Travel Expenses Application - NPSBeograd/NPS-Support GitHub Wiki
πΆ Overview
Due to the lack of functionality in the Base Code for this particular area, we developed the Travel Orders application. It covers functionalities that are useful when comes to travel order evidence of your employees.
πΉ How to import Travel Expenses package
To become acquainted with our Travel Expenses Application, you have to perform a package import. This will allow you to receive specific data based on the package you choose to import. Further details are elaborated in the subsequent text.
NOTE: To avoid replacing your settings within your production environment, it is advisable to use an empty environment or sandbox for package imports. This precautionary measure is due to the fact that the imported package contains data that could potentially substitute your own data and configurations.
The process of importing a package is straightforward and involves just a few simple steps. You can import the package using the function accessible through a search in the assisted setup. The instructions below will guide you through the essential steps.
- When you're on the Assisted Setup page, select the package.
- Accept warning and next.
- Select type of data (Setup Date Only, Complete Sample Data), and next.
Setup Date Only - It only includes data with the settings.
Complete Sample Data - It includes data with the settings and data for created vendor, chart of accounts, and posted documents. In the General Ledger, you'll find posted transactions.
- Download package
- It asks the question only the first time you download the package. - Allow Always
- Apply Package and next.
- Finish
The package will be ready in a matter of minutes, allowing you to resume your work in Business Central.
When you've finished following all the steps to import the package, an additional tuning is required under Company Information β User Experience β Premium, as shown in the image. Enter Company Information into the search.
Premium Experience- All the features mentioned in the user documentation for Business Central are designed with the assumption of the Premium experience, implying that these features encompass the entire range of User Experience elements.
Welcome to the Travel Order application!
If your role in Business Central is set to Accountant or Human Resources, after installing the Travel Order application you will be able to see the Welcome banner, until you dismiss it.
πΉ How to setup Travel Order Setup
Setting Numeric series
First of all setting numeric series is necessary so Travel Order functionality could work properly. Typing the keyword Travel Orders Setup in the search field will open the view presented as in the picture under. Set Travel Order Nos., Travel Order Resource Nos. and Travel Order Source Code.
In the following topics will be explained the rest of important settings for Travel Orders:
Feature | Description |
Travel Order Resources | Creating and setting of resources used in Travel Order as Relation, Wage and Cost |
Traveling Employee (Vendor) | Here is described creation of an employee sent on a business trip, which was done by using Vendors |
πΉ Travel Expenses
This functionality provides updating expenses on travel in real-time. Using this extended functionality allows users taking pictures of bills incurred during the business trip. Instead of storing them in physical form, now you can attach them to the travel order they referring to. I the following topics will be described complete usage of travel orders in Business Central.
In This Section
Feature | Description |
Travel Expense Setup | Here is described necessary setup of Travel Expense functionality |
Travel Expenses Functionality | Functionality that provides taking photo of bills, invoices using Business Central mobile application |
Manage Travel Document Approval | Here is described the process of reviewing and approving submitted travel expenses |
πΉ Travel Order Documents
Travel order functionality enables us to create travel orders before going on a trip, enter any costs and daily allowances, post, calculated the tax amounts and print of Travel Orders. I the following topics will be described complete usage of travel orders in Business Central.
In This Section
Feature | Description |
Creation of Travel Orders | Here is described creating of Travel Orders documents and calculating the daily allowances based on routes of the business trip |
Posting Prepayments | Functionality that provide to post prepayment for Travel Orders |
Releasing, Posting and Reversing Travel Orders | Here is described working with Travel Order Documents and how the status of a Travel Order can be changed |
Tax Calculation of Travel Orders | If the region of business require wages above particular amount has to be taxed, this functionality provides that |
Travel Order Reporting | This functionality provides printing a Travel Order as Travel Order Calculation and Travel Order Form. |
πΆ How to setup Travel Order Setup
πΉ Travel Order Resources
Setting Travel Order Resources
Search for Travel Order Resources, by opening the list you will be able to choose wage, relation or cost to set up.
