Kobayashi Maru Commander ReleaseNote v1.3 - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki
釋出版本(release version): v1.3
釋出日期(release date): 20170602
- 修正一些音效音樂錯誤. Fix some audio and music not play correctly.
- 修正教學錯誤. Fix the tutorial not active correctly.
- 修正一些碰撞盒問題. Fix some colliders not function correctly.
- 調整一些貼圖品質. Modify some texture quality
- 網頁遊玩[瀏覽器需升級到支援 WebGL ]
( Playing at web with WebGL , upgrade your browser may be required. ):
- 下載壓縮檔
( download from Google Doc to local ):
- 臉書社團(facebook group): http://www.facebook.com/groups/151280021681743/
- NDark, a game designer, a software engineer, a fencing learner, and a trekker。遊戲開發者。專長是遊戲設計,專案管理。