PythonProgrammingAndVisualizationForScientists - NOAA-PMEL/Python_Users_Group GitHub Wiki

Received the following emails through Johnny Lin PyOAS (Python Ocean Atmospheric Science) email list. Upper email is a response/thumbs-up for the book; lower email gives the info for the book. (And feel free to join the PyAOS group. Created from the AMS Python sessions. Info at the very end.)

I have not seen personally seen this book, but just passing along the information to those who might be interested.


From: Mccrone, Paul J CIV FNMOC, N3
Sent: Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 9:33 AM
Subject: [Pyaos] Book: Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists


Permit me to endorse this book. I have no skin in the game, as it were. Note this is only a personal endorsement; I am only representing my personal opinion; this is not an opinion of the US Federal Govt or the US Navy.

I work with Python all the time as a regular part of my job. I've had this book for over a year, & I use this book regularly. If you use python as a meteorologist or Earth Scientist, you've been cheating yourself if you go without this book. Many important examples and algorithms are shown in python in this book. I urge you to get it.

I am very glad to hear it's available via Amazon now, however, I want to urge you to make this book available via digital download (that way I can copy/paste code snippets from the text - that would make this book even more useful). Please consider doing this. I would buy the digital version immediately.

Very Respectfully,
Paul J. McCrone, CCM
Meteorologist, FNMOC/N38DI

-----Original Message-----
From: Pyaos On Behalf Of Grant W. Petty
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2017 5:21 PM
Subject: [Pyaos] Book: Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists

PyAOS members,

Some of you may have already heard of Prof. Alex DeCaria's book, "Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists." If you have not, it's written for scientists in general, but it uses examples familiar to atmospheric scientists: contour and wind barb plotting, maps, reading netCDF and HDF5 files, etc.

The book was recently been reprinted with error corrections and can be ordered in 8.5x11 spiral bound, color format here . The spiral-bound edition, which isn't available through any other source, allows it to lay flat on the table while you work; it also has wide margins for notes.

It's also available through Amazon in a smaller (7x10") paperback format .

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