Xcos Project - NEOEQ/Xcos GitHub Wiki

XCOS Projects

Welcome to the Xcos projects applied to chemical engineering. The purpose of this group is to make available Xcos engineering projects for the academic comunity.


This project was developed by the professors Lizandro de Sousa Santos and Diego Martinez Prata at the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department of the Fluminense Federal University - Brazil. Please, visit the link of our research group: https://neouff.wixsite.com/home.

The objective of this project is to make available a collection of examples of chemical engineering, applied to process control, implemented into the XCOS software. Each project will have a descriptive tutorial detailing the mathematical modeling and implementation in XCOS. Each project is stored separately in a folder, along with its tutorial. Since Scilab / Xcos is a free tool, it is possible for anyone interested in learning process control to collaborate. The project files will be available online and can be downloaded and modified by anyone, as well as explanatory tutorials.

For each example discussed here, there is a tutorial containing a discussion on the control theory and also the basic steps for the problem simulation.


To implement an example there is no need for installation. Download the project folder and follow each tutorial separately.To implement an example there is no need for installation. Download the project folder and follow each tutorial separately. You can assemble a project from the beginning and compare it to the finished project available in each folder.


In this initial phase of the project we are inserting new examples from the discipline "Control of Processes" of the Fluminense Federal University. Next, we'll make it available to new users to add new applicable examples. We have the support of the community for initial evaluation and comments from the examples in the GitHub Issues section https://github.com/NEOEQ/Xcos/issues.


Scilab is governed by the CeCILL license (GPL compatible) abiding by the rules of distribution of free software since Scilab 5 family. See the information delivered on the Free Software Foundation on CeCILL. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL: http://www.cecill.info.

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