Kobayashi Maru Commander ReleaseNote v1.3 - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki



Kobayashi Maru Commander 小林丸指揮官 v1.3

釋出版本(release version): v1.3
釋出日期(release date): 20170602

最新消息( what’s new )

  1. 修正一些音效音樂錯誤. Fix some audio and music not play correctly.
  2. 修正教學錯誤. Fix the tutorial not active correctly.
  3. 修正一些碰撞盒問題. Fix some colliders not function correctly.
  4. 調整一些貼圖品質. Modify some texture quality

如何遊玩(how to play)

  1. 網頁遊玩[瀏覽器需升級到支援 WebGL ]
    ( Playing at web with WebGL , upgrade your browser may be required. ):
  1. 下載壓縮檔
    ( download from Google Doc to local ):


  1. 臉書社團(facebook group): http://www.facebook.com/groups/151280021681743/


  1. NDark, a game designer, a software engineer, a fencing learner, and a trekker。遊戲開發者。專長是遊戲設計,專案管理。
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