Terms Table - NEONScience/eddy4R GitHub Wiki

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code description Units Comment
00 … 9999 Numerical identifiers
abl atmospheric boundary layer
abs Absolute (value)
acc Acceleration m s-2
agl Above ground level
agr Aggregate For use such as in aggregating from hourly to daily timescale
air air For example to distinguish air temperature tempAir from sonic temperature tempSoni
airc Aircraft
alb Albedo
alg Algorithm For use such as in algorithm name NameAlg
all All
alt Alternative
amf AmeriFlux
angYaxs Pitch rad Pitch angle
anls analysis
ang angle / angular
api Appication program interface
arch Archive
asl Above sea level
asrp absorptance
atm atmosphere atm Also a unit of measurement
atto atto a = 1·10-18 Unit prefix
attr attribute(s)
aux Auxiliary
auto Auto, automatic, automation For use such as auto-correlation. SEE: cros
avct Advection, advective
avel Angular velocity rad s-1
az Azimuth angle
bad bad Not acceptable/bad
bar bar bar Unit of measurement
baro barometric For use such as barometric pressure
base base
Basc Basic For use in basic vs. expanded data package
bgn begin For use such as in the beginning of a stretch of time, space SEE: strt USE: bgn
bias statistical measure of location such as differences of mean, median, mode for use such as in descriptive statistics: bias, precision, root-mean-square deviation…; not equal to ofst, which is used in regression analysis
bin Binning method
bld build For use such as in Git or Docker builds. In case of Docker used to distinguish from an image resulting from commits
blk black The color black
body body For use such as in body coordinate system
bou Boundary; change to boundary layer
br86 Brock (1986) reference to a specific de-spiking algorithm
brk break As in, e.g., break point
btw between
cal Calibration
calc Calculation For example, time that a process/calculation starts TimeCalc
cart Cartesian coordinate representation For example, unit circle representation of a polar angle (see pol)
ccat Concatenate
cell Cell For use such as in grid cell
cels Celsius centigrade Unit of measurement
cfgr configure/configuration
char Character Data type
clas Class
clst Closest The closest value or nearest neighboring value.
cmbd combined, combination
cnpy Canopy
cnst Constant
cnti centi c = 1·10-2 Unit prefix
co2 Carbon dioxide
coef Coefficient for use such as in regression; standard use for n-order polynomials: coef00 (offset), coef01 (first power), …, coef0n; for multi-variate regression: e.g. coefOfst, coefAngPtch, coefAngRoll
col Column
cold Cold For use such as opposite to warm surface patches, temperatures
com combination
copy copy To copy
cmd command For use, e.g. as system command
cmt commit For use such as in Git or Docker commits. In case of Docker used to distinguish from an image built from a Dockerfile
cmpl complete Done, completed, finished
cntn Content(s) Contents of e.g. a file or message
cntr Centered As in a windowing function.
comb combine Combine/merge
conc Concentration
conf confidence for use such as in confidence level
cons Consistent/consistency
conv Conversion
cor correction
corl Coriolis
corr correlation
cp Specific heat capacity at constant pressure
crit criterion for use such as in stopping criterion for an iteration
cros Cross For use such as cross-correlation. See: auto
cstv Consecutive
cum Cumulative
curr Current Unit type
cv specific heat capacity at constant volume
cvct Convection, convective
cybi NEON cyberinfrastructure
data Data Can be used in computing R environment and for documentation purposes
date General term for the date representation For example, ISO (default in eddy4R, yyyy-mm-dd). Other representation will need specifiers, for example day of the year (DOY, DateDoy) . Whenever time is specified, either combination with date or individually, the term time should be used instead of date
day day Should not stand alone, modifier for time, example use timeDay
db database
dcmp decomposition for use such as to express Wavelet time-frequency decomposition in more general terms
deba Deadband A deadband is an interval of a signal domain or band where no action occurs.
