The most significant and difficult modification in v0.2 is GUI.
I write the component of unit and its parameters in XML files.
The system will automatically parse the files and create the GUI component.
At the same time, the component in 3D scene will also be created in the same way.
The ultimate destination is parametrization all components equipped by the unit, and increasing the extensive-ability of the game.
The send modification is the shields, weapons, and its fire effect on shields and hulls of units.
The damaging shield will regenerate itself, therefore, if we didn’t destroy the unit, the shield will come back online.
The feature of range of weapon is implemented, that is, players must learn how to face available weapon to enemy.
The 3rd modification is AI behavior, more interactive than v0.1.
I reduce the angular speed of enemy unit, and remove its rear shield, hope players will find out the skill of back stab.
The 4th modification is photon torpedo, comparing with phasers, it is high damage and miss rate, because it can not track target now. That is it may miss when target is moving.
The reload of weapons is implemented.