00 … 9999 |
Numerical identifiers |
abl |
atmospheric boundary layer |
abs |
Absolute (value) |
acc |
Acceleration |
m s-2 |
agl |
Above ground level |
agr |
Aggregate |
For use such as in aggregating from hourly to daily timescale |
air |
air |
For example to distinguish air temperature tempAir from sonic temperature tempSoni |
airc |
Aircraft |
alb |
Albedo |
alg |
Algorithm |
For use such as in algorithm name NameAlg |
all |
All |
alt |
Alternative |
amf |
AmeriFlux |
angYaxs |
Pitch |
rad |
Pitch angle |
anls |
analysis |
ang |
angle / angular |
api |
Appication program interface |
arch |
Archive |
asl |
Above sea level |
asrp |
absorptance |
atm |
atmosphere |
atm |
Also a unit of measurement |
atto |
atto |
a = 1·10-18 |
Unit prefix |
attr |
attribute(s) |
aux |
Auxiliary |
auto |
Auto, automatic, automation |
For use such as auto-correlation. SEE: cros |
avct |
Advection, advective |
avel |
Angular velocity |
rad s-1 |
az |
Azimuth angle |
bad |
bad |
Not acceptable/bad |
bar |
bar |
bar |
Unit of measurement |
baro |
barometric |
For use such as barometric pressure |
base |
base |
Basc |
Basic |
For use in basic vs. expanded data package |
bgn |
begin |
For use such as in the beginning of a stretch of time, space SEE: strt USE: bgn |
bias |
statistical measure of location such as differences of mean, median, mode |
for use such as in descriptive statistics: bias, precision, root-mean-square deviation…; not equal to ofst, which is used in regression analysis |
bin |
Binning method |
bld |
build |
For use such as in Git or Docker builds. In case of Docker used to distinguish from an image resulting from commits |
blk |
black |
The color black |
body |
body |
For use such as in body coordinate system |
bou |
Boundary; |
change to boundary layer |
br86 |
Brock (1986) |
reference to a specific de-spiking algorithm |
brk |
break |
As in, e.g., break point |
btw |
between |
cal |
Calibration |
calc |
Calculation |
For example, time that a process/calculation starts TimeCalc |
cart |
Cartesian coordinate representation |
For example, unit circle representation of a polar angle (see pol) |
ccat |
Concatenate |
cell |
Cell |
For use such as in grid cell |
cels |
Celsius |
centigrade |
Unit of measurement |
cfgr |
configure/configuration |
char |
Character |
Data type |
clas |
Class |
clst |
Closest |
The closest value or nearest neighboring value. |
cmbd |
combined, combination |
cnpy |
Canopy |
cnst |
Constant |
cnti |
centi |
c = 1·10-2 |
Unit prefix |
co2 |
Carbon dioxide |
coef |
Coefficient |
for use such as in regression; standard use for n-order polynomials: coef00 (offset), coef01 (first power), …, coef0n; for multi-variate regression: e.g. coefOfst, coefAngPtch, coefAngRoll |
col |
Column |
cold |
Cold |
For use such as opposite to warm surface patches, temperatures |
com |
combination |
copy |
copy |
To copy |
cmd |
command |
For use, e.g. as system command |
cmt |
commit |
For use such as in Git or Docker commits. In case of Docker used to distinguish from an image built from a Dockerfile |
cmpl |
complete |
Done, completed, finished |
cntn |
Content(s) |
Contents of e.g. a file or message |
cntr |
Centered |
As in a windowing function. |
comb |
combine |
Combine/merge |
conc |
Concentration |
conf |
confidence |
for use such as in confidence level |
cons |
Consistent/consistency |
conv |
Conversion |
cor |
correction |
corl |
Coriolis |
corr |
correlation |
cp |
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure |
crit |
criterion |
for use such as in stopping criterion for an iteration |
cros |
Cross |
For use such as cross-correlation. See: auto |
cstv |
Consecutive |
cum |
Cumulative |
curr |
Current |
Unit type |
cv |
specific heat capacity at constant volume |
cvct |
Convection, convective |
cybi |
NEON cyberinfrastructure |
data |
Data |
Can be used in computing R environment and for documentation purposes |
date |
General term for the date representation |