deca deca da = 10 Unit prefix
deci deci d = 0.1 Unit prefix
decm decimal Decimal number (includes integer and fractional parts, e.g. timeDoyDecm)
def Definition For use such as in function file names
deg Degree Decimal degree Unit of measurement
depe Dependent, dependency, dependent variable
dens Density m-3 Amount per volume [m-3]. Numerator units specified by modifier (e.g. densMass or densMole)
derv Derived Constructed from simpler quantities
detr Detrend
deve Development For use such as in development version of a software
dew Dew point For example used in dew point temperature tempDew
df Degree of freedom
dfir DFIR (Double-fenced international reference) rain gauge
dflt Default
diag Diagnostic value
diff Difference, differential for use such as in (i) discrete sample-by-sample differences, no statistical operation such as mean etc. is applied, (ii) differential pressure
dir Directory, folder Referring to directory, folder in computer system
dis Dispersion
disc Discontinue Discontinuous variables i.e. wind direction
disp Displacement
dist Distance m The term 'elev' is specific to a geographical position (i.e. the height of a geographic location above/below a reference level such as 'elevAsl' or 'elevAgl', for example in conjunction with the horizontal lon/lat position). For local cartesian coordinate systems, for example sonic anemometer, 'distZaxis' (below) would be used.
diu Diurnal cycle
dlmt delimiter
dlta delta Specific for isotope i.e. deltaC13
dock Docker For use such as referring to a file version for Docker deployment
docu Document Documentation for example, of datasets in R package
domn Domain General term for use as in e.g. time domain, NEON domain, etc.
DOY Date of year Float number SEE: timeDoy
dp Data product e.g. NEON data product; dp00, dp0p, dp01, dp02, dp03, dp04
l0 Level 0 For specific reference to NEON level 0 data
dry Dry air (without water vapor)
dscr description, describe
dspk Despike For use as in, e.g. despiking a data series
dupl duplicate
ec Eddy-covariance
eco Ecosystem
ecse eddy-covariance storage exchange
ecte eddy-covariance turbulent exchange
eddy eddy4R Refers to the eddy4R software package
elev Elevation The term 'elev' is specific to a geographical position (i.e. the height of a geographic location above/below a reference level such as 'elevAsl' or 'elevAgl', for example in conjunction with the horizontal lon/lat position). For local cartesian coordinate systems, for example sonic anemometer, 'distZaxis' (below) would be used.
end end For use such as in the ending of a stretch of time, space
engy Energy Unit type
enu east-north-up coordinate system as opposed to north-east-down coordinate system; for use such as in angEnuXaxs for roll etc
env Environment/environmental
epoc epoch For use as in, e.g. time
ERFs Environmental response functions The extracted environmental response functions
erth Earth
err Error
estg Easting m
eval Evaluate/evaluation
evtr Evapotranspiration For use such as in distinguishing H2O flux units
exa Exa E = 1·1018 Unit prefix
exec executable For use such as in executing a function, workflow
exis existing
exmp example
exp exponential
expc expected
expd Expanded As in basic and expanded data sets
ext external
extr extract i.e. to pull something out of something else
fals FALSE Matching a logical value of FALSE
feet feet ft Unit of measurement
ff fast file-backed object
file File string For use such as in filename NameFile
filt Filter
finl Final For use as in, e.g. the final result after iteration
frst First As in first value in a windowing bin
fit fitting
flag flag A general flag, as opposed to qf being specific for quality flag
fld Field
flow Workflow For use such as in workflow file names
flux flux A general term for flux
fm Flux Mapping
fmw Firmware
fmt Format
Fokn Foken Referring to Foken (2008)
frac Fraction unitless Numeric fraction
foot footprint
freq frequency Hz = 1/s
frht Fahrenheit Deg F Unit of measurement
fric friction
frt flowrate
from From The beginning of a numerical sequence or origin of a logical statement, complementary to "to"
func Function
gas Gas, gas phase Use with specifier, for example gasRefe, GasSpcs, etc
gbm Generalized boosted regression modeling
genl General
get get A general term for obtaining something via code
