Kobayashimarucommander fromfordeveloper v0.6 - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki

Kobayashi Maru Commander 小林丸指揮官 v0.6 開發者的話

  1. 由於我十一月自前公司離職,目前短暫的時間是獨立遊戲製作/SOHO。所以現在可以全時投入小林丸,所以本版0.6.1雖然距離上一版0.3只有8天,但是實際工時大致相同(88小時),而由於前一版系統很多已經模組化,所以本版就直接加了三個關卡,所以版號也直接跳到0.6。
  2. 承上,除了三個關卡,本版本還加了四種新船隻,兩種敵人的武器。
  3. 系統上加上了精準打擊的功能,可以指定敵艦的部位造成局部破壞了。也就是說破壞武器會讓敵人無法攻擊,破壞脈衝引擎會導致船隻速度受到影響。
  4. 系統上加上了會影響感測器的星雲單位。
  5. 控制面版的設計由於有使用者反應,所以又再調整了一次,這次開關降到底部,還加上了滾輪來切換。
  6. 由於使用者有反應,所以加上了攻擊範圍的功能,感覺還不錯。
  7. 上一版因為要符合網頁版的標準所以將關卡檔塞到Unity的資源裡面了,本版同時支援兩種設定方式:網頁版的關卡檔依然必須被打包,但是PC下載版的資源是釋出的,也就是說目前的部件,武器,關卡,甚至AI都可以透過xml的方式做參數調整。
  8. AI部分,加入了使用不同武器,閃避及攻擊障礙物的能力。不過AI單位仍無法做出太精準的移動,所以還是會卡在邊界,對開火誤擊友軍或是擦撞到友軍。
  9. 資源部份,由於我使用的是Unity Free,所以沒有asset bundle的功能,這一版音效檔全數改用ogg格式,然後把左右聲道全部改成mono,藉此大量下降容量,否則1.0版時恐怕會下載太久。

Kobayashi Maru Commander 小林丸指揮官 v0.6 from/for Developers

  1. I’ve quit from my last job, am temporally indie. game developer( or SOHO ). That is, I can work on this project in full-time. That is why this release is only 8 days from last release, however, the working hours are almost the same( 88 hours for this version ). At v0.6 , I add 3 levels.
  2. At v0.6, I add 4 vessels, and 2 kinds of enemy weapons.
  3. The system of precisely attack is added to the system. We can attack the specified component of enemy unit. That is, destroy weapon components will cause the enemy unable to attack, destroy engines will cause enemy unable to move.
  4. The nebula will affect the sensor of ships.
  5. Control Panel is moved to the bottom of window, and we can use mouse scroll to switch weapons.
  6. This feature of display weapon range is suggested by players, it seems pretty good.
  7. Because the standard of web, I pack the level data into Unity resource at last release. However, I support both way in this version. If in web player, it has to be in resource pack; in local PC , the level files release in the folder data, it lets player able to modify the unit, weapon, level data, even AI.
  8. At the part of AI, I add the require ability to them, including using different weapons, evasive or attack obstacles. However, AI units still can’t do precise movement, sometimes they will stack at border of level, hit allies or collide with allies.
  9. At this version, all audio files are changed to .ogg file format and mono to reduce the total size. That is because I use Unity Free, I do not have ability to create asset bundle.
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