Home - NSU-SP21-CSE499-18/Group-04 GitHub Wiki
Meeting minutes
7th March 2021
- Both need to submit Project proposal in Google classroom by today.
- Background research (March 7th-May 1st)
- Need to create Two pages for IEEE & ACM paper links
- Statistical Analysis(May 1st-June 1st)
- 20 Pages paper submission by the end of the semester
- By August 15 need to submit a prototype.
- Need to check how to link GitHub with swit.
- No meeting on next week.
21st March 2021
- Need to add publication year and publishers.
- Background research (March 7th-May 1st)
- Convert cards into issues.
- Statistical Analysis(May 1st-June 1st)
- Work on research papers.
- Next meeting on time.