Modeling a NEON Data Product - NEONScience/ GitHub Wiki

Goal: Provide a template that can be dynamically populated for each data product detail page.


  • With the below script, the API parameters are noted in square brackets without quotes.
  • dbpedia is used as a reference for the coordinate reference system (CRS) 84 which is equivalent to WGS84.
  • citation will need to be generated similarly to how it is generated on the data product details page.
  • We don't have a good way to access the field names yet; we could look at a few ways to populate variableMeasured including generating RDF from tables in PDR.
  • I am wondering if we can insert temporalCoverage in the spatialCoverage in addition to a blanket range across all sites.
  • Have not yet tackled how to obtain the data. See the section on potentialAction/searchAction in the guide.
  • provider and publisher can simply reference the jsonld for the repository.
    "@context": {
        "@vocab": "",
        "dbpedia": ""
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "name": [productName],
    "description": [productDescription],
    "url": ""[productCode],
    "version": "provisional",
    "isAccessibleForFree": true,
    "keywords": [keywords],
    "license": "",
    "identifier": ""[productCode],
    "citation": [],
    "variablesMeasured": [],
    "includedInDataCatalog": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "DataCatalog"
    "temporalCoverage": [min(availableMonths)]"/"[max(availableMonths)],
    "spatialCoverage": {
        "@type": "Place",
        "name": [siteCode],
        "description": [locationDescription],
        "@geo": {
            "@type": "GeoCoordinates",
            "latitude": [locationDecimalLatitude],
            "longitude": [locationDecimalLongitude],
            "elevation": [locationElevation]
        "additionalProperty": {
           "@type": ["PropertyValue", "dbpedia:Spatial_reference_system"],
            "@id": ""
    "provider": {
        "@id": ""
    "publisher": {
        "@id": ""
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