gf Gap-fill
giga Giga G = 1·109 Unit prefix
Gmma Ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at constant volume (Cp Cv-1) Dimensionless (ratio)
good good Acceptable/good
gram gram g Unit of measurement
grid Grid or map For use such as in grid cell
grnd Ground
grp group Such as group in an hdf5 file, or a grouping of various inputs for qfqm
h2o Water (liquid or vapor)
hdf5 hierarchical data format version 5
head header As in the header specifying columns names within a file containing data
hect hecto h = 1·102 Unit prefix
heat heat e.g., soil heat flux, sensible heat
high High
hist histogram
distZaxs height
host host For use such as in host operating system
hour hour h Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeHour
agrHour Aggregated at hourly temporal scale
hor Horizontal General term for horizontal (e.g. NEON horizontal index of a data product). Not to be used for cartesian axis identification
hpf High-pass filter
hrtz Hertz Hz Unit of measurement
hut Instrument hut
id identifier HDF5 identifiers
idep Independent, independent variable
idx Index See pos. Index refers to a subset of set over which an operation is applied
in into
inch Inch in Unit of measurement
incr increment
indt indeterminate Could not be determined
info Information
inj injection For injection of water isotopic validation standard
inlt inlet
inp Input For use such as in input directory DirInp
inst Install Physical and / or software installation
intg Integer integer number, e.g. timeDoyIntg
intl Internal
intp interpret
ion ion Soil ion content
irga IRGA (infrared gas analyzer)
isop isotope
itc Integral turbulence characteristics
iter iteration Number of times a particular algorithm sequence has been run
itgr integral
joul Joule J Unit of measurement
kelv Kelvin Kelvin Unit of measurement
kern Kernel i.e. Kernel smoothing method
kilo kilo k = 1·103 Unit prefix
kppa Kappa exponent for ideal gas law (Rs/Cp = ratio of specific gas constant to specific heat at constant pressure) Dimensionless (ratio)
lab laboratory
laby Label of y axis
lag Time lag
last Last value As in last value in a bin window
lat Latitude rad
lead Leading As in leading window for binning
lib Library Referring to the "library" that contains many R-packages on a computer system, e.g., "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.2/library"
lin Linear SEE: lsq
line Line As in a line of a data file, or line of code, or line in the sand, etc.
list List
loc Location General term for use such as in geographical location
loca Local representation For use such as in inpLoca, the list of inputs for a function
lon Longitude rad
log Logarithm
loop Loop Loop construct, such as for(), sapply() etc.
low Low
LPRF Local Polynomial Regression Fitting
lt Local time
lsq Least-squares method SEE: lin
lvl Level
mapp mapping - A mapping between quantities
mass Mass kg
max maximum
mdc Aggregated at diurnal cycle temporal scale
mean Mean
meas Measurement
med Median
mega Mega M = 1·106 Unit prefix
met meteorological For use such as in coordinate systems
meth method For use such as in distinguishing different algorithms for the same purpose
metr meter m Unit of measurement
mfc Mass flow controller
mfr manufacturer
mfm Mass flow meter
micr micro u = 1·10-6 Unit prefix
mile mile mi Unit of measurement
mili milli m = 1·10-3 Unit prefix
min minimum
mint minute min Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeMint
agrMint Aggregated at minutely temporal scale
modl model
mole mole mol
molm Molar mass of air constituent g mol-1
agrMnth Monthly aggregated
mnth month Modifier for time, example use timeMnth
mnt mount point For use such as in DirMnt
mome momentum For use such as in momentum flux, fluxMome
mtch Match, compare For use as in comparing the output from output and reference files
mtrx matrix -
mult Multiple i.e. more than one
na NA value
Name Name string Referring e.g. to name of algorithm NameAlg, name of package NamePack etc.
nano nano n = 1·10-9 Unit prefix
natu Natural
naut Nautical For use e.g. to distinguish between international miles ("mile") and nautical miles ("mileNaut")
ned north-east-down coordinate system as opposed to east-north-up coordinate system; for use such as in angNedZaxsNrthTrue for clockwise azimuth against true north etc.
