HR and Payroll (Serbia) - NPSBeograd/NPS-Support GitHub Wiki
🔶 Overview
Released updates for Microsoft Business Central 365 Business Central
A released update is a cumulative set of files that includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Business Central. The latest updates are listed in Release Notes in each article and include hotfixes and regulatory features for each package.
You should always install the latest package.
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🔶 Human Resource Management
When you log in to BC, simply click on the HR Manager Profile after accessing My Settings in the top right corner of the screen. From there, clicking on the three dots will open the role selection page.
HR Role Center
The Home Page of the Role Center consists of the Activities section which contains filtered groups of employees grouped on the basis of engagement (Employment based on Employment Contract and Engagement based on Outside Employment) and by status (In Preparation, Active, Inactive, Terminated).
Clicking on the Employee List in the menu opens a list of active employees.
On the List itself, you can change the appearance of the employee cards by clicking on the List Arrangement icon.
List arrangement options:
- List
- Tall Tiles
- Tiles
The Employee List can be exported to Excel by clicking the Open in Excel icon.
🔶 Setting up the HRM Module
1. Setting up Human Resources
Clicking on the Human Resources Setup menu in the Actions section opens the HR Setup by tabs.
On the General tab, we set up the following: Unique Employee ID – if checked, the system will not allow us to create multiple records for an employee with the same ID, Version Tracking Organization – if checked, we have a history of the organizational structure and job positions, and accordingly, the entries of validity dates in the Organization and Job Positions directories are mandatory, Max. Labor Days – Determines the maximum number of vacation days, No. of Years for Labour Days Calculation – Determines the number of years for calculating years of service.
On the Word Settings, the default categories for setting employee Labor are set here.
On the Calculation tab, we set up the calendar that is used, which is the payroll calendar (in cases where the agreed salary is defined by a coefficient) and whether it is hourly or monthly, and we enter the default number of working hours.
On the Numbering tab, we set numerical series for employees, for trainings and documents (Employment contract, Decision Nos. for Labor Days, Professional development contract, Applicant Nos., Course Nos, Evaluation Nos., Holiday solutions and internal documents for employees).
On the Course tab
On the Resdources
🔶 Employee Card Structure
1. Employee profile
Clicking on the Employee List menu opens the employee list.
Clicking on the New icon opens a tab for entering a New Employee.
On the New HR Employee Card, fields marked with a red asterisk indicate that data entry for the same fields is required. If they are not filled in, activation of the employee is not possible.
The employee card is divided into the following tabs, ie certain segments with grouped related information:
- General
- Communication
- Employment
- Personal
- Organization
- Health Status
- Transportation
- Education
- Bank Accounts
1.1. General tab
On the Human Resources Setup page, the Employee Numbers are configured. This is the first field that will auto-populate on the General tab if Employee Numbers are configured.
The General tab contains the following basic information fields: First Name, Last Name, Address, Community Name, Post Code/City, City, Date of Birth, Employee ID, Gender, Employee Group,Foreigner,Invalid, External ID.
1.2. Communication
The Communication tab includes fields for entering an employee's contact details. This typically covers email addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contact information.
1.3. Employment
The Employment tab encompasses details about the employee such as status, job title, and work hours. Some data is transferred from the employee's position, while other information is entered manually, and additional details are transferred from the Employee Past Labor page
1.4. Personal
The Persona tab pertains to additional employee details that are not included in the general tab, such as Religious Holidays, Celebration Dates, Citizenship, Passport Number, Driver's License Category, and so forth.
1.5. Organization
Data about the organization is transferred from position to position once all necessary data is entered at the position.
1.6. Transportation
The Transport tab defines the transportation options for the employee. This includes details about the employee's commuting arrangements and any company-provided transportation services.
1.7. Education
Tab education enables tracking of employee education, as well as expiration of certificates and licenses.
1.8. Bank Accounts
Enter data about the employee's bank account.
🔶 Record of Absence
In the Role Center, under the Work evidence section, the total number of vacation days is defined, and absences are recorded for each employee.
Each category is mapped to one of the work categories in the Payroll Calculation to facilitate the import of work hours. New - create a new category.
All criteria prescribed by the Employment Regulations or Collective Agreement, based on which employee labor days are allocated within a company, are defined. Enter Work Settings into the search.
🔹 Work Evidence List
By clicking on the Work Sheet List and the New icon, a form for filling out the absence opens up.
The form requires filling out the following fields:
- Employee No: Enter the employee code for whom the leave is being created.
- First Name: Automatically populated by selecting the employee code.
- Last Name: Automatically populated by selecting the employee code.
- Work Code: Select from the dropdown menu for the type of leave (annual leave, paid leave, sick leave up to 30 days).
- From Date: Enter the start date of the leave.
- Days: Enter the number of days of leave.
- Year: Automatically filled by the system.
- Hours and Days: Fields are automatically populated based on the start and end dates.
- Decison No: Enter the resolution number.
- Decision Type: Select the type of document (Annual Leave Resolution, Paid Leave Resolution).
