QPC Layout Renderer - NLog/NLog GitHub Wiki

High precision timer, based on the value returned from QueryPerformanceCounter() optionally converted to seconds.

Platforms Supported: Limited (Only for .NetFramework and deprecated with NLog 5.0)

Configuration Syntax



Rendering Options

  • normalize - Indicates whether to normalize the result by subtracting it from the result of the first call (so that it's effectively zero-based). Boolean Default: True
  • difference - Indicates whether to output the difference between the result of QueryPerformanceCounter and the previous one. Boolean Default: False
  • alignDecimalPoint - Indicates whether to align decimal point (emit non-significant zeros). Boolean Default: True
  • precision - Number of decimal digits to be included in output. Integer Default: 4
  • seconds - Indicates whether to convert the result to seconds by dividing by the result of QueryPerformanceFrequency(). Boolean Default: True