Adding Irradiations Packages - NMGRL/pychron GitHub Wiki

Adding an Irradiation/Package

At its core the irradiation/package feature in pychron is simply a mechanism to group samples. You MUST enter samples via Menubar/Entry/Sample (see Sample Entry) first before adding them to a irradiation/package.


  1. Open Package window
  2. Add a package
  3. Add a level
  4. Populate level with samples

Open Package Window

Add a new package.

Select the "Add Irradiation" button database_add

Add a Irradiation Chronology Segment.


Setting up the package chronology and reactor is only relavent to Ar/Ar. If you are not doing Ar/Ar geochronology, goto Preferences/Entry and change the mode to "simple"

Set reactor

Add a new level to the package.

  1. Select the newly created package from the drop down
  2. Select the "Add Level" button database_add
  1. Add Levels.
  2. Populate Levels
  3. Set Chronology
  4. Set nominal J/Flux
  5. Generate Identifiers a. select 2XXXX number for Monitors
  6. Export to MassSpec
  7. Make Labbook