Notification Specification - NFSandbox/sh_trade_backend GitHub Wiki

ORM Class

All different types of notifications should all be stored in the same table. And JSON could be considered when storing polymorphic content.

Field Info
notification_id ID of this notification
sender_id Sender id
receiver_id Receiver id
content JSON content info of this message
read_time If this message has been marked read
created_at Created time of this notification

Note that content field should be able to work with Descriminator in Pydantic. The content_type will be used as discriminator flag field.

Pydantic Model


The first step is to create a list of Pydantic classes to validate content field of the ORM class.

We should use a list of derived class as the Discriminator Union type.

  • TextNotification
    • UrlActionNotification
    • MarkdownNotification
    • ...


All classes used as a validator model of content should have a unique content_type string Literal:

class NotificationContentOut(BaseModel):
	# should be unique across all notification content out model class.
    content_type: Literal["text"] = "text"
    category: str = "basic"

Currently supported content_type field:

  • text
  • markdown
  • url_action

For more info about these content type, check out the docstrings of their discriminator class.


The second step is to create a Pydantic class with a discriminator field content to validate the whole Notification ORM class.

NotificationContentOutUnion = (
    | MarkDownNotificationContentOut
    | URLActionNotificationContentOut
    | ...

class NotificationOut(BaseModel):

    notification_id: int
    content: NotificationContentOutUnion = Field(discriminator="content_type")


  • /get
  • /read
  • /read_all

Internal Providers

  • get_message
  • send_message
  • read_message
  • boardcast_message (Not Implemented)

When using Notification functionalities, the process should not be directly added to providers. Instead, sending message in the endpoint functions (As the same when we need to handle some validity checking)



The NotificationSender Python class allow us to add callbacks to different "signal"s.

The callback should be provided with a key, or if None, use the function.__name__ as the key. Key should be unique in a certain "signal". In detail, the callbacks of different signals are stored in a dict[str, CallbackFn] structure:

cls.callbacks = {
    "before": {
        "callback_1": callable(),
    "upon": {},
    "after": {},

Callback manager will NOT try to catch any exceptions caused by callback functions.


The basic flow is as below:

  1. [Init] Initialize temp variables
  2. [Trigger] Trigger "before" callback signal
  3. Validate send args
  4. Generate ORM class instance
  5. [Trigger] Trigger "upon" callback signal
  6. Commit to database
  7. [Trigger] Trigger "after" signal
  8. Clear temp variables
  9. Return
  • before Sender and receiver determined
  • upon ORM class instance generated, but not add to database
  • after ORM class added to database, committed

Callback Function

Callback Type

Callbacks function comply with following type:

CallbackFnType = Callable[[NotificationSender], Awaitable[Any] | Any]

This means both sync and async function are supported.

For callable and async detection,is_callable() and inspect.is_awaitable() is used.

Recommended Usage

The recommend workflow is changing curr_* members of received NotificationSender instance. For example, if we want to stop message sent to user with id 1, then we could write a callback function like below:

def do_not_send_to_user_1(sender: NotificationSender):
    if sender.curr_receiver.user_id == 1:
        return False
    return None

Another example, redirect message from user 1 to 2

def do_not_send_to_user_1(sender: NotificationSender):
    if sender.curr_receiver.user_id == 1:
        sender.curr_receiver = get_user_by_id_sync(2)
    return None

Time-Consuming Callbacks

For time-consuming callbacks, it's not recommended to wait until the task finished before return. Instead, consider putting task in to current asyncio event loop then return immediately.

async def callback_func(sender: NotificationSender):
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    return True

Time Consuming Callback

One thing to notice is that since the actual task running in a loop, the attributes of sender instance may changes during the callback execution, or some of the ORM instance may detached from the original session that product it. Or even worse, the sender() is called again and the temp value is completely different!

This possible changes should be taken into consideration when designing the callback using the above pattern. If you want to use the value at the point that the callback has been triggered, one of the approach is to extract those value you need in the outer callback function before passing as parameter instead of directly passing sender instance:

async def callback_fn(sender: NotificationSender):
        loop = get_running_loop()
	        # here means all param received by the actual task function 
	        # will be as the same value as they were when this callback 
	        # function has been triggered.
    except Exception as e:
        ... # error handling
    logger.debug("Telegram middleware returned")
    return True

Also, if you need to exploit lazy-load feature of SQLAlchemy ORM, you need to refetch ORM instances since they may already been detached from original session:

async def _actual_time_consuming_task(receiver: orm.User):
    async with session_manager() as ss:
        receiver = await ss.get(receiver.user_id)
        # using receiver here with lazy-load feature.

If you don't want the possible error raised by callbacks to break the notification sending process, use a try except block to catch error inside callbacks.

Also, you should manually handle the error message raised in _actual_time_consuming_callback function.


If the return value satisfy <ret_value> == False, the notification sending process will be interrput, however the callback function with the same "signal" will be executed.


By storing content_type using a separate column and using discriminator, we could get:

  • Better SQL-level filtering & querying
  • Better OpenAPI doc support

Be careful about Horizontal Privilege Escalation. User should only have access to the notifications related to himself.


Currently the notification system does NOT support Boardcast Message. Which means each message have a One-To-One structure.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️