The default status of the record is Planned. Once the fields are filled, the leave needs to be marked as Realized by clicking the Realize function (the status does not change manually).
🔶 HR-Reports
Definite Employee With Expiring Contract Date Preview - term contracts whose contracts are expiring - This report provides an overview of employees whose contracts are expiring within the selected period.
Staff Turnover - New/Leave - arrivals and departures - A statistical report that provides an overview of employee arrivals and departures within a specified period.
Organizational Scheme (Empl. List by JobOrgDivison)- A report that displays employees by organizational affiliation and systematized by job positions within those organizational units. The report shows data for the selected date.
Employee birthdays- For the selected month, the report provides a list of employees born in that month and the number of years they are turning in the current year.
Gift list - For a selected child age group (for example, all children up to 12 years old), the report displays the child's name and surname, parent's name and surname, gender, and the number of years the child is turning in the current year.
Used Days Overview by period (Overview By Period) - Displays all types of employee absences and absence categories (sick leave, paid leave, annual leave) for the selected period.
Employee Labor - Displays the current tenure in the company and total work experience for employees, for the selected date.
Employee Retirement - Total number of active persons for the selected date. The report can be exported to Excel.
🔶 Payroll Module
To allow a user who utilizes BC for payroll to access the home screen with actions and paths tailored for payroll tasks, they must first set up their role in BC. Role setup is done via the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen, as shown in the image.
In the role field, select Payroll Manager Profile.
After selecting the role, you will receive a different home screen tailored to the chosen Payroll Manager Profile role. The home page consists of an Activities section, which includes filtered payroll processes by status (preparation, calculation, confirmed), employees (active, inactive) and work records.
🔶 Salary Setup
To configure all the necessary parameters for payroll, you need to access the Payroll Setup page.
🔶 Deductions
Deductions from salaries serve to withhold a portion of an employee's earnings for specific purposes mandated by law. These deductions ensure that necessary payments are made directly from the employee's earnings, simplifying financial obligations and compliance with legal requirements. The entry and update of deductions are enabled through the menu Calculation -> Deductions.
You will get a list of deductions by clicking on New, which opens a new deduction form for further data entry. It is mandatory to specify the type of deduction from the dropdown list, as shown in the image:
If the deduction is active and should be considered in the next payroll calculation, the Active field must be checked. This field is visible both on the deduction page and in the deduction list.
The Priority field is always assigned the number 1 when creating deductions. This indicates the highest or first priority. If the employee has multiple deductions, the system will determine priorities based on the entered deductions. The priority can be changed.
The creditor is created on the vendor card and receives funds according to the deduction order. Please enter the deduction document number and start date; the end date is filled for Percentage, periodic amount, and amount calculations.
Enter the calculation type (Rate, Percentage, Periodic Amount, Amount). Percentage can be calculated from gross or net, amount can be in local or foreign currency, while rate implies a fixed deduction amount.
🔶 Calculation Management
To open a new Calculation for payroll, simply click on the Calculation List option.
By clicking on the New option, a new Calculation is created.
Tab General – is the header of the calculation where the date is selected by clicking on three dots, thereby pulling data created in the calculation period. The user creates it every January 1st, once a year.
Tab Calculation - shows calculations that have not yet been posted for the calculation period entered in the calculation header. It shows all open calculations in the current month with statuses Preparation, Calculation, and Confirmed.
When salaries are posted, they transition to the Posted status. By entering Posted calculations in the search, you will get a list of posted calculations.
Tab Posted Calculations - shows all calculations that have been posted for the calculation period entered in the calculation header. When the calculation is posted, we will get rows with the status Posted.
Tab Structures - is defined individually for each calculation, determining whether deductions will be calculated and at what percentage, and whether personal contributions, past labor, and tax reductions are taken into account in the calculation or not.
🔶 Entering Calculation Parameters
In Business Central, parameters for calculation enable customization of the calculation processes. The following details explain the parameters necessary for accurate implementation of payroll calculations. Select the group for which you are performing the calculation.
By selecting the period, the system automatically populates the fields:
- From Date
- To Date
- Description
- Calculation Status
- Calculation Date
- Payment Date
- Posting Date (the date will be automatically updated when posting is initiated)
- Minimum and Maximum Contribution Bases
- Possible Hours Fund
- Work Price
Payment Type
On the calculation card, select the Payment Type: whether it is a final payment (i.e., 100% of the monthly salary) or an advance payment in any percentage from 0% to 100%. In the case of an advance payment, it is necessary to enter the percentage in the Percentage % field.
In the percentage section, enter the advance payment percentage, as shown in the image.
🔶 Carnet Lists
Carnet in Business Central is used for recording employee attendance and absence. It allows easy tracking of working hours, sick leave, employee labor, and other types of absences. The automation of data entry reduces the risk of errors.
You will get a list of carnets and by clicking on New, a new carnet will open for further entry.
When the start and end dates are entered, it is necessary to run Read Work Hours.
The next step is Transfer to Calculation, where the carnet is transferred for processing.
🔶 Starting Calculations
The calculation is initiated from the Carnet List by navigating to Actions -> Functions -> Calculate All.
🔶 Reports