For example, ISO (default in eddy4R, yyyy-mm-dd). Other representation will need specifiers, for example day of the year (DOY, DateDoy) . Whenever time is specified, either combination with date or individually, the term time should be used instead of date |
day |
day |
Should not stand alone, modifier for time, example use timeDay |
db |
database |
dcmp |
decomposition |
for use such as to express Wavelet time-frequency decomposition in more general terms |
deba |
Deadband |
A deadband is an interval of a signal domain or band where no action occurs. |
deca |
deca |
da = 10 |
Unit prefix |
deci |
deci |
d = 0.1 |
Unit prefix |
decm |
decimal |
Decimal number (includes integer and fractional parts, e.g. timeDoyDecm) |
def |
Definition |
For use such as in function file names |
deg |
Degree |
Decimal degree |
Unit of measurement |
depe |
Dependent, dependency, dependent variable |
dens |
Density |
m-3 |
Amount per volume [m-3]. Numerator units specified by modifier (e.g. densMass or densMole) |
derv |
Derived |
Constructed from simpler quantities |
detr |
Detrend |
deve |
Development |
For use such as in development version of a software |
dew |
Dew point |
For example used in dew point temperature tempDew |
df |
Degree of freedom |
dfir |
DFIR (Double-fenced international reference) rain gauge |
dflt |
Default |
diag |
Diagnostic value |
diff |
Difference, differential |
for use such as in (i) discrete sample-by-sample differences, no statistical operation such as mean etc. is applied, (ii) differential pressure |
dir |
Directory, folder |
Referring to directory, folder in computer system |
dis |
Dispersion |
disc |
Discontinue |
Discontinuous variables i.e. wind direction |
disp |
Displacement |
dist |
Distance |
m |
The term 'elev' is specific to a geographical position (i.e. the height of a geographic location above/below a reference level such as 'elevAsl' or 'elevAgl', for example in conjunction with the horizontal lon/lat position). For local cartesian coordinate systems, for example sonic anemometer, 'distZaxis' (below) would be used. |
diu |
Diurnal cycle |
dlmt |
delimiter |
dlta |
delta |
Specific for isotope i.e. deltaC13 |
dock |
Docker |
For use such as referring to a file version for Docker deployment |
docu |
Document |
Documentation for example, of datasets in R package |
domn |
Domain |
General term for use as in e.g. time domain, NEON domain, etc. |
Date of year |
Float number SEE: timeDoy |
dp |
Data product |
e.g. NEON data product; dp00, dp0p, dp01, dp02, dp03, dp04 |
l0 |
Level 0 |
For specific reference to NEON level 0 data |
dp00 |
dry |
Dry air (without water vapor) |
dscr |
description, describe |
dspk |
Despike |
For use as in, e.g. despiking a data series |
dupl |
duplicate |
ec |
Eddy-covariance |
eco |
Ecosystem |
ecse |
eddy-covariance storage exchange |
ecte |
eddy-covariance turbulent exchange |
eddy |
eddy4R |
Refers to the eddy4R software package |
elev |
Elevation |
The term 'elev' is specific to a geographical position (i.e. the height of a geographic location above/below a reference level such as 'elevAsl' or 'elevAgl', for example in conjunction with the horizontal lon/lat position). For local cartesian coordinate systems, for example sonic anemometer, 'distZaxis' (below) would be used. |
end |
end |
For use such as in the ending of a stretch of time, space |
engy |
Energy |
Unit type |
enu |
east-north-up coordinate system |
as opposed to north-east-down coordinate system; for use such as in angEnuXaxs for roll etc |
env |
Environment/environmental |
epoc |
epoch |
For use as in, e.g. time |
ERFs |
Environmental response functions |
The extracted environmental response functions |
erf |
erth |
Earth |
err |
Error |
estg |
Easting |
m |
eval |
Evaluate/evaluation |
evtr |
Evapotranspiration |
For use such as in distinguishing H2O flux units |
exa |
Exa |
E = 1·1018 |
Unit prefix |
exec |
executable |
For use such as in executing a function, workflow |
exis |
existing |
exmp |
example |
