RichTextBox target - NLog/NLog GitHub Wiki

Log text a Rich Text Box control in an existing or new form.

Platforms Supported: .NetFramework + NETCore3.1 + NET6.0 - Requires nuget-package NLog.Windows.Forms

Configuration Syntax

  <target xsi:type="RichTextBox"
    <word-coloring backgroundColor="String" fontColor="String" ignoreCase="Boolean"
                regex="String" style="Enum" text="String"
                wholeWords="Boolean"/><!-- repeated -->
    <row-coloring backgroundColor="String" condition="Condition" fontColor="String"
               style="Enum"/><!-- repeated -->

Read more about using the Configuration File.


General Options

  • name - Name of the target.

Layout Options

  • layout - Layout used to format log messages. Required. Default: ${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${message:withexception=true}

Form Options

  • height - Initial height of the form with rich text box.

    This parameter is ignored when logging to existing form control.

  • autoScroll - Indicates whether scroll bar will be moved automatically to show most recent log entries.

  • maxLines - Maximum number of lines the rich text box will store (or 0 to disable this feature).

    After exceeding the maximum number, first line will be deleted.

  • showMinimized - Indicates whether the created form will be initially minimized.

    This parameter is ignored when logging to existing form control.

  • toolWindow - Indicates whether the created window will be a tool window. Default: True

    This parameter is ignored when logging to existing form control. Tool windows have thin border, and do not show up in the task bar.

  • controlName - Name of RichTextBox to which Nlog will write.

  • formName - Name of the Form on which the control is located. If there is no open form of a specified name then NLog will create a new one.

  • width - Initial width of the form with rich text box.

    This parameter is ignored when logging to existing form control.

Highlighting Options

  • wordColoringRules - The word highlighting rules. Collection
    Each collection item is represented by <word-coloring /> element with the following attributes:

    • backgroundColor - Background color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that background color won't be changed. Default: Empty
    • fontColor - Font color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that font color won't be changed. Default: Empty
    • ignoreCase - Indicates whether to ignore case when comparing texts. Boolean Default: False
    • regex - Regular expression to be matched. You must specify either text or regex.
    • style - Font style of matched text. Possible values are the same as in FontStyle enum in System.Drawing. Possible values:
      • Bold -
      • Italic -
      • Regular -
      • Strikeout -
      • Underline -
  • text - Text to be matched. You must specify either text or regex.

  • wholeWords - Indicates whether to match whole words only. Boolean Default: False

  • useDefaultRowColoringRules - Indicates whether to use default coloring rules.Boolean Default: False

  • rowColoringRules - The row coloring rules. Collection
    Each collection item is represented by <row-coloring /> element with the following attributes:

    • backgroundColor - Background color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that background color won't be changed. Default: Empty
    • fontColor - Font color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that font color won't be changed. Default: Empty
    • ignoreCase - Indicates whether to ignore case when comparing texts. Boolean Default: False
    • regex - Regular expression to be matched. You must specify either text or regex.
    • style - Font style of matched text. Possible values are the same as in FontStyle enum in System.Drawing.
      Possible values:
      • Bold -
      • Italic -
      • Regular -
      • Strikeout -
      • Underline - Possible values are the same as in FontStyle enum in System.Drawing
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