- a. Acquire, develop, and manage the system using [ Assignment: organization-defined system development life cycle ] that incorporates information security and privacy considerations;
- b. Define and document information security and privacy roles and responsibilities throughout the system development life cycle;
- c. Identify individuals having information security and privacy roles and responsibilities; and
- d. Integrate the organizational information security and privacy risk management process into system development life cycle activities.
Discussion: A system development life cycle process provides the foundation for the successful development, implementation, and operation of organizational systems. The integration of security and privacy considerations early in the system development life cycle is a foundational principle of systems security engineering and privacy engineering. To apply the required controls within the system development life cycle requires a basic understanding of information security and privacy, threats, vulnerabilities, adverse impacts, and risk to critical mission and business functions. The security engineering principles in SA-8 help individuals properly design, code, and test systems and system components. Organizations include qualified personnel (e.g., senior agency information security officers, senior agency officials for privacy, security and privacy architects, and security and privacy engineers) in system development life cycle processes to ensure that established security and privacy requirements are incorporated into organizational systems. Role-based security and privacy training programs can ensure that individuals with key security and privacy roles and responsibilities have the experience, skills, and expertise to conduct assigned system development life cycle activities.
The effective integration of security and privacy requirements into enterprise architecture also helps to ensure that important security and privacy considerations are addressed throughout the system life cycle and that those considerations are directly related to organizational mission and business processes. This process also facilitates the integration of the information security and privacy architectures into the enterprise architecture, consistent with the risk management strategy of the organization. Because the system development life cycle involves multiple organizations, (e.g., external suppliers, developers, integrators, service providers), acquisition and supply chain risk management functions and controls play significant roles in the effective management of the system during the life cycle.
Related Controls: AT-3, PL-8, PM-7, SA-4, SA-5, SA-8, SA-11, SA-15, SA-17, SA-22, SR-3, SR-4, SR- 5, SR-9.
Control Enhancements:
Protect system preproduction environments commensurate with risk throughout the system development life cycle for the system, system component, or system service.Discussion: The preproduction environment includes development, test, and integration environments. The program protection planning processes established by the Department of Defense are examples of managing the preproduction environment for defense contractors. Criticality analysis and the application of controls on developers also contribute to a more secure system development environment.
Related Controls: CM-2 , CM-4 , RA-3 , RA-9 , SA-4.
- (a) Approve, document, and control the use of live data in preproduction environments for the system, system component, or system service; and
- (b) Protect preproduction environments for the system, system component, or system service at the same impact or classification level as any live data in use within the preproduction environments.
Discussion: Live data is also referred to as operational data. The use of live or operational data in preproduction (i.e., development, test, and integration) environments can result in significant risks to organizations. In addition, the use of personally identifiable information in testing, research, and training increases the risk of unauthorized disclosure or misuse of such information. Therefore, it is important for the organization to manage any additional risks that may result from the use of live or operational data. Organizations can minimize such risks by using test or dummy data during the design, development, and testing of systems, system components, and system services. Risk assessment techniques may be used to determine if the risk of using live or operational data is acceptable.
Related Controls: PM-25 , RA-3.
Plan for and implement a technology refresh schedule for the system throughout the system development life cycle.Discussion: Technology refresh planning may encompass hardware, software, firmware, processes, personnel skill sets, suppliers, service providers, and facilities. The use of obsolete or nearing obsolete technology may increase the security and privacy risks associated with unsupported components, counterfeit or repurposed components, components unable to implement security or privacy requirements, slow or inoperable components, components from untrusted sources, inadvertent personnel error, or increased complexity. Technology refreshes typically occur during the operations and maintenance stage of the system development life cycle.
Related Controls: MA-6.
References: [OMB A-130], [SP 800-30], [SP 800-37], [SP 800-160-1], [SP 800-171], [SP 800-172].