Commands for BotX in Nightcore Fanclub
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!author |
Tells you who developed the bot |
!about |
Gives you information about the bot |
!rules |
Links the rules page |
!blacklist |
Links the blacklist |
!commands |
Links this command page |
!emotes |
Links the emote page |
!discord |
Links an invite for the NCFC Discord |
!cookie |
@user |
Gives the mentioned user a cookie |
!hug |
@user |
Gives the mentioned user a hug |
!flirt |
@user |
Flirts with the mentioned user |
!poke |
@user |
Pokes the mentioned user |
!meow |
Meows |
!woof |
Woofs |
!rouletteinfo |
Gives information about the roulette |
!join |
Joins an open roulette |
!leave |
Leaves a roulette you had joined |
!lottoinfo |
Gives information about the lotto |
!lottojoin |
Joins an open lotto |
!lottoleave |
Leaves a lotto you had joined |
!bb |
Links Basicbot for |
!ba |
Explains the Brand Ambassador rank |
!dc |
Moves you back to the position you were in before you disconnected |
!eta |
Gives you an estimated time you have to wait in the waitlist |
!bal |
Shows how many coins you have |
!coininfo |
Gives a brief description about coins |
!giftcoins |
Gifts the mentioned user an amount of your coins |
!staff |
@mentions the staff |
!cat |
Posts a random picture of a cat |
!dog |
Posts a random picture of a dog |
!sitemod |
Gives a brief description of the Site Mod role. |
!giftpos |
@user |
Will give the users command to the mentioned user if accepted. |
!giftaccept |
Accepts a !giftpos |
!giftdeny |
Declines a !giftpos |
!jointime |
Tells you how long you have been connected for. |
!check |
Tells you if the content ID is currently on the blacklist. |
!rcs |
Links the RCS extension. |
!miku |
Links the MikuPlugin extension. |
Command |
Cost |
Description |
!coinleave |
Leaves a coin roulette and refunds your coins |
!coinjoin |
5 |
Joins a coin roulette |
!buyhug |
10 |
Buys one moment of compassion from the bot |
!buymove1 |
15 |
Moves you up one spot in the waitlist |
!luck |
25 |
Moves you to a random spot in the waitlist |
!buycoinlotto |
35 |
Starts a coin lotto |
!buymove3 |
50 |
Moves you up three spots in the waitlist |
!buylotto |
75 |
Starts a public lottery |
!buypos1 |
100 |
Moves you straight to number one in the waitlist |
!buyhost |
∞ |
Gives you Host |
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!link |
Sends a link of the current song |
!afk |
Reason |
Displays your reason for being afk when you are mentioned |
!woot |
Woots from the bot account |
!meh |
Mehs from the bot account |
!ping |
Pong! |
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!mute |
@user |
Mutes the mentioned user. |
!kick |
@user |
Kicks the mentioned user. |
!skip |
Skips the current video. |
!ls |
Lockskips the current video. |
!move |
@user 1 |
Moves the mentioned user to which. |
!swap |
@user @user |
Swaps the two positions of the mentioned users. |
!deletechat |
@user |
Deletes the chat of the mentioned user. |
!motd |
Displays the message of the day. |
!whois |
@user |
Provides data about the mentioned user. |
!reload |
Reloads the bot. |
!uptime |
Shows the uptime of the bot. |
!bl |
reason |
Permanently blacklists the current video. |
!english |
@user |
Asks the mentioned user to speak English. |
!warn |
@user |
Will mention @staff when the warned users is in position 1 |
!tc |
@user |
Checks the possibility of a user being a troll. |
!hourban |
@user |
Bans the mentioned user for a hour. |
