SA 23 SPECIALIZATION - NIST-SP-800-53-R5/ GitHub Wiki
Control: Employ [ Selection (one or more): design modification, augmentation, reconfiguration ] on [ Assignment: organization-defined systems or system components ] supporting mission essential services or functions to increase the trustworthiness in those systems or components.
Discussion: It is often necessary for a system or system component that supports mission- essential services or functions to be enhanced to maximize the trustworthiness of the resource. Sometimes this enhancement is done at the design level. In other instances, it is done post- design, either through modifications of the system in question or by augmenting the system with additional components. For example, supplemental authentication or non-repudiation functions may be added to the system to enhance the identity of critical resources to other resources that depend on the organization-defined resources.
Related Controls: RA-9 , SA-8.
Control Enhancements: None.
References: [SP 800-160-1], [SP 800-160-2].