If any Travel Order Resource Template exist in current company, when you are starting with creating Travel Resource, the system will show dialog for choosing right template for your needs.
In case no template is selected and dismissing the page, system will ask for opening the blank resource card.
1. Setting Travel Order Relation
Relation setting refers to the business trip route. To calculate wages automatically, it is necessary for each type of wage (eg. wage for Italy or for Austria) that exist an open relation with the same currency and country code as wage that refers to that relation.
- Type - select here Relation.
- Description - enter the name of the relation.
- General Posting Group - in this field select posting group for the relation.
- Unit Measure -in this field in case of relation creation should choose H.
The rest of the fields on resource card should be filled in the same way as explained in the wage setting, noting that Quantity per Unit of Measure and Half Quantity per Unit of Measure should be entered as in the example above.
2. Setting Wage To be able to create a wage for Travel Orders, click on the function New. The new empty card of Travel Order Resource will be open.
To create wage, on the Travel Order Resource card the fields should be filled in the following way:
- No. - this field is automatically filled in and the next available number from the defined numeric series is assigned.
- Type - this field is for making choice whether is it wage, relation or an cost.
- Description - description of the selected resource type.
- Valid From - the effective date of the setting.
- Valid To - the end date of a wage. In case the end date doesn't exist, leave the field blank.
- General Product Posting Group - select a general posting group for a wage from the list.
- VAT Product Posting Group - select the VAT product posting group from the list.
- Calculation Cost per Unit - available choice for this field is Unit or Time, depending on which one unit of measure is used for cost calculation. For wages and relations it's necessary the Calculation Cost per Unit to be Time.
- Unit of Measure - unit of measure for wage calculation (H).
- Quantity per Unit of Measure - in this field should be the number as an hour limit for wage calculation. For wages should be entered 12 hours (if the employee spent on the road 12 hours, one whole wage will belong to him).
- Half Quantity per Unit of Measure - here enter the minimum hours for the half of the daily allowance to be paid. In the example from the picture, the worker will be paid an half wage for spending on the trip between 8 and 12 hours a day, and full wage for over 12 hours.
- Currency Code - the currency code for calculating the daily allowance on a business trip. If this field remains unfilled, the currency is assumed to be LCY. For automatic wage calculation feature the currency code and the country code entered on the wage must be the same as on the route which represents that country.
- Country / Region code - select the destination country code.
- Comment - clicking on this link field the comment entry form will be open.
- Blocked - by checking this box, it's not possible to use the blocked travel order resource.
- Unit Price - enter the amount of half wage on a business trip (in order to be calculated correctly: the half wage is from 8 to 12 hours).
- Search Description - the field is filled in automatically by entering Description field.
3. Setting Travel Order Cost
Cost adjustment refers to the adjustment of the costs of accommodation, food, as well as other costs incurred on a business trip.
- Type - select Cost in this field.
- Description - enter the name of the cost here.
- Not Post to GL - by placing a check mark on this field the system will not post a specific travel cost through the general ledger, but will only take the cost for travel order statistics. The same cost will not appear as the difference for payment to the employee. This functionality is used when there are costs that are paid by bank transfer and are already calculated on invoices (eg. air transport or card payment).
The rest of the fields on resource card should be filled in the same way as explained in the wage setting, noting that Quantity per Unit of Measure and Half Quantity per Unit of Measure should be entered as in the example above.
πΉ Traveling Employee
For the best Travel Order functionality all employees sent on a business trip should be created as Vendors. One step separates creation of employee for Travel Order from standard Vendor creation.
- Setting up Vendor Posting Group
Type Travel Order Setup keyword in the search bar. The following picture represents the card page that will be open after the search. In order to differentiate traveling employee from real Vendor Vendor Posting Group should be entered, the same Vendor Posting Group must be set on a Vendor card as well (like e.g. in the following pictures).
