C# API Functions - NGGameSim/NGGameSim GitHub Wiki
C# API Functions V1.2
Position Get{Tank,UAV}Position()
float Get{Tank,UAV}Speed()
float Get{Tank,UAV}Heading()
int GetRemainingMissiles()
Position GetLastKnownPosition()
- Returns FriendlyUAV.LastKnownPosition.
bool DetectedThisTurn()
- Returns FriendlyUAV.DetectedThisTurn. Indicates if the enemy tank was detected by the UAV this turn.
void Set{Tank,UAV}Speed(float TargetSpeed)
void Set{Tank,UAV}Heading(float TargetHeading)
bool Fire(Position TargetPosition)
- Attempts to fire at the TargetPosition. Returns 'true' if it fired correctly. Returns 'false' on failure to fire.
bool CanFire()
- Returns 'true' if the tank has ammo and has not already fired this turn. Returns 'false' otherwise.
int ViewRadius
- The radius at which the UAV can see around it for the enemy tank.
float BoomRange
- The range within which a tank can fire at another tank.