neon National Ecological Observatory Network
net net remaining after deductions, opposed to gross
newt Newton N = m-1·kg·s-2 Unit of measurement
ngtv negative Opposite to positive
Nk12 Nordo and Katul, 2012 Wavelet Frequency response correction
nois Noise Unit of measurement
norm Normal or normalized For use as in, e.g. normal distribution, or normalizing a dataset to a reference
not Not The opposite of
num quantity Number count A count of elements. Use modified to specify what the count refers to (e.g. numSamp = number of samples)
numc Numeric
nthg Northing m
Obkv Obukhov for use such as in Obukhov lenght, distObkv
off off For off, on purposes
ofst Offset for use such as in regression analysis: see coef for example
ohm Ohm Ohm Unit of measurement (electrical resistance)
ord Order (ex. Polynomial order) dimensionless
out Output For use such as in output directory DirOut
pack Package or packaging Referring to individual R-packages
para Parameter
pasc Pascal Pa Unit of measurement
pdr NEON's Public Data Repository
perc Percentage
perm Permutate
Pers persistance
peta Peta P = 1·1015 Unit prefix
pf Planar-fit
pico pico p = 1·10-12 Unit prefix
plot Plot
pltf platform Platform of eddy-covariance technique: e.g. tower or aircraft
pnd pound lb Unit of measurement
pois Poisson's equation
pol Polar coordinate representation also see cart
poly Polynomial
pot Potential e.g. potential temperature (tempPot)
powr Power Unit type
prcs Precision Same units as dataset Precision
prd Period (rotation or cycle) s The term 'prd' specifies a 'cyclic' property of time. For use of time in 'linear' time dimension sense, the term 'time' (below) is used.
pres Pressure
prfx Prefix
psi Pounds per square inch psi Unit of measurement (pressure)
pstv positive Opposite to negative
qaqc Quality assurance quality control
qf Quality flag Dimensionless (-1, 0, 1)
qntl Quantile proportion cutpoints dividing the range of a probability distribution
rad radian rad
radi radiation e.g., incoming long wave radiation (radiLwIn)
rand random
raw raw e.g., raw data, raw signal
rctv reactive e.g. reactive values in Shiny applications
read reading-in a file, object etc.
real Real number A non-NA value part of the set of real numbers
refe Reference Same units as test data
reg Regression This is also used for regulator for gas delivery
rep Replicate
repl replacement Replacing a given value with a different value
repo Repository Such as Github repository
reps Repeat
resd Residual The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and the predicted value .
reso Resolution Dependent on modifier Minimum resolvable difference
revw Review As in the science review quality flag
rsmp Resampling
Rg Universal gas constant
rglr regular For use such as in regularization, i.e. re-sampling observations over an equidistant time or space domain SEE: genl
rh Relative humidity Dimensionless ratio
rltv Relative Relative
rmsd Root-mean-square deviation Root-mean-square deviation
rmv Remove or delete
rng Range Dependent on modifier For use in specifying a minimum and maximum value SEE: bou
angXaxs Roll angle rad
rgh roughness for example roughness length distZaxsRgh
ros rOpenSci Referring to rOpenSci tools, such as the ropensci Docker image
rot rotation
row Row
rpo Response plot output
rpt Reported object, i.e. object that is returned from a function call
rug Rug Flag for plotting rugs on axis
Rs Specific gas constant J kg-1 K-1
rsq R-squared - Coefficient of determination
rtio Dimensionless ratio Dimensionless ratio
s3 S3 File system
samp Sample, sampling - E.g. sample size = numSamp
sat Saturation or Saturated -
scal Scale
sccb software change control board https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_control_board
sci Science For use such as in scientific parameters ParaSci
sclr Scalar Scalar quantity without direction, i.e. opposite of "vector"
scnd Second/secondary s Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeScnd
se Standard error
sens Sensor; sensitivity
set Set point; a collection of distinct objects/elements Used for flow rate set point; use for a set of idx (multiple elements in an object)
sd Standard deviation
site Measurement site
sgnl Signal
slct Select Select or choose
slp Slope
smmy Summary
smth Smooth, Smoother, Smoothing
soil Soil
soni Ultrasonic anemometer/thermometer
span spans
spac -> spce space, spatial
Spcs Chemical species Carbon, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. SEE: gas
spec Specific
spht Specific heat J kg-1 K-1 m2 s-1 K-1
spk spike For use as in, e.g. data spike
splt split For use as in, e.g. splitting a character string into multiple sub strings.
