UAT2 Integration of DICOM server with myTardis - NIF-au/imagetrove GitHub Wiki

This UAT is to test the inbuilt orthanc server in ImageTrove with a DICOM client/server, this will then handle all commercial scanners, the tests in this UAT were performed on a Siemens scanner.

In order to do this you will need your local Siemens Engineer to add a new DICOM target (AET). In this test we are using the AET title "Store_Transfer".

When sending data, be sure to enter the Project ID in the "Referring Physician" field.


  1. On the Siemens scanner, select the datasets you want to export and then use the "Send to .." menu item under the Transfer menu.


  2. In the next dialog, select "Store_Transfer" and press Send:


To then view your data, after it has been ingested and synced with the internal user database you then login to ImageTrove (

  1. Login to the Imagetrove instance ( using the AAF process as described in UAT1, you may have to select your university.

    UAT02-03.png UAT02-04.png UAT02-05.png

  2. You should now see your default data page, note that your university email address will be shown in the top right as your login name.


User Feedback:

2015-02-01 From initial feedback from 2 users things seemed to work well, these was some confusion over where and how the "Project ID" has to be entered but this is more a case of user training for populating the critical meta-data on the scanner. We have little control over the scanner interface so can't change much.

This will be handled via local user training via the facility managers of each instrument. The only downside is that if the meta-data is not populated then it will have to be manually entered in ImageTrove by a local facility manager at a later date.