Getting Started - NFLC-UMD/NFLCIME GitHub Wiki

Getting Started with the API

The NFLCIME API enables you to easily add foreign language keyboards to your web applications.

Loading the API

The API ships with three versions:

  • A development version (nflcime.js)
  • A merged, testing version (nflcime-packed)
  • A compressed and minified production version (nflcime-packed.min.js)

Loading the Development Version

The development verion enpoint is nflcime. This script will, in turn, autoload additional javascript subcomponents from the /NFLCIME/src folder.

There are two typical use-cases:

  • Attaching a virtual keyboard to an HTML Textarea
  • Attaching a virtual keyboard to a WYSIWYG (TinyMCE4) Editor

You can load the dev version for rich-text editors by inserting a <script> tag as illustrated by the following snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">  
 Modules: [  
  { id:'pers.cookie', activate:true}, 
  {id: 'cursor', activate: true},   
  {id: 'rt', activate: true}   

Note that inside the <script> block is a "Modules" array that indicates which API subcomponents are going to be used.

In addition to loading the nflcime script, you should also load the toolkit's stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css" />

The following snippet illustrates how to load the library to attach to simple html textareas:

<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
    { id:'pers.cookie', activate:true},
    { id:'ui.iframe', activate:true},
    { id:'lang', activate:true}

The following sub-modules are available:

Module Description

pers.cookie | Personalization module. Stores last position of keyboard and other settings in a cookie. rt | Invoke when you need to support a rich-text editor. lang | Language class. Required when working with html text fields and textareas. ui.iframe | Draggable iframe that's used to render on-screen keyboard

Loading Compressed/Minified Versions

If you are loading the testing/production version of NFLCIME, add the compressed:true property to your Modules. Adding compressed:true signals the toolkit to not dynamically load API subcomponents.

For example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
    { id:'pers.cookie', activate:true, compressed: true},
    { id:'ui.iframe', activate:true, compressed: true},
    { id:'lang', activate:true, compressed: true}

Setting Target Languages on HTML TextAreas

You can set an HTML textarea to one of the supported languages by adding the following attributes to the <textarea&rt; tag:

  • lang : specify the 3-character ISO language code, e.g. 'deu' for German
  • NFLCIME : Set to "on"


<label for="mygermantextarea">German Content</label>
<textarea id="mygermantextarea" lang="deu" class="lang-deu" NFLCIME="on" />

Right-to-Left languages should apply a CSS class or STYLE attribute that sets direction:rtl as illustrated by the following example:

<label for="myarabictextarea">Arabic Content</label>
<textarea id="myarabictextarea" lang="arb" class="lang-arb" style="direction:rtl" NFLCIME="on" />

Putting It All Together

The following snippet illustrates loading NFLC IME and attaching a keyboard to a textarea:


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css" />

<script language="javascript" src="../NFLCIME/nflcime-packed.min.js">

	 { id:'pers.cookie', activate:true },
	 { id:'ui.iframe', activate:true, compressed: true},
	 { id:'lang', activate:true , compressed: true}


		width: 400px;
		height: 200px;

<h2>Simple Deployment</h2>

<h3>Arabic, Libyan</h3>
<textarea lang="ayl" class="lang-ayl" NFLCIME="on" style="direction: rtl"></textarea>

Using the TinyMCE4 WYSIWYG Plugin

IME has a special plugin for the TinyMCE4 WYSIWYG editor.

Currently the plugin is located in the /examples/TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/tinymce/plugins/bloom folder.

tinymce4 screenshot

The following code, when placed in the html <head> performs the following functions:

  • Loads the NFLC IME Library
  • Loads TinyMCE
  • Configures TinyMCE to attach to all textareas on the page
  • Loads the "bloom" (NFLCIME) plugin into TinyMCE
  • Configures which selectable language keyboards will be available to the user (bloom.languages property)
  • Invokes the appropriate NFLCIME modules from TinyMCE
<script src="../NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
    Modules: [
        {id: 'cursor', compressed: false, activate: true},
        {id: 'rt', compressed: false, activate: true}

<!-- load the tinymce widget -->
<script src="TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/tinymce/tinymce.js"></script>

<!-- initialize the tinymce editor(s) -->
	 menubar: false,
	 plugins: "bloom paste code visualblocks",
	 content_css: "../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css,TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/ice/tinymce4_plugin/css/ice.css",
	 bloom: {
	 	css: '../../../../../../../../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css',
		defaultLanguage : "eng",
		default_language : "eng",
		languages : "arb,amh,sqi,eng",
		services: "kb,cvt,rt",
		Modules: [
			{id: 'pers.cookie', activate: true},
			{id: 'ui.iframe', activate: true},
			{id: 'editor.tinymce', activate: true},
			{id: 'rt.scrube', activate: true},
			{id: 'lang', activate: true}
	 toolbar1: "undo redo | bold italic | strikethrough | charmap | code |  visualblocks  | bloomlanguagebutton bloomlanguageenablebutton bloomlanguageselectblockbutton bloomcharmapbutton | ice_togglechanges ice_toggleshowchanges iceacceptall icerejectall iceaccept icereject"


Available Keyboards

Keyboard definitions are registered in the NFLCIME/src/languages.json file.

Available keyboards include:

Language Code Language Code Language Code
         |        |           |      |          |      |

Albanian | sqi | Amharic | amh | Arabic | arb | Azeri | aze | Bambara | bam | Balochi | bal | Belarussian | bel | Bengali | ben | Brahui | brh | Bulgarian | bul | Burmese | mya | Chechen | che | Chinese | zho | Croatian | hrv | Czech | ces | Danish | dan | Dari | prs | Dinka | din | Dutch | nld | Estonian | est | Farsi | fas | Finnish | fin | French | fra | Georgian | kat | German | deu | Greek | ell | Gujarati | guj | Haitian | hat | Hassaniyya | mey | Hausa | hau | Hebrew | heb | Hindi | hin | Hindko | hno | Hungarian | hun | Igbo | ibo | Iraqi | acm | Italian | ita | Kashmiri | kas | Kazakh | kaz |
Korean | kor | Kurdish | kur | Kurmanji | kmr | Kyrgyz | kir | Latvian | lav | Lithuanian | lit | Lao | lao | Macedonian | mkd | maguindanao | mdh | Maranao | mrw | Norwegian | nor | Pashto | pus | Potwari | phr | Polish | pol | ePunjabi | pan | wPunjabi | pnb | Portugese | por | Quechua | que | Romanian | ron | Russian | rus | Sama | ssb | Serbian | srp | Sindhi | snd | Siraiki | skr | Slovene | slv | Slovak | slk | Sorani | ckb | Spanish | spa | Sudanese | apd | Swahili | swa | Swedish | swe | Tagalog | tgl | Tajik | tgk | Thai | tha | Tigrinya | tir | Turkish | tur | Turkmen | tuk | Ukranian | ukr | Uzbek | uzb | Wolof | wol | Urdu | urd | Vietnamese | vie | Yakan | yka | Yoruba | yor

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