Search for Vendors term at the search bar. After the Vendor list is open, by clicking at the function New on the top bar, the traveling employee information can be entered. Field Vendor Posting Group at the Invoicing tab has to have the same value as the field at Travel Order Setup page, like in the previous picture. Fill in the rest of Posting Details that are needed. Gen. Bus. Posting Group and VAT Bus. Posting Group will be transferred to the Travel Order when you choose an employee.
πΆ Travel Expenses
πΉ Manage Travel Document Approval
The travel employee can update the travel order opened for that trip and for that particular user. After submitting the travel expenses on the trip by employee who is travelling, the responsible person has to check and then approve them. The process of approving can be tracked trough the Status field on header of the travel document.
When an expense is updated, the document will change status to the Pending Approval. This status does not allow posting of the document nor editing it (except continue submitting travel expenses trough form by travel employee).
The row is created with the information provided in the form. Likewise, the photo of the travel expense bill will be uploaded trough standard Microsoft Incoming Document module. The number and access to the Incoming Document is in the Incoming Document Entry No. filed on Travel Order Lines. To approve the whole Travel Order, the standard approval of each Incoming Document connected to the rows is needed.
On approving of the document, the status will change to Released. Now the posting of the document is possible.
Working with Incoming Documents on the Travel Order
By positioning on the row you can find under the Incoming Document action group several actions.
The Remove action will be enabled if an incoming document is attached to the current row. By choosing this action attached Incoming Document is possible to disconnect from the row.
Create from file and Select could be used instead of Travel Expense mobile functionality. If you already have a bill or invoice in electronic form on your computer locally or imported in Business Central as incoming document, it can be attached to the row directly.
Select will open dialog for selecting incoming document from list and Create from file will import the file from local machine to Business Central and then attach it to the row.
On the header of the document under Incoming Document action group there is the action View. Run this action and all incoming documents attached to rows will be listed.
πΉ Travel Expense Setup
The prerequisites for using the functionality are:
- the travel employee should be able to use Business Central mobile application (to have an assigned permission set, at least Team member)
- assigned NPSTRO Travel Member permission set
Note: The permission set NPSTRO Travel Order gives full access to the rest of the Travel Order functionality (except Travel Expense mobile submitting).
To assign the necessary permission set search for Users. By choosing the user you want to have an access the User card will be open. Under tab User Permission Sets you can assign NPSTRO Team Member as showed with the following example.
Traveling employee to be able to see and update the travel document (order) on the Business Central mobile application, the document should be released and on header should be set for which specific user the document is opened for.
πΉ Travel Expenses Functionality
After the necessary setup, the employee's travel orders will be visible on the role center.
To preview the travel order click on the cue that represents the number of documents that are open and released for the user.
To submit travel expense as a photo of a invoice click on the cue Create Travel Expense from Camera.
After taking photo of a bill using your device camera and click on OK button, the form for entering expense details will be open. If there is more then one travel order released for that user, in that case before form is presented the system will ask for which particular travel order travel expense is being created.
- No. - this field specifies the travel expense code. If the traveling employee know the exact code of the expense being submitted it can be selected from the list or if the expense code is unknow omit this field.
- Travel Expense Description - this field will be updated if you choose travel expense no. Otherwise this filed should be filled with the description of the expense, so the reviewer will easier define travel expense no.
- Currency Code - if the bill amount is expressed in currency other then local currency, by selecting this filed the user will be able to choose from the currency list.
- Paid by Company - the user enters amount that is paid by company (business card). The purpose of the field is to have right and precise information about occurred costs. Amount entered here will not be paid back to the employee, because the company has already paid with its own funds.
- Paid by Employee - here you should enter the amount that is paid by employee and that needs to be paid back to him after the business trip. Paid by Company and Paid by Employee can be filled in the same time.
- Comment - this field is for additional information that the employee would want to enter. After submitting the form this comment can be found in the Related information , under Comments action in the travel order subform for particular row that is being created.
