32-bit Windows zip (pgp, md5, sha1). Once the zip file is downloaded and extracted somewhere on your computer e.g. C:\development\tomcat, go to Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments then click on Add.. > Apache > Apache Tomcat vX.X. Make sure the Create a new local server is checked and then hit the Next > button. Fill in where you downloaded and extracted the zip file to then click click on Finish.

With the server and project configured, we now need to hook em up. The previous step should have created a 'Servers' tab in your eclipse workspace with the Tomcat server you just set up. Right click the server and press Add and Remove.... Select the project from the left side (moe-sounds), click Add> so the project now appears on the right side in the Configured: section, then click Finish at the bottom.

Tomcat and moe-sounds are now both properly configured and can be ran by right clicking the Tomcat server and clicking Start, however, we still need to some project specific configuration.

Project Specific Configuration