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Monster Hunter Rise Texture Documentation
This is where you can find information on textures types, formats and layouts for MHR.
The channel layouts are currently untested and unconfirmed. If you do test the channel layouts in game, let me know if they are correct.
Items marked with an asterisk are unconfirmed.
Work in progress.
- ALB (Albedo) (No Alpha)
- ALBA (Albedo) (With Alpha)
- ALBD (Albedo, Metallic)
- ALP (Alpha Mask)
- ALPG (Spritesheet)
- CMM (User Color Change Map)
- CubeMap
- DEMI (Detail Emission)
- EMI (Emission)
- FCM (Unknown)
- FMS (Unknown)
- FVM_MSK3 (Fur Velocity Map)
- FX (Fx Map)
- HDR (Cubemap)
- IAM (UI Textures)
- MSK1 (Translucency*)
- MSK2 (Flow Map)
- MSK4 (EFX Color Mask*)
- NRM (Normal Map)
- NRMR (Normal Map, Roughness)
- NRRT (Normal Map, Roughness, Subsurface)
- RCM (Replace Color Map)
- SEM (IG, GL Emission*)
- WEMI (Weapon Emission)
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