Kids First - NIH-NCPI/ncpi-model-forge GitHub Wiki

Kids First Data Resource Center


The NIH Common Fund's Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program’s (“Kids First”) vision is to “alleviate suffering from childhood cancer and structural birth defects by fostering collaborative research to uncover the etiology of these diseases and by supporting data sharing within the pediatric research community.”

The program continues to generate and share whole genome sequence data from thousands of children affected by these conditions, ranging from rare pediatric cancers, such as osteosarcoma, to more prevalent diagnoses, such as congenital heart defects.

In 2018, Kids First launched the Gabriella Miller Kids First Data Resource Center, charged with building a large-scale data platform supporting clinical and genetic data from these patients and their families in order to accelerate discovery and ultimately clinical impact.

Researchers can search, access, aggregate, and analyze these data through the Kids First Data Resource Portal. Additionally, by using cloud-based individual workspaces in CAVATICA, a data analysis and sharing computation platform, researchers can cross-analyze Kids First data with data from other efforts, such as NCI’s TARGET program and consortia-based datasets like the Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium (CBTTC).

CAVATICA is a cloud based infrastructure originally developed for supporting pediatric disease research, but can support the analytics of all forms of controlled-access data in a cloud environment.

CAVATICA is powered by the Seven Bridges Platform, which meets or exceeds all NIH requirements

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