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At the top level of the ncids mono-repository we are using Lerna (npm: lerna) to manage sub-packages. This allows us to more easily reference dependencies within the design system.


These are the packages that are used in the various sub-packages. Not all of these are needed by every one of the sub-packages, but if the sub-package needs to use that "type" of package, it should use that one.

Standards Enforcement

Name NPM Description
ESLint eslint Javascript static analysis
Prettier prettier Style formatter for JS/JSX/SCSS/MD files

Build Toolchain

Name NPM Description
Sass sass Pure JS based SASS processor. (node-sass is no longer supported)
PostCSS postcss CSS Transformers
Babel babel JS Transpiler
Webpack webpack Javascript packager


The following are the testing tools used across many of the packages.

Name NPM Description
Jest jest Unit Test Framework
React Testing Library @testing-library/react React Component Testing
Cypress cypress / cypress-cucumber-preprocessor Behavioral testing framework with Gherkin/Cucumber features
Istanbul nyc / istanbul-lib-coverage Code coverage tool
Pa11y pa11y-ci Accessibility Testing


Storybook( is being used as a demonstration tool for components and other UI pieces for the design system. We will be using Storybook v6(allowing composition of stories from various repos) and a few add-ons.

Name NPM Description
addon-a11y @storybook/addon-a11y Show possible accessibility violations with components
addon-jest @storybook/addon-jest Show unit testing results for components
addon-controls @storybook/addon-controls Adds graphical UI to interact with a component's arguments dynamically, allowing live edit of components


The design system is set up as a monorepo and Lerna( is a tool that optimizes the workflow around managing multi-package repositories with git and yarn. We will be managing the repo as a fixed/locked repository, meaning that all of the versions of the design system subpackages are all tied together under the overall design system version.

Documentation Site (docs)

The static site generation uses Gatsby, however, Gatsby is made up of many different packages.

Name NPM Description
Gatsby gatsby-core The main Gatsby package for static site publishing
Gatsby Filesystem Source Plugin gatsby-source-filesystem
PrismJS prismjs Code syntax highlighting for code examples
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