Getting Started - NUbots/robocup GitHub Wiki

Getting the Source Code

  1. Create an account on github.
  2. Install Git on you computer.
  3. Generate a public key. This can be done by either:
    • Using Git Gui and going to HelpShow SSH Key and clicking on the Generate Key Button.
    • Following the instructions found Here.
  4. Copy this key and add it to your profile.
  5. Clone the repository using the Clone address on the projects web page.

Required Software

The Qt SDK has been used to develop the NUview program used for debugging and offline development of the robot software. This allows the program to be built on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Therefore the applicable Qt SDK Software for your platform should be installed to compile it.

The zlib library is used by our software for compression. Many computers already have this library installed and will work without any problems. However if this is not the case, the source code and zlib libraries for your platform are available from Here.
Some systems may also require the header files to be placed into the include directory of the compilier.

The boost c++ libraries are required and may need to be installed. Information is available on the Boost Libraries web page. A windows installer can also be found here. Please install them to the default locations and hopefully everything should work ok.

The pthread library is used within the code. On Mac OS X and linux will will already be available. Under Windows the header and lib files are included as a part of the Qt Installation. However the dll file used at run time may not be. The file required is pthreadGC2.dll and can be downloaded here.

The Bonjour Libraries are required for use in the NUview Application. Mac OS X systems should come with it pre-installed. Linux systems have a native zero-config system callled Avahi with a bonjour compatability layer, this is often pre-installed under many distributions. Windows systems require the Bonjour SDK for Windows to be installed. Furthermore when compiling under Windows using MinGW a new set of libraries are required, these have been compiled and are available here.

We use gnu tools to compile the code. In particular we use gnu make, ssh and scp. If you are using a windows machine you will need to install the following

  1. CoreUtils, available here
  2. Make, available here
  3. OpenSSH, available here

Once these have been installed you need to put the GnuWin32/bin directory on your system path.

Compiling the Code


  • make NAOWebots to compile code for the NAOWebots. The binary is automatically copied into the appropriate directory of webots.
  • make NAOWebotsConfig to configure the build for the NAOWebots.
  • make NAOWebotsClean to clean the build for the NAOWebots.
  • make NAOWebotsVeryClean to delete the entire build directory for the NAOWebots.


If your machine runs a flavour of linux then the following commands are all you need

  • make NAO to compile code for the NAO. We sure to have Aldebaran’s SDK and crosstoolchain installed on the machine. Furthermore, you can upload the binary to the robot with make NAO robot=robotip.
  • make NAOConfig to configure the build for the NAO.
  • make NAOClean to clean the build for the NAO.
  • make NAOVeryClean to delete the entire build directory for the NAO.

If your machine runs Mac OS or Windows then you will need to compile the code on an external linux machine. To do this is easy provided you have gnu tools installed.

  • make NAO vm=vmip user=username robot=robotip to compile code for the NAO. The parameter user is optional, and should specify the username required to log into the external machine. The parameter robot is also optional, if it is missing the binary is not uploaded to the robot.
  • make NAOConfig vm=vmip user=username to configure the build for the NAO.
  • make NAOClean vm=vmip user=username to clean the build for the NAO.
  • make NAOVeryClean vm=vmip user=username to delete the entire build directory for the NAO.


The NUview program can be compiled using the Qt Creator IDE. Simply load the .pro project file and compile.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️