The Academy - NMS-Seventh-Fleet/ GitHub Wiki

Back Story

We are an elite team of fictional U.S. Space Force Guardians known as the Seventh Fleet. We create order out of chaos and are trained to operate on and off planet.


Year Description Notes
2019 Pre-Chaos Flight simulator storyline. A prequel.
2021 The Division We no longer age because of the rushed vaccine recieved in 2020.
2077 Cyberpunk We become synths in the events of Cyberpunk 2077, go into the vault before the great war and wake up in Fallout 76.
2102 Fallout 76 We help society to rebuild, launching into space onboard the Normandy.
2183 Mass Effect A great war devistates humanity for a second time. We go back into the vault.
2277 Fallout 3 Humanity emerges and begins the second reconstruction era.
2287 Fallout 4 The second reconstruction era continues.
2355 Outer Worlds We emerge back into space.
2552 Halo We save the galaxy.
2800 Destiny Darkness sweeps the galaxy.
3400 No Man's Sky A new hope.

Captain's Log

Updating the captain's log is easy and fun! Here are some tips!

  • Log the date as the real date played but instead of "2020" use "3420" or whatever the appropriate date is per the timeline above.

  • When writing you can either do you own story in your own part of the galaxy or participate with other players by writing stories that complement their stories. Example:

    • Player 1 logs that he is trapped on a planet.
    • Player 2 launches a rescue mission for player 1
    • Player 3 is doing his own exploring and logging elsewhere.
  • If you would like to establish a "fleet mission" or side mission just update the missions page. So that the other players can see the story lines that are in progress at a glance.


After a lot of thought and discussion, the team decided to stick with portal coordinates as the primary navigation because:

  • spaceships can travel limited distances.
  • there are no directional markers inside of the spaceship which makes navigation difficult.
  • it would take too much time to travel from base to base in a ship.
  • Physical coordinates only point to region not planet

Portal Coordinates

Portal Coordinates Example

Portal Region Location

Portal Location Example

Portal Region Link

Region Location Link Example

Graphing Your Region!

If you want to graph your region and create your own galaxy map, here are the instructions!

Convert Portal Coordinates to Hexadecimal Coordinates

Convert Hexadecimal to xyz Coordinates

  • The xyz coordinates given here are in terms of regions. 1 unit = 1 region = 400 light years across.

Graph X + Z on a Google Scatter Plot

  • The center of the galaxy is (2048,2048)
  • The galaxy is 4096 across
  • You need to adjust your x and z value accordingly before plotting so ((x-2048), (z-2048))
  • See example code located at: assets/js/charts.js and on the galaxymap.html


The team decided that colonies are planets inhabited (we have based there) by the team to serve a core fleet purpose:

  • Farming
  • Mining
  • Embassy (near another civ)
  • Capital (main base location)
  • Under Water Research Lab
  • Just a beautiful location.
  • Outpost in a certain unexplored region of the galaxy.
  • Etc, etc

Logging a Colony

Colonies are posts with a category of colony and a tag of region. The name of the colony should be the same as the planet name.

Colony posts should be saved as:

Colony posts should contain pictures of the colony and describe its purpose to the fleet! For example, lots of xyz resource, under water research lab, outpost near (center, quadrant, etc, embassy to the (name of other civ found)