Dev Setup for NCIDS Mono Repo - NCIOCPL/ncids GitHub Wiki

Phase 1: Install the basic packages and tools

Step 1: Install NVM

Follow instructions at

  • Do not install nvm or node any other way. DO NOT install with Brew.

Step 2: Install Node (proper version currently lts/hydrogen)

If the repository has a .nvmrc file, you may:

  1. cd <repo_root>
  2. nvm install
  3. nvm use

Step 3: Install pnpm

npm install -g pnpm

Step 4: Install Lerna

npm install -g lerna@~8.1.2

Step 5: Install Brew

Follow the instructions at

Step 6: Install gh

brew install gh

Phase 2: Authenticating to the NCIDS npm registry

  1. Create your personal access token Follow the steps outlined in GitHub’s documentation for creating a personal access token. Ensure that, at a minimum, the required scopes are set to “repo,” “read:org,” and “workflow.”

  2. Authenticate with GitHub Run the following command to authenticate with GitHub using the GitHub CLI: gh auth login

  3. Log in to the @NCIOCPL Organizational Scope on npm Run the following command to log in to npm with the organizational scope and using the GitHub npm registry: npm login --scope=@NCIOCPL --registry=

Note: You must use the personal access token generated in step 1 as your password.

Phase 3: Checkout and Build

Checkout NCIDS from github

git clone

  • now go into the directory

cd ncids/

Use current node version in repo

nvm use

Install the node modules

pnpm install

Now you can start editing and doing work on NCIDS.

  • Note your first push to a repo might ask you to visit a SSO page for NCI/CBIIT - copy the url from the terminal window and paste into a browser.

"It's not working"

  1. pnpm clean:node_modules
  2. pnpm install
  3. Try again, then phone a friend.

Phase 4: Admins

Preparing for a release

  1. Download hub brew install hub

  2. Follow the steps for publishing

If you experience a bad credentials warning trying to do a release, update your token at ~/.config/hub

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