20121210 future of kobayashimarucommander - NDark/KobayashiMaruCommanderOS GitHub Wiki
About the following update of Kobayashi Maru Commander….
小林丸指揮官自9月開始製作以來 到今年12月初 大概一個月一次 已經釋出了3個 開發中測試版 來到了 0.3版
我個人在11月自前公司離職.因此下一版是全職的時間投入.預計下一版至少是 0.6版 會新增至少3個關卡達到 總計6關.
From Sep. to Dec. , Kobayashi Maru Commander is monthly released three developing version to v0.3.
I, personally, quit from my previous job, and am able to develop this project in full time. The next version should be v0.6 and will increase level number to 6.
1. 私掠者導向 : 算是一種 海盜經營的遊戲 , 重點會在船艦 武器 商業貨物的多樣化.
2. 純粹的射擊遊戲 : 重點在武器特效 , 多人連線 , 操作簡單 等特色
3. Bridge Commander : 星艦的各項模擬及及情境 , 關卡及故事的編排及設計
3.1 星際冒險解謎遊戲 : 每關有一些難題,要玩家利用現有的船艦透過情報力找出解法.
About the heading of the project, I analyze kinds of star base shooting game, there are several options:
1. pirate-base management game: focus on ships, weapons, cargos.
2. pure shooting game: focus on multi-player, easy control, weapons and effects.
3. commanding game: a simulation of all aspects of command a ship.
3.1 star-base puzzle game: There will be some puzzle to solve in each level, and players will find them through observation.
目前由於我資源有限.所以比較可能是以3.1的方向前進.直到1.0釋出為止. 如果沒有其他資金或轉型計畫. 這個專案就會釋出 目前的 關卡資料 讓玩家能自由修改 其中的關卡及船艦.
Because the resource is limited, the possible heading direction is 3.1.
To the version v1.0, If there are no other funding or plans. The project will release all level data and allow players can modify them, the ships and levels.
就是遊戲中用到太多 沒有版權的素材 .等到有相關的可能訴訟發生時,就會提早關閉專案.
Additionally, there is another kind of termination. Some resource without copyright using by Kobayashi Maru Commander cause some law suit problems, that is, I will terminate the project immediately.