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EssentialCommands Started off as me wanting to create an essentials plugin with more reliance on Bukkit instead of itself. As time went on with me making this plugin, I realized that creating a plugin that was this large was going to need to rely on itself more than Bukkit to prevent breaking. Once I realized this I started to work on creating my own commands called EssCommands, the command is similar to BukkitCommand, and needs to be registered using NMS. After I made the EssCommand I began to switch over all the commands that were previously BukkitCommands to EssCommand. This is still in progress, but as of right now the main work has been in the backend configuration. I'm trying to make this version of essentials highly customizable and have several newer features the previous version (Essentials or EssentialsX) never had.


Currently it has only been me making the plugin, I highly encourage others to give me suggestions on features, code fixes, optimizations etc. to help me make this plugin a better choice than Essentials or EssentialsX (nothing against either of those great plugins, I'm just attempting at being a better choice). If you want to help with this plugin, please at any time create a new PR and I'll review your code, and give you any refactor ideas, either that or I will edit the code myself.