6. River forcing - NOC-MSM/Regional-NEMO-Medusa GitHub Wiki

1) River forcing : data

Summary : It explains what river forcing data can be used for the regional NEMO-MEDUSA configuration (1/12°).

I can use two types of datasets :

(a) Datasets from literature
(b) Datasets from Andrew Yool (N006 runoff file available on JASMIN)
(c) Datasets from JRA55 (not tested)

1.a) Using datasets from literature

The table below regroups the references used to obtain seasonal river discharge.

Rivers References Period Mean annual discharge (m3/s)
Tana (Kenya) Bouillon et al. (2007) (Garissa Station) 1982 - 1996 172.34
Galana (Kenya) Marwick et al. (2014) 1959 - 1977 64.24
Pangani (Tanzania) GRDC (Korogowe Station,110 km above the mouth) 1959-1977 27.7
Wami (Tanzania) Forestry and Beekeeping Division, 2005 (Mandera Station, 50 km above the mouth) 1954-1984 60.6
Rufiji (Tanzania) GRDC (Stiegler Station, 150 above the mouth) 1954 - 1978 791.85
Ruvuma (Mozambique) Minihane (2012) (Composite Runoff) ? 1831.725

The seasonal river discharge of each rivers are shown in the figure below:


The figure below regroups all the rivers discharge (m3 s-1) in one plot :


The river discharge (m3 s-1) datasets can be obtained here (called RIVERS_FLOW): https://github.com/vleguenn/EAFRICA_R12/blob/main/RIVER/LITERATURE/RIVERS_FLOW.mat

References list :

Bouillon, S., Dehairs, F., Schiettecatte, L. S., & Borges, A. V. (2007). Biogeochemistry of the Tana estuary and delta (northern Kenya). Limnology and Oceanography, 52(1), 46-59.

Forestry and Beekeeping Division (2005) Forest condition assessment of the Eastern Arc Mountains Forests of Tanzania. Conservation and Management of the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests, Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Dar es Salaam.

Marwick, T. R., Tamooh, F., Ogwoka, B., Teodoru, C., Borges, A. V., Darchambeau, F., & Bouillon, S. (2014). Dynamic seasonal nitrogen cycling in response to anthropogenic N loading in a tropical catchment, Athi–Galana–Sabaki River, Kenya. Biogeosciences, 11(2), 443-460.

Minihane, M. R. (2012). Evaluation of streamflow estimates for the Rovuma River. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 50, 14-23.

Map of the bathymetry (m) and the rivers mouth:


See section I.a) (https://github.com/NOC-MSM/Regional-NEMO-Medusa/issues/9) For the results of the runs that used the above datasets for the rivers (seasonal climatology).

1.b) Datasets from Andrew Coward (N006 runoff file available on JASMIN)

The datasets provided by Andrew Coward uses monthly runoff/river climatologies which were probably not so different to what I already have (I.a). For example, the N006 runoff file is available on JASMIN:


based originally on the Dai and Trenberth study as documented in Dai and Trenberth, (2002). The original data are available on the web : http ://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/catalog/dai/

For the regional configuration, I cut the runoff file to the domain of the EAFRICA model :

ncks -d x,3906,3962 -d y,1355,1478 ./runoff_coast1pt_ant3pt_isl20_obtaz_1m_ORCA12_correctAMZ_200610_lbclnk.nc -O cropped_runoff_ACow.nc

The data is available here : https://github.com/vleguenn/EAFRICA_R12/blob/main/RIVER/ANDREW_COWARD/cropped_runoff_ACow.nc

2. River forcing : code

Summary : It contains the script used to generate the river datasets for the regional NEMO-MEDUSA configuration (1/12°).

I can use two types of datasets (see https://github.com/NOC-MSM/Regional-NEMO-Medusa/issues/6):

(a) Datasets from literature
(b) Datasets from JRA55 (not tested)

  1. a) Using datasets from literature

The script can be found here :


To compute the runoff data :

% Creation of the river forcings variable used for NEMO ORCHESTRA (EAfrica
% Configuration)

% ----- Main steps ------
% to convert from flow in m3/s to kg/m2/s
% density = 1000 kg/m3
% rorunoff = flow * density / area of  grid box  in kg/m2/s
% for NEMO
% dx=ncread('coordinates_CS15r.nc','e1t');
% dy=ncread('coordinates_CS15r.nc','e2t');
% nemo_area=dx.*dy;
% -----------------------

clear all
close all

%- Go to the location of your datasets
%- Read in the domain_cfg to get the latitudes and longitudes of your domain
Lat = ncread('domain_cfg.nc','nav_lat'); % 279 x 614
Lon = ncread('domain_cfg.nc','nav_lon'); % 279 x 614

%- Convert the matrix into a vector
Lat_EA=Lat(1,:)'; % 614
Lon_EA=Lon(:,1); % 279
clear Lat Lon