!dayban |
@user |
Bans the mentioned user for a day. |
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!clearchat |
!cc |
Clears the chat |
!lock |
Locks the waitlist |
!roulette |
run, time, toggle, help |
Adjusts the setting for roulette. |
!lotto |
Starts a lottery |
!toggle history |
Toggle history skip |
!toggle backlist |
Toggle blacklist skip |
!toggle maxlength |
Toggle maxlength skip |
!toggle motd |
Toggle the MOTD |
!toggle welcome |
Toggle the welcome message |
!toggle autojoin |
Toggle the autojoin of the bot |
!manualbl |
Blacklists a video using the CID |
!ban |
@user |
Bans the mentioned user forever. |
!role {role} |
@user |
Sets the users role to the mentioned role. residentdj, bouncer |
!removebl |
Removes a song from the blacklist. |
!voteskip |
toggle, number, help |
Adjusts the settings for vote skip. |
!maxlength |
toggle, number, help |
Adjusts the settings for the max length. |
!autojoin |
toggle, number |
Adjusts the settings for auto join. |
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!grab |
Grabs the current video from the bots account |
!stats |
Shows the stats of whats on/off |
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
!kill |
Kills the bot |
!changeroom |
Change the room that the bot is in |
!setavatar |
Set the avatar of the bot |
!traitor |
community slug @user |
Sends the bot to another community to mark someone as a traitor |
!superuser |
Sets the mentioned user as a super user |
!removesuperuser |
Removes the mentioned user as a super user |
!rps |
Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the bot. |
All gif commands can use be used as RCS emotes, some may be different names, check RCS field below.
If the RCS field is blank, the name is the same as the command.
Command |
Description |
!loli |
!plot |
!catplot |
!realplot |
!rekt |
:rektt: |
!banhammer |
:banhammer1: |
!banhammer2 |
!rock |
!ritzies |
!life |
!firstbanhammer |
!smell |
!bot |
!bot2 |
!fairylaw |
!trap |
!wb |
!no |
!nope |
!nope2 |
!perv |
!justice |
!wakeup |
!neko |
!kawaii |
:kawaiii: |
!pika |
!feels |
!fail |
!godlyfp |
!impliedfp |
!party |
:party: |
!profanity |
!karinlaugh |
!gl |
!grouphug |
!dance |
!dance2 |
!dance3 |
!breakdance |
!bullshit |
!guilty |
!noregret |
!tinytrust |
!brablaugh |
!headpats |
!evillaugh |
!blush |
:blush1: |
!tableflip1 |
!bye |
!cute |
!cute2 |
!cutedevil |
!cutebite |
!gm |
!gm2 |
!hypnotoad |
:hypenotoad: |
!stressed |
!cri |
!cri1 |
!teatime |
!pets |
!remrage |
!ash |
!love |
!senpaishark |
!complaint |
!inso |
!coffee |
:coffee1: |
!dodge |
!owo |
!leekspin |
!leekspin2 |
!partycat |
!ragequit |
!senpai |
!rem |
!innocent |
:innocent1: |
!ship |
!hailkirito |
!hailkirito2 |
!stayawake |
!fyes |
!youdied |
!wat |
:wut: |
!loliworship |
!feels2 |
!imgod |
!headsmash |
!hmmm |
!coffeetime |
!furry |
!bribe |
!baka |
!cookies |
!busted |
!denied |
!eating |
!facepalm: |
:facepalm1: |
!authoritah |
!wolfysong |
!back |
:iamback: |
!p |
!fitemeh |
!wootwoot |
:kermit: |
!nom |
!tup |
!tup1 |
!hai |
!nyaa |
!plat |
!blush2 |
!brofist |
!kingclap |
!ninja |
!forecast |
!bhammer |
!wincest |
!kiritolove |
!remram |
!ncfc |
!wolftf |
!gn |
!gn2 |
!tryit |
!sleepy |
:drowsy: |
!megablush |
!attention |
!awooo |
!lolidance |
!psst |
!lightsout |
!hotpotato |
!stahp |
!sorry |
!hmm |
!cheering |
!rude |
!afkeat |
!kanna |
!hyped |
!noawoo |
!adminabuse |
:admin_abuse: |
!adminabuse2 |
:admin_abuse2: |
!adminabuse3 |
:admin_abuse3: |
!naruto |