exp |
exponential |
expc |
expected |
expd |
Expanded |
As in basic and expanded data sets |
ext |
external |
extr |
extract |
i.e. to pull something out of something else |
fals |
Matching a logical value of FALSE |
feet |
feet |
ft |
Unit of measurement |
ff |
fast file-backed object |
file |
File |
string |
For use such as in filename NameFile |
filt |
Filter |
finl |
Final |
For use as in, e.g. the final result after iteration |
frst |
First |
As in first value in a windowing bin |
fit |
fitting |
flag |
flag |
A general flag, as opposed to qf being specific for quality flag |
fld |
Field |
flow |
Workflow |
For use such as in workflow file names |
flux |
flux |
A general term for flux |
fm |
Flux Mapping |
fmw |
Firmware |
fmt |
Format |
Fokn |
Foken |
Referring to Foken (2008) |
frac |
Fraction |
unitless |
Numeric fraction |
foot |
footprint |
freq |
frequency |
Hz = 1/s |
frht |
Fahrenheit |
Deg F |
Unit of measurement |
fric |
friction |
frt |
flowrate |
from |
From |
The beginning of a numerical sequence or origin of a logical statement, complementary to "to" |
func |
Function |
gas |
Gas, gas phase |
Use with specifier, for example gasRefe, GasSpcs, etc |
gbm |
Generalized boosted regression modeling |
genl |
General |
get |
get |
A general term for obtaining something via code |
gf |
Gap-fill |
giga |
Giga |
G = 1·109 |
Unit prefix |
Gmma |
Ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at constant volume (Cp Cv-1) |
Dimensionless (ratio) |
good |
good |
Acceptable/good |
gram |
gram |
g |
Unit of measurement |
grid |
Grid or map |
For use such as in grid cell |
grnd |
Ground |
grp |
group |
Such as group in an hdf5 file, or a grouping of various inputs for qfqm |
h2o |
Water (liquid or vapor) |
hdf5 |
hierarchical data format version 5 |
head |
header |
As in the header specifying columns names within a file containing data |
hect |
hecto |
h = 1·102 |
Unit prefix |
heat |
heat |
e.g., soil heat flux, sensible heat |
high |
High |
hist |
histogram |
distZaxs |
height |
host |
host |
For use such as in host operating system |
hour |
hour |
h |
Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeHour |
agrHour |
Aggregated at hourly temporal scale |
hor |
Horizontal |
General term for horizontal (e.g. NEON horizontal index of a data product). Not to be used for cartesian axis identification |
hpf |
High-pass filter |
hrtz |
Hertz |
Hz |
Unit of measurement |
hut |
Instrument hut |
id |
identifier |
HDF5 identifiers |
idep |
Independent, independent variable |
idx |
Index |
See pos. Index refers to a subset of set over which an operation is applied |
in |
into |
inch |
Inch |
in |
Unit of measurement |
incr |
increment |
indt |
indeterminate |
Could not be determined |
info |
Information |
inj |
injection |
For injection of water isotopic validation standard |
inlt |
inlet |
inp |
Input |
For use such as in input directory DirInp |
inst |
Install |
Physical and / or software installation |
intg |
Integer |
integer number, e.g. timeDoyIntg |
intl |
Internal |
intp |
interpret |
ion |
ion |
Soil ion content |
irga |
IRGA (infrared gas analyzer) |
isop |
isotope |
itc |
Integral turbulence characteristics |
iter |
iteration |
Number of times a particular algorithm sequence has been run |
itgr |
integral |
joul |
Joule |
J |
Unit of measurement |
kelv |
Kelvin |
Kelvin |
Unit of measurement |
kern |
Kernel |
i.e. Kernel smoothing method |
kilo |
kilo |
k = 1·103 |
Unit prefix |
kppa |
Kappa exponent for ideal gas law (Rs/Cp = ratio of specific gas constant to specific heat at constant pressure) |
Dimensionless (ratio) |
lab |
laboratory |
laby |
Label of y axis |
lag |
Time lag |
last |
Last value |
As in last value in a bin window |
lat |
Latitude |
rad |
lead |
Leading |
As in leading window for binning |
lib |
Library |
Referring to the "library" that contains many R-packages on a computer system, e.g., "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.2/library" |
lin |
