Where to continue now - NOC-MSM/Belize_workshop GitHub Wiki
Where to continue now?
If you have already completed this workshop and want to continue learning about NEMO, PARCELS or just ocean modelling in general, in this section we will give you some options to do so!
Setup NEMO!
In this workshop we worked with NEMO, however, we used a pre-stablished configuration of it. You may want to explore how to configure it as you want to obtain a deeper understanding of this tool.
If you are interested in learning how to modify your NEMO configuration, you can go to the setting up NEMO section of this repository!
Learn more about ocean modelling!
If you are interested in learning more about the process of ocean modelling, you can continue learning by watching the video Ocean Modelling: An Introduction for Everybody, by Dr. Stephanie Waterman:
Get started with PyNEMO!
PyNEMO is a set of python tools to generate the necessary input files for NEMO. It is still in development, but you can use it for loads of things already!
If you are interested, you can start by checking the Github repository of this project.
Interested in PARCELS?
PARCELS has a lot of different functions you can explore and try! (it works with a variety of velocity fields not just NEMO).
Learn more about PARCELS in its official website.
Try the NCO toolkit!
NCO is a toolkit to manipulate stored netCDF files. One of its basic functions is to show the metadata of the files, which allows you to know which variables are stored, its units, dimensions, size, etc. With it, you can explore the NEMO input and output files!
The installation of NCO in Anaconda can be done with the codeline:
conda install -c conda-forge nco
And, once installed, you can use the command:
ncdump -h [your netCDF file name]
to visualize all the metadata of your file.
(If you forget the -h (headers) the full raw data of the file will pour into your terminal, to stop it just press ctrl + c
If you want to learn more about the NCO toolkit, visit its official website.