spr separates Separates used for dividing the dataset
sq square Per coding stringent convention this should be ord02. However, since "square" (i) cuts the term length by 1/2, (ii) has a specific scientific term, and (iii) is used so commonly, we add it here.
ssi Signal strength
sta state Can refer to base-state for time-domain EC, or Arizona and Alaska because they are states of the U.S., etc.
stat statistic
stbl stable, stability For use such as in atmospheric stability, stable atmospheric conditions, stable version of a software
step step test
stna stationarity e.g., stationarity test
stor storage
str string
strt structure HDF5 file structure
stus status
sub subset
sufx Suffix
sum Sum Sum or total
surf Surface
symb Symbol i.e. unit symbol
sync synchronized Time synchronization
temp Absolute temperature K
tera Tera T = 1·1012 Unit prefix
test Test data Same units as reference data
tfm Transform
theo Theoretical For use such as in theoretical model vs. empirical finding
thsh Threshold Same units as modifier
time timestamp; duration timestamp (incl. date): depending on modifier; duration:s The term 'time' specifies a 'linear' time dimension. Example use for timestamp: timeDoyIntg; For use of time in cyclic sense, the term 'prd' (above) is used. Whenever time is specified, either combination with date or individually, the term time should be used instead of date
tmp Temporary For use such as in temporary directory DirTmp
to To The end of a numerical sequence or target of a logical statement, complementary to "from"
tol Tolerance
ton Ton Unit of measurement (mass). If without modifiers (e.g. tonUS), ton refers to SI/Metric ton.
tool tools e.g. workflows that don't belong to either an eddy4R package or principal data processing workflow
top Physical location; or statistical measure of location Air temperature measurements at tower top level (tempAirTop) vs the air temperature profile measurements (tempAirLvl).
torr Torr torr Unit of measurement (pressure)
towr Tower
tplt template
trlg Trailing As in a trailing window for binning
trnd Trend
trty tertiary
TRUE TRUE Matching a logical value of true
tube Tube
turb turbulent
type Type
tz Time zone
ucrt uncertainty suggest ucrt, which can be consistently used with eddy4R.ucrt
unif Uniform For use such as in uniform distribution; can be used as equally distributed
unit unit(s) i.e. the units of a variable
univ universal
unst Unstable Referring to unstable atmospheric conditions
url Web address string For example, www.dropbox.com
us United States
usr user For use such as eddy4R user, user-customizable etc.
utc Coordinated universal time SEE: zone
utm Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate system
vali Validation
valu value
valv valve
var General variable
vari variance
vect vector
velo Velocity m s-1
ver Vertical General term for vertical (e.g. NEON vertical index of a data product). Not to be used for cartesian axis identification
vers version
virt Virtual e.g. virtual temperature (tempVirt)
vrbs verbose Used for example, as a function input parameter to specify whether function output includes additional diagnostic values
vol Volume / volumetric
volt volt V Unit of measurement
vonk Von-Karman Constant unitless
warm Warm For use such as opposite to cold surface patches, temperatures
watt Watt W Unit of measurement
wet Wet Air including both, dry constituents and water vapor
wght Weight Multiplication factor for e.g. weighting results
whr index position unitless positions of which() index or selective index SEE:pos
wi within
widt width
wndw Window good for distinguishing PrdWndw vs. PrdIncr
wind Wind
wrap Wrapper For use such as in function file names
wrk Work For use such as in working directory DirWrk
xaxs Along-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system
yaw Yaw angle rad
yaxs Cross-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system
year year y Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeYear
zaxs Vertical axes of a Cartesian coordinate system
zero zero Such as zero gas
zone UTC zone SEE: utc
zoo Zoo function