Demo - NTU-ALComLab/LSV-PA GitHub Wiki
In this demo, we will show:
- how to read a circuit by command
- print its statistics by command
- visualize the circuit by command
- transform the circuit into an and-inverter graph (AIG) by command
- simplify the AIG by command
- check the equivalence of two circuits by command
Note: Use -h
option to see the usage of a command. For example:
abc 01> cec -h
usage: cec [-T num] [-C num] [-I num] [-P num] [-psnvh] <file1> <file2>
performs combinational equivalence checking
-T num : approximate runtime limit in seconds [default = 20]
-C num : limit on the number of conflicts [default = 10000]
-I num : limit on the number of clause inspections [default = 0]
-P num : partition size for multi-output networks [default = unused]
-p : toggle automatic partitioning [default = no]
-s : toggle "SAT only" and "FRAIG + SAT" [default = FRAIG + SAT]
-n : toggle how CIs/COs are matched (by name or by order) [default = by name]
-v : toggle verbose output [default = no]
-h : print the command usage
file1 : (optional) the file with the first network
file2 : (optional) the file with the second network
if no files are given, uses the current network and its spec
if one file is given, uses the current network and the file
Consider an one-bit full adder in the blif format:
.model full_adder
.inputs a b c-in
.outputs sum c-out
.names a b c-in sum #sum=XOR(a,b,c-in)
100 1
010 1
001 1
111 1
.names a b c-in c-out #c-out=MAJ(a,b,c-in)
11- 1
1-1 1
-11 1
We can read the circuit into ABC and print its basic statistics:
abc 01> read lsv/example/full_adder.blif
abc 02> print_stats
full_adder : i/o = 3/ 2 lat = 0 nd = 2 edge = 6 cube = 7 lev = 1
We can also visualize the circuit by command show
(packages graphviz
and gv
We can strash
the full adder into an and-inverter graph (AIG), and simplify it by fraig
abc 01> read lsv/example/full_adder.blif
abc 02> strash
abc 03> print_stats
full_adder : i/o = 3/ 2 lat = 0 and = 11 lev = 4
abc 03> fraig
abc 04> print_stats
full_adder : i/o = 3/ 2 lat = 0 and = 8 lev = 4
Observe that the number of AND gates is reduced by 3.
The AIG after strash
The simplified AIG after fraig
We could check the equivalence between the simplified full adder and the original one by command cec
abc 01> read archive/example/full_adder.blif
abc 02> strash
abc 03> print_stats
full_adder : i/o = 3/ 2 lat = 0 and = 11 lev = 4
abc 03> fraig
abc 04> print_stats
full_adder : i/o = 3/ 2 lat = 0 and = 8 lev = 4
abc 04> cec archive/example/full_adder.blif
Networks are equivalent. Time = 0.02 sec