
Input contains the environment state which may contain past environment states and actions.

The Input in the jLOAF framework represents the state of the domain space or the environment. An input could either be an Atomic or a Complex Input, and it has a name that describes it. an Atomic input is at the atomic level, it only has one feature which is a representation of a double value. A complex Input is a set of inputs, that could either be Atomic or Complex. For example, a complex input might have three atomic inputs and one complex input, which has two atomic inputs.

The State-Based Input represents a run in the domain, which means it is a trace of inputs and actions, hence comes the name state-based. The state-based input has two components, an Input that could only be atomic or complex, and a case. The Case in the state-based Input has an Input and an Action where the Input itself is a state-Based input that has an Input and a case. This recursive relation is what structures the state-based Input.

In the jLOAF framework, any input, in any case, is a state-based Input(a run). This was a structural decision to allow the user to have all the information at any given point. If the agent is a reactive agent, the reasoner should only worry about the first case in each state-based Input. If the agent is a state-based agent, the reasoner can look at the previous action and inputs of each Input. To get a better understanding of this structure please take a look at the paper linked in the what is it page.