Kobayashimarucommander releasenote v0.3.0 - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki


Kobayashi Maru Commander 小林丸指揮官 v0.3.0

釋出版本(release version): v0.3.0
軟體版本(software revision): r413
釋出日期(release date): 20121206


link(direct): http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/556769_10151135263936906_1155762211_n.jpg
short link: http://tinyurl.com/afbac3x

link(direct): http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/559706_10151135263891906_936829743_n.jpg
short link: http://tinyurl.com/bh6jqew

album(facebook): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.172800222863056&type=1
short link: http://tinyurl.com/bh9o9my


  1. 我想要尋找,在ST的背景下,有什麼元素可以讓一款星際射擊遊戲變得好玩。
    ( Under the background of Star Trek, I want to find the feature which makes a star-shooting game fun. )
  2. 開發人員募集中( Recruiting for developers ):
    1. (急需)素材尋找人員( media/resource finders ):目前使用的圖片及音效都是從網路上抓來的,因此希望能透過大家的力量找尋適當的素材。( Because the textures and audios using now are taken through internet, I wish we can find proper media/resources. )
    2. (急需)平面美術人員( 2D artists ):目前的介面都是我隨便刻的,為了符合Star Trek的風格,希望能有美術人員能夠進來幫忙。( GUI are made by me. And in order to fit the style of Star Trek, 2D artist is needed. )
  3. 本版把基本的架構大致完成了,下一版會著重在擴充功能與關卡。預計擴充功能:感測器與脈衝引擎。( At the next version, I will focus on new functions and new levels, ex. sensors and impluse engine. )
  4. 本版本開發工時:
    自 20121107 至 20121203 共 80 小時

主要更新內容(main update)

  1. 臭蟲(bug):
    1. 修正 敵人碰到隕石跟玩家沒有跟著扣血的錯誤( Fix an error that not damaging enemy unit when colliding. )
    2. 修正 選擇單位超出範圍時 UnitDataGUI沒有消失的錯誤( Fix an error that UnitData GUI still visible when selected unit is out of screen. )
    3. 修正 光雷無法擊中目標以外的單位船殼的錯誤( Fix an error that torpedo can’t hit other than original target. )
    4. 修正 誤植的impulse engine.( Fix an string error for impulse engine. )
  2. 新功能(new)
    1. 新增網頁遊玩的版本 ( Add the web playing portal. )
    2. 新增牽引光束功能 ( Add tractor beam. )
    3. 新增關卡3 ( Add a new level #3. )
    4. 新增選擇關卡的頁面 ( Add the page of select level. )
    5. 新增人員徵募頁面 ( Add the page of recruitment. )
    6. 新增小地圖 ( Add minimap. )
    7. 新增使用滑鼠來移動及發射武器的介面 ( Add a new GUI of move and fire weapons when using mouse only. )
    8. 實裝武器的距離參數 ( Implement distance parameter of weapons. )
    9. 武器會造成推動效果 ( Add push effect when firing weapons. )
    10. 新增智慧型鎖定敵艦 ( Add a new feature of automatically selecting enemy unit. )
    11. 新增隕石被摧毀時會產生新隕石 ( Add a new feature of duplicating new meteors after it died. )
    12. 新增玩家遊玩關卡紀錄 ( Add a feature of record the already-played-level of player. )
  3. 調整(modify)
    1. 減低隕石飄動的速度 ( Decrease the speed of meteor. )
    2. 減低主角單位角轉速 ( Decrease the angular speed of main character. )
    3. 減低光炮的有效距離 ( Decrease the range of weapon phaser. )
    4. 調整教學的說明 ( Modify a new tutorial. )
    5. 調整所有的說明改為中英並列 ( Make all descriptions to be displayed in Chinese/English. )
    6. 縮小單位碰撞的大小 ( Decrease the radius of unit collision. )

如何遊玩(how to play)

  1. 網頁遊玩[瀏覽器需安裝Unity web player]
    ( playing at web , installing Unity web player on your browser is required. ):
  2. 下載壓縮檔( download to local ): https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzo5ZsuJOW-8NUJCNE5yTXdQLTA/edit
    short link: http://tinyurl.com/abckfeb
  3. 釋出說明( release note ): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e-oBTIAUMwEt_oo0uhMAu_-68LuhcLiU30torN426e8/edit
    short link: http://tinyurl.com/a26lcmk


  1. 臉書社團(facebook group): http://www.facebook.com/groups/151280021681743/


  1. NDark, a game designer, a software engineer, a zigzag puzzle player, a fencing learner, and a trekker。
    曾經擔任工研院的副工程師,鈊象科技的高級工程師,智鏡科技的資深工程師。專長是遊戲設計,電腦圖學,軟體設計,以及專案管理。曾經參與製作的遊戲專案有"無敵風火輪(Funny Table, http://ft.igsgame.com/ )","機甲英雄( Hero of Robots, http://herorobots.igsgame.com/ )"與"霸三國志大戰( Sangokushi Taisen for Chinese series, http://sanguo.igsgame.com/ )"。
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