Kobayashi maru commander releasenote v1.0 - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki
釋出版本(release version): v1.0
軟體版本(software revision): r1037
釋出日期(release date): 20130215
- v1.0.1
- 開啟OpenSourceProject的資訊頁面
link(direct): http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/488143_10151256563616906_704593153_n.jpg
short link: http://tinyurl.com/chy9479
link(direct): http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/521462_10151256563666906_994520238_n.jpg
short link: http://tinyurl.com/bv3rye4
album(facebook): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.206499882826423&type=1
short link: http://tinyurl.com/cxx53ep
- Kobayashi Maru Commander 小林丸指揮官是一個同時具備同人遊戲及原型遊戲角色的專案。在我工作與工作之間的空檔,我想藉此了解在Star Trek的背景下,有什麼元素可以讓一款星際射擊遊戲變得好玩。也就是說,即便拿掉Star Trek的皮,他依然是好玩的遊戲。( Kobayashi Maru Commander is a fan-based prototype game project. In the interval before my next job, I want to realize that what element will make a star-shooting game fun with Star Trek background. )
- 本次發布已經是本專案最後一個版本,之後僅會有小幅度的更動,感謝各位的支持。( This release is the last version of the project, and it will only have minor patch, thank you for supporting. )
- 本版本開發工時( the working hours of this version ):
自 20130109 至 20130215 共 148 小時( 148 hours from 20130109 to 20130215 )
- 臭蟲(bug)
- 修正 滑鼠移動點選目標先出現才移動的錯誤。( Fix an error that GUI show before move when move unit with mouse click. )
- 新功能(new)
- 新增 挑戰關卡1。( Add a new challenge level. )
- 新增 伯格方塊,羅慕倫納拉達號,羅慕倫彎刀號,D型企業號。( Add units of Borg Cube, Romulan Narada, Romulan Scimitar, and Enterprise-D. )
- 新增 外星船艦以及納拉達號使用的魚雷武器。( Add torpedo for alien ships and torpedo for Romulan Narada. )
- 新增 標題頁面。( Add a title page. )
- 新增 選擇模式頁面。( Add a page of selecting modes. )
- 新增 主角船艦選擇頁面。( Add a page of selecting ships. )
- 新增 戰場特寫功能。( Add a feature of battle event preview. )
- 新增 多國語言切換功能。( Add a feature of multi-language. )
- 新增 擊中部件時的傷害特效。( Add a damage effect when component is hit. )
- 調整(modify)
- 修改 光炮武器的攻擊檢查為間斷式。( Modify the damage of the phaser to be period. )
- 修改 牽引光束結束後拖曳的效果還會持續一段時間。( The effect of trackor beam will continue a while after turn off. )
- 修改 光雷武器會有若干程度的追蹤。( Modify to add a tracking ability of torpedo weapon. )
- 修改 小地圖會針對目前的感測距離作縮放。( The minimap will resize according to the sensor power. )
- 修改 船艦撞擊的時候產生反向力量使其離開。( It will generate opposite force when units are collided. )
- 修改 毒蛇艇AI會避開友軍。( Colony Vipers will evade from their allies. )
- 修改 第九關的事件,讓銀河號被摧毀時AI及事件運作正常。( Modify the AI and the event of story level #9 to function corretly when BattleStar Galactica is destroyed. )
- 修改 部位選取與3D點選區隔離。( Isolate the selectio of 3D units and GUI of components. )
- 修改 攻擊的命中率參數。( Modify the accuracy of weapons. )
- 修改 out of range 的中文翻譯改為在範圍外。( Change the translation of “out of range” in Traditional Chinese. )
- 修改 飛行中的光雷只有飛出螢幕外才強制消失。( Destroy torpedo only when it is out of screen. )
- 修改 把防護罩的碰撞不列入船身碰撞。( Make the colliding with shields not part of collide with units. )
- 修改 關卡失敗時也顯示戰場結算畫面。( When the level is failed, it will also show battle score. )
- 修改 縮短光雷的距離。( Shorten the distance of torpedo weapons. )
- 網頁遊玩[瀏覽器需安裝Unity web player]
( playing at web , installing Unity web player on your browser is required. ):
http://kobayashi.gadgetapp.net - 下載壓縮檔( download from Google Doc to local ): https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzo5ZsuJOW-8SktPdldRNUVpYkE/edit?usp=sharing
short link: http://tinyurl.com/cg9escx - 下載壓縮檔( download from Facebook Group to local ): http://www.facebook.com/download/430508373693782/KobayashiMaruCommander_BIN_v1_0.zip
short link: http://tinyurl.com/c86eyms - 釋出說明( release note ): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wNbDeUX6OnPyddRIgqDUtie107G4Ke6YDdD9WOhaPwM/edit?usp=sharing
short link: http://tinyurl.com/d45lbx5
- 臉書社團(facebook group): http://www.facebook.com/groups/151280021681743/
- NDark, a game designer, a software engineer, a zigzag puzzle player, a fencing learner, and a trekker。曾經擔任工研院的副工程師,鈊象科技的高級工程師,智鏡科技的資深工程師。專長是遊戲設計,電腦圖學,軟體設計,以及專案管理。曾經參與製作的遊戲專案有"無敵風火輪(Funny Table, http://ft.igsgame.com/ )","機甲英雄( Hero of Robots, http://herorobots.igsgame.com/ )"與"霸三國志大戰( Sangokushi Taisen for Chinese series, http://sanguo.igsgame.com/ )"。