Linear |
SEE: lsq |
line |
Line |
As in a line of a data file, or line of code, or line in the sand, etc. |
list |
List |
loc |
Location |
General term for use such as in geographical location |
loca |
Local representation |
For use such as in inpLoca, the list of inputs for a function |
lon |
Longitude |
rad |
log |
Logarithm |
loop |
Loop |
Loop construct, such as for(), sapply() etc. |
low |
Low |
Local Polynomial Regression Fitting |
lt |
Local time |
lsq |
Least-squares method |
SEE: lin |
lvl |
Level |
mapp |
mapping |
- |
A mapping between quantities |
mass |
Mass |
kg |
max |
maximum |
mdc |
Aggregated at diurnal cycle temporal scale |
mean |
Mean |
meas |
Measurement |
med |
Median |
mega |
Mega |
M = 1·106 |
Unit prefix |
met |
meteorological |
For use such as in coordinate systems |
meth |
method |
For use such as in distinguishing different algorithms for the same purpose |
metr |
meter |
m |
Unit of measurement |
mfc |
Mass flow controller |
mfr |
manufacturer |
mfm |
Mass flow meter |
micr |
micro |
u = 1·10-6 |
Unit prefix |
mile |
mile |
mi |
Unit of measurement |
mili |
milli |
m = 1·10-3 |
Unit prefix |
min |
minimum |
mint |
minute |
min |
Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeMint |
agrMint |
Aggregated at minutely temporal scale |
modl |
model |
mole |
mole |
mol |
molm |
Molar mass of air constituent |
g mol-1 |
agrMnth |
Monthly aggregated |
mnth |
month |
Modifier for time, example use timeMnth |
mnt |
mount point |
For use such as in DirMnt |
mome |
momentum |
For use such as in momentum flux, fluxMome |
mtch |
Match, compare |
For use as in comparing the output from output and reference files |
mtrx |
matrix |
- |
mult |
Multiple |
i.e. more than one |
na |
NA value |
Name |
Name |
string |
Referring e.g. to name of algorithm NameAlg, name of package NamePack etc. |
nano |
nano |
n = 1·10-9 |
Unit prefix |
natu |
Natural |
naut |
Nautical |
For use e.g. to distinguish between international miles ("mile") and nautical miles ("mileNaut") |
ned |
north-east-down coordinate system |
as opposed to east-north-up coordinate system; for use such as in angNedZaxsNrthTrue for clockwise azimuth against true north etc. |
neon |
National Ecological Observatory Network |
net |
net |
remaining after deductions, opposed to gross |
newt |
Newton |
N = m-1·kg·s-2 |
Unit of measurement |
ngtv |
negative |
Opposite to positive |
Nk12 |
Nordo and Katul, 2012 |
Wavelet Frequency response correction |
nois |
Noise |
Unit of measurement |
norm |
Normal or normalized |
For use as in, e.g. normal distribution, or normalizing a dataset to a reference |
not |
Not |
The opposite of |
num |
quantity |
Number count |
A count of elements. Use modified to specify what the count refers to (e.g. numSamp = number of samples) |
numc |
Numeric |
nthg |
Northing |
m |
Obkv |
Obukhov |
for use such as in Obukhov lenght, distObkv |
off |
off |
For off, on purposes |
ofst |
Offset |
for use such as in regression analysis: see coef for example |
ohm |
Ohm |
Ohm |
Unit of measurement (electrical resistance) |
ord |
Order (ex. Polynomial order) |
dimensionless |
out |
Output |
For use such as in output directory DirOut |
pack |
Package or packaging |
Referring to individual R-packages |
para |
Parameter |
pasc |
Pascal |
Pa |
Unit of measurement |
pdr |
NEON's Public Data Repository |
perc |
Percentage |
perm |
Permutate |
Pers |
persistance |
peta |
Peta |
P = 1·1015 |
Unit prefix |
pf |
Planar-fit |
pico |
pico |
p = 1·10-12 |
Unit prefix |
plot |
Plot |
pltf |
platform |
Platform of eddy-covariance technique: e.g. tower or aircraft |
pnd |
pound |
lb |
Unit of measurement |
pois |
Poisson's equation |
pol |
Polar coordinate representation |
also see cart |
poly |
Polynomial |
pot |
Potential |
e.g. potential temperature (tempPot) |
powr |
Power |
Unit type |
prcs |
Precision |
Same units as dataset |
Precision |
prd |
Period (rotation or cycle) |
s |