%- Pairing of the latitude and longitude coordinates. So I get all the
% possible combination of latitude and longitude
C=[]; % Contains all the latitude and the associated longitude. Normally, it should have the size (length(Lat_EA) x length(Lon_EA))

for i = 1 : length(Lat_EA) % lat
    for j = 1 : length(Lon_EA) % lon
    C = [C ; Lon_EA(j) Lat_EA(i)]; % 7068 x 2
%- Use the mask to check if the river coordinate is on land or at sea. The
% mask I use here is from domain_cfg (variable top_level)
% 1 = sea
% 0 = land
Mask = ncread('domain_cfg.nc','top_level'); % 279 x 614 (lon x lat)

% Read first the river coordinates. The coordinates of the river mouths (latitude and longitude in decimals) 
% have been obtained online. From the top of the matrix to the bottom, this is : Tana, Galana,
% Pangani, Wami, Rufiji and Ruvuma.
load RIVERS_COORD % first column = longitude, second column = latitude

river_nb = 6; % choose here the river to analyse
nb_point = 3; % choose here the number of points to look for the nearest neighbour algorithm.

% Find what are the closest indexes of the river coordinates RIVERS_COORD inside the matrix C.
Idx = knnsearch(C,RIVERS_COORD,'K',nb_point); % use the nearest neighbour algorithm (the second column inside
% Idx corresponds to the second other point that is closest to the coordinate of interest)
clear q r
  for i = 1 : nb_point
    q(i) = find(Lon_EA == C(Idx(river_nb,i),1)); % longitude 
    r(i) = find(Lat_EA == C(Idx(river_nb,i),2)); % latitude
   for i = 1 : length(q) 
   Check = Mask(q(i),r(i));
   if Check == 1
       disp('Stop') % stop because it's good as the point close to the river mouth is in the sea
       p=[p;i]; % indicate what value of nb_point is not in land
%    imagesc(Lon_EA,-Lat_EA,Mask') % lat x lon
%    hold on
%    plot(Lon_EA(115),-Lat_EA(539),'+r','MarkerSize',10) % closest point for the first river

% Report here the closest coordinates INDEXES for each of the river mouth 
% Tana : Lon_EA(24) Lat_EA(109) (1st closest point was on the sea)
% Galana : Lon_EA(22) Lat_EA(102) (1st closest point was on the sea)
% Pangani : Lon_EA(8) Lat_EA(75) (3rd closest point was on the sea)
% Wami : Lon_EA(6) Lat_EA(66) (2nd closest point was on the sea)
% Rufiji : Lon_EA(12) Lat_EA(47) (3rd closest point was on the sea)
% Ruvuma : Lon_EA(26) Lat_EA(14) (1st closest point was on the sea)

SELECTED_COORD = [24 109; 22 102; 8 75; 6 66;12 47; 26 14]; % lon x lat (indexes !)

% I need first to generate a mask with only the location of the rivers (1 = river mouth, 0 = land) and 
% that contains the climatology of the river discharge
  load RIVERS_FLOW % contains variables {Tana, Galana, Pangani, Wami, Rufiji, Ruvuma} with the climatology of discharge
  Mask_river(1:57,1:124,1:12) = 0; % initialisation

  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(1,1),SELECTED_COORD(1,2),:) = Tana;
  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(2,1),SELECTED_COORD(2,2),:) = Galana;
  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(3,1),SELECTED_COORD(3,2),:) = Pangani;
  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(4,1),SELECTED_COORD(4,2),:) = Wami;
  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(5,1),SELECTED_COORD(5,2),:) = Rufiji;
  Mask_river(SELECTED_COORD(6,1),SELECTED_COORD(6,2),:) = Ruvuma;
% Once I got the mask with the river discharge climatology,I need to do
% some units conversion
% Calculation of the rorunoff : rorunoff = flow * density / area of grid box
 dx = ncread('domain_cfg.nc','e1t'); % 279 x 614
 dy = ncread('domain_cfg.nc','e2t'); % 279 x 614


 for i = 1 : 12 % months
 rorunoff(:,:,i) = Mask_river(:,:,i) * 1000 ./ nemo_area(:,:);

 % Verification
   imagesc(Lon_EA,-Lat_EA,Mask') % lat x lon
   hold on
   plot(Lon_EA(24),-Lat_EA(109),'+r','MarkerSize',10) % closest point for the first river

To generate the netcdf file :

% Need to run beforehand the script called "Compute_river_runoff_data"
% Creation of the Netcdf file that contains the runoff variable
% Create a netCDF file.
ncid = netcdf.create('EA_R12rivers.nc','NC_WRITE');

% Define a dimension in the file.
dim1 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'lon',57);
dim2 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'lat',124);
dim3 = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time_counter',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));  

% Define a new variable in the file.
varid1 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time_counter','double',dim3); 
varid2 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lat','double',dim2); 
varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'lon','double',dim1); 
varid4 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'rorunoff','double',[dim1,dim2,dim3]); 

% Leave define mode and enter data mode to write data.

% Write data to variable.

% Re-enter define mode.

% Create an attribute associated with the variable.
%  netcdf.putAtt(ncid,0,'units','degrees');

% Verify that the attribute was created.
% [xtype xlen] = netcdf.inqAtt(ncid,0,'my_att')


The runoff variable used as forcing for NEMO is the following :


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