NERSC Spack Roadmap - NERSC/spack GitHub Wiki

Desired Features

Implementation of these features would be very helpful for us in the near future:

  • More control over the build stages of a package.
    - Can execute a single phase or a dry run.

  • Better error message output

  • Per machine compilers.yaml and packages.yaml support.
    - Helps with our shared filesystem and multiple machine support.
    - Set up sensible defaults for users per machine.

  • Decide on directory tree structure

  • Improvement of documentation - Some UML diagrams would be helpful to trace path of package building.

  • Modulefiles - Better integration with Programming Environment.

After Cray User Group (Late June/Early July)

Start preparation of training materials for NERSC consultants and users

  • Spack documentation
  • Slides/Tutorial demos (Can use what LLNL already has)

Edison Upgrade

  • Good testing ground for consultants to maintain their stack using Spack.
    • Over ~700 packages installed on Edison and will be using software on Cori

Ask users to start using Spack for building their own software.

  • Consultants will provide recipe to user and ask for them to install with Spack.


  • Set up Continuous Integration System.
  • Nightly tests on Cori/Edison. (Cron job)