The term 'prd' specifies a 'cyclic' property of time. For use of time in 'linear' time dimension sense, the term 'time' (below) is used. |
pres |
Pressure |
prfx |
Prefix |
psi |
Pounds per square inch |
psi |
Unit of measurement (pressure) |
pstv |
positive |
Opposite to negative |
qaqc |
Quality assurance quality control |
qf |
Quality flag |
Dimensionless (-1, 0, 1) |
qntl |
Quantile |
proportion |
cutpoints dividing the range of a probability distribution |
rad |
radian |
rad |
radi |
radiation |
e.g., incoming long wave radiation (radiLwIn) |
rand |
random |
raw |
raw |
e.g., raw data, raw signal |
rctv |
reactive |
e.g. reactive values in Shiny applications |
read |
reading-in a file, object etc. |
real |
Real number |
A non-NA value part of the set of real numbers |
refe |
Reference |
Same units as test data |
reg |
Regression |
This is also used for regulator for gas delivery |
rep |
Replicate |
repl |
replacement |
Replacing a given value with a different value |
repo |
Repository |
Such as Github repository |
reps |
Repeat |
resd |
Residual |
The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and the predicted value . |
reso |
Resolution |
Dependent on modifier |
Minimum resolvable difference |
revw |
Review |
As in the science review quality flag |
rsmp |
Resampling |
Rg |
Universal gas constant |
rglr |
regular |
For use such as in regularization, i.e. re-sampling observations over an equidistant time or space domain SEE: genl |
rh |
Relative humidity |
Dimensionless ratio |
rltv |
Relative |
Relative |
rmsd |
Root-mean-square deviation |
Root-mean-square deviation |
rmv |
Remove or delete |
rng |
Range |
Dependent on modifier |
For use in specifying a minimum and maximum value SEE: bou |
angXaxs |
Roll angle |
rad |
rgh |
roughness |
for example roughness length distZaxsRgh |
ros |
rOpenSci |
Referring to rOpenSci tools, such as the ropensci Docker image |
rot |
rotation |
row |
Row |
rpo |
Response plot output |
rpt |
Reported object, i.e. object that is returned from a function call |
rug |
Rug |
Flag for plotting rugs on axis |
Rs |
Specific gas constant |
J kg-1 K-1 |
rsq |
R-squared |
- |
Coefficient of determination |
rtio |
Dimensionless ratio |
Dimensionless ratio |
s3 |
S3 File system |
samp |
Sample, sampling |
- |
E.g. sample size = numSamp |
sat |
Saturation or Saturated |
- |
scal |
Scale |
sccb |
software change control board |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_control_board |
sci |
Science |
For use such as in scientific parameters ParaSci |
sclr |
Scalar |
Scalar quantity without direction, i.e. opposite of "vector" |
scnd |
Second/secondary |
s |
Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeScnd |
se |
Standard error |
sens |
Sensor; sensitivity |
set |
Set point; a collection of distinct objects/elements |
Used for flow rate set point; use for a set of idx (multiple elements in an object) |
sd |
Standard deviation |
site |
Measurement site |
sgnl |
Signal |
slct |
Select |
Select or choose |
slp |
Slope |
smmy |
Summary |
smth |
Smooth, Smoother, Smoothing |
soil |
Soil |
soni |
Ultrasonic anemometer/thermometer |
span |
spans |
spac -> spce |
space, spatial |
Spcs |
Chemical species |
Carbon, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. SEE: gas |
spec |
Specific |
spht |
Specific heat |
J kg-1 K-1 m2 s-1 K-1 |
spk |
spike |
For use as in, e.g. data spike |
splt |
split |
For use as in, e.g. splitting a character string into multiple sub strings. |
spr |
separates |
Separates used for dividing the dataset |
sq |
square |
Per coding stringent convention this should be ord02. However, since "square" (i) cuts the term length by 1/2, (ii) has a specific scientific term, and (iii) is used so commonly, we add it here. |
ssi |
Signal strength |
sta |
state |
Can refer to base-state for time-domain EC, or Arizona and Alaska because they are states of the U.S., etc. |
stat |
statistic |
stbl |
stable, stability |
For use such as in atmospheric stability, stable atmospheric conditions, stable version of a software |