After you enter and check all information, you click on the check mark. By clicking this for each amount that is entered the row will be created. If you filled Paid by Employee amount then the row in the travel order will be created with the field Paid by Employee set to true. If you provide information in the field Paid by Company, then the row in the document will be created with the field Paid by Employee set to false. If you provide information in both fields on the travel expense form, two rows should be created in the document. The rows will have the same info in No., Description, Currency Code and Comment fields, but the field Amount and Paid by Employee will have different values.
πΆ Travel Order Documents
πΉ Creation of Travel Orders
- Create New Travel Order By searching for the term Travel Orders, the list of Travel Orders will be open. Created Travel Orders can be open with double click on the row, or by choosing the function New a Travel Order will be created.
The fields on the Travel Order card will be explained below:
Tab General
- No. - the system assigns travel order numbers automatically from the defined No. Series.
- Status - this field shows status of the Travel Order. It can be: Open, Issued, Pending Approval, Pending Prepayment, Posted, Reversed. The status depends on what has been done travel order.
- Vendor No. - the employee number who is sent to a business trip. When the employee number is selected, the system automatically transfers to the travel order the dimensions entered for specific employee.
- Name - full name filled in automatically by entering the employee number.
- Address - filled in automatically by entering the employee number.
- Document Date - the system enters the date when the document was created (processing date).
- Posting Date - this field is filled in when the document is being posted.
- Posting Description Codes - here could be selected Travel Order as the description code, so system will fill in the posting description automatically.
- Posting Description - filled in automatically by selecting the posting description code, but it remains editable according to needs.
- Travel Purpose - should be entered manually, as text.
- Planned Travel Start - planned date when the employee should travel. This field doesn't have to represent when the trip really started and it is for informational purposes only.
- Planned Travel End - planned date of the employee's return from the business trip. This field doesn't have to represent when the trip really ended and it is for informational purposes only.
- Vehicle Type - transport type which is chosen on a business trip. It can be: Official Car, Private Car, Fellow Traveler, Bus, Train, Plane, Taxi.
- Registration Number - registration number of the official car license plates, if is used that type of transportation for the trip.
- Currency Code - this field determines currency code of the travel order. If the value is provided here, on posting the system will throw error if in travel order lines is defined currency other then the value here or LCY (local currency). If you omit this field, the system will allow posting of travel order lines with different currencies.
Tab Lines In the rows, the relations are filled first. It is possible to put several routes in one travel order, if there is one employee that travel through several countries on business trip. Also, it's necessary to enter the date and time for each route when the employee left and the date and time of the end of the trip on that route. Based on the entry of the date and time, the system automatically calculates how many hours is spent on the trip and wages for it. Here's the right way to fill in the rows on a travel order:
- Type - here select the type of the row and you can choose: Cost, Wage or Relation.
- No. - is automatically filled in by selecting the Type.
- Description - enter a more detailed description of chosen type. If a Relation is selected, different routes can be specified in the description (Dubai, Belgrade - Dubai, Belgrade - Border, Border - Vienna, etc.).
- Travel Starting - in case of the Type Relation here can be defined when the trip really started for this particular route.
- Travel Ending - in case of the Type Relation here can be defined when the trip really ended for this particular route. Also, if fields Travel Starting and Travel Ending are defined system will calculate the Quantity for the Relation.
- Unit of Measure - enter the Unit of Measure for the selected row type.
- Currency Code - the Currency Code should be entered depending of the country where an employee is traveling. If the field is left blank, the system automatically takes the LCY as currency.
- Unit Price - enter the price per unit of measure. If the type is Relation, the price should be left blank.
- Quantity - enter the number of wages to be paid or days of an accommodation. When the Type of the row is Relation, it's not necessary to enter the quantity, the system will automatically count the hours spent on a business trip.
- Amount - the system calculates the amount, and it's obtained by multiplying the values ββin the Quantity and Unit Price fields.
- Amount (LVT) - in this field the amount is converted and showed in the local currency
- Discount Code - if there is a daily allowance reduction for included meals, it can be chosen a combination of meals on the basis of which the reduction of the daily allowance will be calculated.
