I2C Development Crash Course - NIURoverTeam/RoverCoreOS GitHub Wiki

I2C Development Crash Course


Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

  • Pronounced "Eye Squared See"
  • A hardware communications protocol which allows us to simply and efficiently transfer data between multiple devices.
  • Basics of the I2C Communication Protocol: A good primer to understand how the actual protocol works.

Development Tips

To determine the I2C address of a device connected to the TX2 on Ubuntu:

  • sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev i2c-tools
  • sudo i2cdetect -y -r 0

The device address will be shown in the table output as a two digit hex character (ignore u characters).

In python, we use the python-smbus package, which you can find some docs for here.

Orbitty Carrier Pin Layout

Quick and dirty guide to the pin layout used on the carrier board we use for the Nvidia Jetson TX2.

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
19 20

Pin 11: SCL: Serial Clock

Pin 12: SDA: Serial Data

Pin 20: GND: Ground

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