Command line arguments - NEXXTLAB/go-smarty-reader GitHub Wiki
List containing all command-line arguments:
- key: your device specific decryption key
- device: the interface on which the smart meter is connected to your target platform
- mqttBroker: The MQTT broker to publish the messages to
- mqttTopicRoot: Used as identical prefix for all messages published to the broker
- mqttQos: MQTT quality of service (from device to broker), see the levels here
- stderrthreshold: allows to adjust the console output of glog, see here for more details
Argument type and default value:
- key: String, ""
- device: String, ""
- mqttBroker: String, "ssl://"
- mqttTopicRoot: String, "nexxtlab/dev/smarty/go/"
- mqttQos: Integer, 2