step |
step test |
stna |
stationarity |
e.g., stationarity test |
stor |
storage |
str |
string |
strt |
structure |
HDF5 file structure |
stus |
status |
sub |
subset |
sufx |
Suffix |
sum |
Sum |
Sum or total |
surf |
Surface |
symb |
Symbol |
i.e. unit symbol |
sync |
synchronized |
Time synchronization |
temp |
Absolute temperature |
K |
tera |
Tera |
T = 1·1012 |
Unit prefix |
test |
Test data |
Same units as reference data |
tfm |
Transform |
theo |
Theoretical |
For use such as in theoretical model vs. empirical finding |
thsh |
Threshold |
Same units as modifier |
time |
timestamp; duration |
timestamp (incl. date): depending on modifier; duration:s |
The term 'time' specifies a 'linear' time dimension. Example use for timestamp: timeDoyIntg; For use of time in cyclic sense, the term 'prd' (above) is used. Whenever time is specified, either combination with date or individually, the term time should be used instead of date |
tmp |
Temporary |
For use such as in temporary directory DirTmp |
to |
To |
The end of a numerical sequence or target of a logical statement, complementary to "from" |
tol |
Tolerance |
ton |
Ton |
Unit of measurement (mass). If without modifiers (e.g. tonUS), ton refers to SI/Metric ton. |
tool |
tools |
e.g. workflows that don't belong to either an eddy4R package or principal data processing workflow |
top |
Physical location; or statistical measure of location |
Air temperature measurements at tower top level (tempAirTop) vs the air temperature profile measurements (tempAirLvl). |
torr |
Torr |
torr |
Unit of measurement (pressure) |
towr |
Tower |
tplt |
template |
trlg |
Trailing |
As in a trailing window for binning |
trnd |
Trend |
trty |
tertiary |
Matching a logical value of true |
tube |
Tube |
turb |
turbulent |
type |
Type |
tz |
Time zone |
ucrt |
uncertainty |
suggest ucrt, which can be consistently used with eddy4R.ucrt |
unif |
Uniform |
For use such as in uniform distribution; can be used as equally distributed |
unit |
unit(s) |
i.e. the units of a variable |
univ |
universal |
unst |
Unstable |
Referring to unstable atmospheric conditions |
url |
Web address |
string |
For example, www.dropbox.com |
us |
United States |
usr |
user |
For use such as eddy4R user, user-customizable etc. |
utc |
Coordinated universal time |
SEE: zone |
utm |
Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate system |
vali |
Validation |
valu |
value |
valv |
valve |
var |
General variable |
vari |
variance |
vect |
vector |
velo |
Velocity |
m s-1 |
ver |
Vertical |
General term for vertical (e.g. NEON vertical index of a data product). Not to be used for cartesian axis identification |
vers |
version |
virt |
Virtual |
e.g. virtual temperature (tempVirt) |
vrbs |
verbose |
Used for example, as a function input parameter to specify whether function output includes additional diagnostic values |
vol |
Volume / volumetric |
volt |
volt |
V |
Unit of measurement |
vonk |
Von-Karman Constant |
unitless |
warm |
Warm |
For use such as opposite to cold surface patches, temperatures |
watt |
Watt |
W |
Unit of measurement |
wet |
Wet |
Air including both, dry constituents and water vapor |
wght |
Weight |
Multiplication factor for e.g. weighting results |
whr |
index position |
unitless |
positions of which() index or selective index SEE:pos |
wi |
within |
widt |
width |
wndw |
Window |
good for distinguishing PrdWndw vs. PrdIncr |
wind |
Wind |
wrap |
Wrapper |
For use such as in function file names |
wrk |
Work |
For use such as in working directory DirWrk |
xaxs |
Along-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system |
yaw |
Yaw angle |
rad |
yaxs |
Cross-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system |
year |
year |
y |
Unit of measurement; modifier for time, example use timeYear |
zaxs |
Vertical axes of a Cartesian coordinate system |
zero |
zero |
Such as zero gas |
zone |
UTC zone |
SEE: utc |
zoo |
Zoo function |