- Invoice No. - in case of travel expenses which doesn't have Paid by Employee field set to true, to have accurate statistics, this field should be filled with the incoming invoice number to which this record refers.
- Discount Code - discount on wages based on the provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be done by choosing defined Travel Order Discount from list in this field. The field Line Discount % will be validate from this field automatically.
Create Expense from Resource No.
To create expense from entered number of resource on the travel order line the option on Travel Order Setup Create Expense from Resource No. should be set to true.
With this option checked you can create an expense by entering any resource no. on the travel order line you would like. The system will ask to create new expense or select existing one.
If you choose to create a new expense card for your resource code, you will be asked to choose resource template in case you have any defined in Travel Order Resource Templates, otherwise the blank resource card will be open.
2. Wage Calculation Functionality
1). When rows with Relations are defined, the action can be initiated to calculate wages. On the Travel Order under the Functions click on the Calculate Wage action.
2). The system will automatically calculate and add a row to tab Lines for each pre-defined Relation.
3). And only after wages has been calculated, the costs should be entered in the Travel Order Lines.
πΉ Posting Prepayments for Travel Orders
Setting up Prepayment
At the Travel Order Setup card can be found Apply Different Posting Group and Default Prepayment Posting Group. To be able to post a prepayment and connect it with a Travel Order, it's necessary to set this fields. Set Default Prepayment Posting Group to desired posting group you want to use when posting a Prepayment. This field is useful if you need the group for posting to be different for posting prepayment for traveling employees. Remember, this field will affect prepayments for Traveling Employees only. Set Apply Different Posting Groups field to true, so to be able to apply prepayment along with posting of Travel Order.
Posting Prepayments There are two ways of posting prepayment for Travel Orders: posting through electronic payment and posting right on the Travel Order. The following will explain both ways.
1. Posting Prepayment Through Electronic Payment
Search for the term General Journal at the search bar. When you choose a batch and template for the journal, the fields should be entered for the particular travelling employee. When Account Type is set to Vendor, you will be able to see Travelling Employee from the list at Account No. field. Then, it is necessary to select the filed Prepayment to true. After selected the right Vendor as Travelling Employee and selected Prepayment field to true, the system will transfer Posting Group from Default Prepayment Posting Group field on Travel Order Setup.
When all is set, post the journal.
2. Posting Prepayment from Travel Order
While creating a Travel Order, there is also a possibility to post prepayment for that particular Travel Order right away. Under Actions on Home tab click on the Post Prepayment for Travel Order.
The request page will be presented with fields to enter for prepayment. For this prepayment Vendor number (Travelling employee number) and Document Number are taken from the current Travel Order document. Balance Account Type is set to Bank Account.
After filling in all necessary fields for your prepayment, by clicking on OK the journal line is posted. The Approved Amount is updated on the Travel Order Header with posted amount as well as Currency Code of Approved Amount. The posted prepayment will be automatically marked for applying with Travel Order Document Number as well. After this action no further action is needed to apply current Travel Order with the prepayment. So with posting of the Travel Order, these two amounts will be applied.
Applying Prepayment
Like it is said above, the prepayments posted from Travel Orders will be marked with Applies-to ID automatically. In case a prepayment is posted through electric payment marking of it should be done in the following way:
If the employee already received some amount in advance , to enter type and number of the closing document on the Actions tab click on Functions and then Apply Entries... button.
Then the page will open where the desired payment can be marked with the document number. It is necessary to position on the row with the right payment and then click on function Set Applies-to ID for assigning Travel Order Number as Applies-to ID.
After assigning ID to apply, the entry is showed as in the picture below. After that, the button OK should be clicked and then we are done with process of assigning Applied-to ID.
πΉ Releasing, Posting and Reversing Travel Orders
Releasing Travel Order
To release a Travel Order, you need to select Release function from tab Actions.
After the Travel Order is released it can be Reopen. The function Reopen is also on the Action tab.
