Data - NEU-DSG/Leaflet-core GitHub Wiki

At the moment, the map data comes from a JSON dump of the results of the following query to the Wikidata Query Service:

select distinct ?work ?workDescription ?workLabel ?coords ?address
(group_concat(distinct ?workAlias; separator="; ") as ?aliases)
(sample(?image) AS ?image) 
(sample(?DRSImageURL) AS ?DRSImageURL)
(group_concat(distinct (year(?dateInstalled)); separator=" or ") as ?yearInstalled)
(group_concat(distinct (year(?dateRemoved)); separator=" or ") as ?yearRemoved)
(group_concat(distinct ?materialLabel; separator="; ") as ?materials)
(group_concat(distinct ?categoryLabel; separator="; ") as ?categories)
(group_concat(distinct ?creatorLabel; separator="; ") as ?creators)
(group_concat(distinct ?neighborhoodLabel; separator="; ") as ?neighborhoods)
(group_concat(distinct ?depictsLabel; separator="; ") as ?depicted)
(group_concat(distinct ?commemoratesLabel; separator="; ") as ?commemorated)
where {
  hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
  # Items tagged as being on the focus list of the Neighborhood Public Art in Boston WikiProject
  # and with genre public art. Only grab items that have statements for coordinate location, instance of, 
  # located in administrative territorial entity properties
  ?work wdt:P5008 wd:Q108040915;
        wdt:P136 wd:Q557141;
        wdt:P625 ?coords;
        wdt:P31 ?category;
        wdt:P131 ?neighborhood.
  optional{?work wdt:P571 ?dateInstalled.}
  optional{?work wdt:P576 ?dateRemoved.}
  optional{?work wdt:P18 ?image.}
  optional{?work wdt:P170 ?creator.}
  optional{?work wdt:P6375 ?address.}
  optional{?work wdt:P186 ?material.}
  optional{?work wdt:P180 ?depicts.}
  optional{?work wdt:P547 ?commemorates.}
  optional{?work wdt:P6500 ?DRSImageURL.
          FILTER(regex(str(?DRSImageURL), '^'))}
  service wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
                          ?work rdfs:label ?workLabel.
                          ?work schema:description ?workDescription.
                          ?work skos:altLabel ?workAlias.
                          ?category rdfs:label ?categoryLabel.
                          ?creator rdfs:label ?creatorLabel.
                          ?material rdfs:label ?materialLabel.
                          ?neighborhood rdfs:label ?neighborhoodLabel.
                          ?depicts rdfs:label ?depictsLabel.
                          ?commemorates rdfs:label ?commemoratesLabel.
 } group by ?work ?workDescription ?workLabel ?coords ?address