Getting Started - NFLC-UMD/NFLCIME GitHub Wiki
The NFLCIME API enables you to easily add foreign language keyboards to your web applications.
The API ships with three versions:
- A development version (nflcime.js)
- A merged, testing version (nflcime-packed)
- A compressed and minified production version (nflcime-packed.min.js)
The development verion enpoint is nflcime. This script will, in turn, autoload additional javascript subcomponents from the /NFLCIME/src folder.
There are two typical use-cases:
- Attaching a virtual keyboard to an HTML Textarea
- Attaching a virtual keyboard to a WYSIWYG (TinyMCE4) Editor
You can load the dev version for rich-text editors by inserting a <script> tag as illustrated by the following snippet:
<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
Modules: [
{ id:'pers.cookie', activate:true},
{id: 'cursor', activate: true},
{id: 'rt', activate: true}
Note that inside the <script> block is a "Modules" array that indicates which API subcomponents are going to be used.
In addition to loading the nflcime script, you should also load the toolkit's stylesheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css" />
The following snippet illustrates how to load the library to attach to simple html textareas:
<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
{ id:'pers.cookie', activate:true},
{ id:'ui.iframe', activate:true},
{ id:'lang', activate:true}
The following sub-modules are available:
Module | Description |
pers.cookie | Personalization module. Stores last position of keyboard and other settings in a cookie. rt | Invoke when you need to support a rich-text editor. lang | Language class. Required when working with html text fields and textareas. ui.iframe | Draggable iframe that's used to render on-screen keyboard
If you are loading the testing/production version of NFLCIME, add the compressed:true property to your Modules. Adding compressed:true signals the toolkit to not dynamically load API subcomponents.
For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
{ id:'pers.cookie', activate:true, compressed: true},
{ id:'ui.iframe', activate:true, compressed: true},
{ id:'lang', activate:true, compressed: true}
You can set an HTML textarea to one of the supported languages by adding the following attributes to the <textarea&rt; tag:
- lang : specify the 3-character ISO language code, e.g. 'deu' for German
- NFLCIME : Set to "on"
<label for="mygermantextarea">German Content</label>
<textarea id="mygermantextarea" lang="deu" class="lang-deu" NFLCIME="on" />
Right-to-Left languages should apply a CSS class or STYLE attribute that sets direction:rtl as illustrated by the following example:
<label for="myarabictextarea">Arabic Content</label>
<textarea id="myarabictextarea" lang="arb" class="lang-arb" style="direction:rtl" NFLCIME="on" />
The following snippet illustrates loading NFLC IME and attaching a keyboard to a textarea:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css" />
<script language="javascript" src="../NFLCIME/nflcime-packed.min.js">
{ id:'pers.cookie', activate:true },
{ id:'ui.iframe', activate:true, compressed: true},
{ id:'lang', activate:true , compressed: true}
width: 400px;
height: 200px;
<h2>Simple Deployment</h2>
<h3>Arabic, Libyan</h3>
<textarea lang="ayl" class="lang-ayl" NFLCIME="on" style="direction: rtl"></textarea>
IME has a special plugin for the TinyMCE4 WYSIWYG editor.
Currently the plugin is located in the /examples/TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/tinymce/plugins/bloom folder.
The following code, when placed in the html <head> performs the following functions:
- Loads the NFLC IME Library
- Loads TinyMCE
- Configures TinyMCE to attach to all textareas on the page
- Loads the "bloom" (NFLCIME) plugin into TinyMCE
- Configures which selectable language keyboards will be available to the user (bloom.languages property)
- Invokes the appropriate NFLCIME modules from TinyMCE
<script src="../NFLCIME/nflcime.js">
Modules: [
{id: 'cursor', compressed: false, activate: true},
{id: 'rt', compressed: false, activate: true}
<!-- load the tinymce widget -->
<script src="TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/tinymce/tinymce.js"></script>
<!-- initialize the tinymce editor(s) -->
menubar: false,
plugins: "bloom paste code visualblocks",
content_css: "../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css,TinyMCE4ExtJS4Sample/packages/TinyMCE/resources/ice/tinymce4_plugin/css/ice.css",
bloom: {
css: '../../../../../../../../NFLCIME/fontcss/langs.css',
defaultLanguage : "eng",
default_language : "eng",
languages : "arb,amh,sqi,eng",
services: "kb,cvt,rt",
Modules: [
{id: 'pers.cookie', activate: true},
{id: 'ui.iframe', activate: true},
{id: 'editor.tinymce', activate: true},
{id: 'rt.scrube', activate: true},
{id: 'lang', activate: true}
toolbar1: "undo redo | bold italic | strikethrough | charmap | code | visualblocks | bloomlanguagebutton bloomlanguageenablebutton bloomlanguageselectblockbutton bloomcharmapbutton | ice_togglechanges ice_toggleshowchanges iceacceptall icerejectall iceaccept icereject"
Keyboard definitions are registered in the NFLCIME/src/languages.json file.
Available keyboards include:
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
| | | | | |
Albanian | sqi | Amharic | amh | Arabic | arb |
Azeri | aze | Bambara | bam | Balochi | bal |
Belarussian | bel | Bengali | ben | Brahui | brh |
Bulgarian | bul | Burmese | mya | Chechen | che |
Chinese | zho | Croatian | hrv | Czech | ces |
Danish | dan | Dari | prs | Dinka | din |
Dutch | nld | Estonian | est | Farsi | fas |
Finnish | fin | French | fra | Georgian | kat |
German | deu | Greek | ell | Gujarati | guj |
Haitian | hat | Hassaniyya | mey | Hausa | hau |
Hebrew | heb | Hindi | hin | Hindko | hno |
Hungarian | hun | Igbo | ibo | Iraqi | acm |
Italian | ita | Kashmiri | kas | Kazakh | kaz |
Korean | kor | Kurdish | kur | Kurmanji | kmr |
Kyrgyz | kir | Latvian | lav | Lithuanian | lit |
Lao | lao | Macedonian | mkd | maguindanao | mdh |
Maranao | mrw | Norwegian | nor | Pashto | pus |
Potwari | phr | Polish | pol | ePunjabi | pan |
wPunjabi | pnb | Portugese | por | Quechua | que |
Romanian | ron | Russian | rus | Sama | ssb |
Serbian | srp | Sindhi | snd | Siraiki | skr |
Slovene | slv | Slovak | slk | Sorani | ckb |
Spanish | spa | Sudanese | apd | Swahili | swa |
Swedish | swe | Tagalog | tgl | Tajik | tgk |
Thai | tha | Tigrinya | tir | Turkish | tur |
Turkmen | tuk | Ukranian | ukr | Uzbek | uzb |
Wolof | wol | Urdu | urd | Vietnamese | vie |
Yakan | yka | Yoruba | yor