Posting Travel Order
When all the data have been entered, the travel order can be posted.
Posted Travel Orders can be found when search for the term Posted travel orders at the search bar. Travel Orders with status Posted and Reversed will be shown in the list.
By double clicking on the row with the Travel Order, the document card will be open with status Posted.
Reversing Travel Order
To reverse posted Travel Order, find desired posted Travel Order to reverse from the Posted Travel Orders list. On the Correct tab can be found Reverse action. The same action is on Posted Travel Order card under the Process tab.
After selecting OK on running this action the posted Travel Order will be Reversed and in the list of Posted Travel Orders will have changed Status field to Reversed.
πΉ Tax Calculation of Travel Orders
If the region of business require wages above particular amount has to be taxed, the tax calculation provides that. This feature finds wage amounts according to the setup and filters you choose, and fill in the General Journal with the lines of calculated amounts. The whole process is described in the following.
_ Setting up amounts_
On Travel Order Setup page under Tax tab you can find fields for setting up wage amounts that has to be taxed. By running the calculation report, explained in the following, every wage amount on a Travel Order which is above these amounts on Setup page, will be taxed.
- Wage Exception Amount (LCY) - here enter the wage amount above which tax will be calculated.
- Wage Exception Amount(ACY) - fill in this field with the amount in additional currency if needed.
- Default Exception Amount Currency - in case you defined the amount in additional currency, the Exception Amount Currency Code should be defined in this field.
- Calculation Account No. - fill in the account number on which calculated amount should be posted.
- Balance Account No. - enter the balance account number for posting as well.
Running the Calculation
There are two ways the calculation can be run. By searching for it at the search bar and from opened General Journal. Both ways are explained in the following.
- Calculation Running from the Search
Search for the term Tax Calculation for Travel Orders at the search bar, and then click on the report. The request page will be run first with needed information. The fields are explained below.
- Document No. - this field should be filled in with the Document Number for creating of Journal Lines for calculation. If you omit this field, the system will create Document Number from Number Series of the selected Batch Name.
- Journal Template - select the Journal Template for creating Journal Lines.
- Batch Name - select the Bach Name of the selected Template.
- No. - fill in the Travel Order Number if you want to calculate the tax amounts for particular Travel Order.
- Posting Date - enter the date of posted Travel Orders for which you want to do the calculation. Here can be entered specific date of posting or date rage.
After filling in the required information click on the OK button, the General Journal with calculated lines will be open.
- Running Action on General Journal
At the search bar type for General Journal. Click on the result to open the page. When choose suitable Template and Batch, under the Actions tab you can found Travel Order group. Select the group and then Tax Calculation action.
If there are lines created in the process you will get the Successfully message.
Then you can post journal lines from Post/Print tab, by clicking on the Post action.
Searching for Posted Travel Orders term in the search bar will open the list of Posted Travel Orders. You can see information if the tax amounts are calculated for the Posted Travel Order in the Calculated Tax Amounts field.
By clicking on the row with the Posted Travel Order and opening the card, there is information as well. You will find Calculated Tax Amount field on the header.
Once calculated Travel Order will no longer being processed in the Tax Calculation.
πΉ Travel Order Reporting
This functionality provides Travel Order Calculation and Travel Order Form for entering information by employees.
Travel Order Calculation
Type in the search bar Travel Orders. On the open list click on the Travel Order Document Number to print the report. At the Report action tab select Travel Order Calculation. The same way the report can be printed from Posted Travel Order. This report shows all expenses that employees had on business trip in local and foreign currency (if he was travelling abroad).
By clicking the button Preview on the request page, the calculated Travel Order will be presented.
Travel Order Form
Type in the search bar Travel Orders. On the open list click on the Travel Order Document Number to print the report. At the Report action tab select Print. This is a report that is printed before going on a business trip that an employee should fill in with expenses during a trip. Based on that a responsible person should enter the information at Travel Order.
By clicking the button Preview on the request page, the calculated Travel Order Form for filling information by employees will be presented.