Meeting 2014 10 24 - NCEAS/commdyn GitHub Wiki
Commdyn Weekly Meeting
Participants: Matt, Chris, Lauren W., Syd, Peter, Lauren, H., Scott, Andrew, Corinna
Agenda and notes:
Codyn package discussion
- Lauren - finished variance ratio, starting turnover metrics
- Andrew - Taylor series
- Syd - timelag analysis
- TODO before first release
- Documentation needs improvement for all methods
- describe in documentation that replicate column should be unique.
- Simpler metrics: general community stability
- Better null model testing; incorporate that into their final forms
- better Vignettes
- define a class with print method?
- rank clocks: Syd can tackle this
- rank shift
- TODO: Travis CI needs to be turned on by Lauren
- See for example:
- Documentation needs improvement for all methods
- add tests for all new functions.
- Scott: cumulative turnover plots would be nice to add, Syd has functional code for these turnover plots
- 15 metrics on wikipedia
- Package not currently loading; problem with timelag_analysis.R not in functions
- Two functions:
- VR, which gives the option of two (or more?) null models for testing
- TPL, allowing people to pass a formula to a modelling function (lme), providing a formula object, random effects (if any). Outputs model object, residuals, and a relationship between resid and dominance.
- Add tests for
- Variance Ratio [DONE?]
- Taylor power law
- Turnover metrics
- Timelag metrics (Collins et al. 2000)
- Rank Shifts
- Build completeness
- Matt: Roxygen
- Next discussion
- continue discussions in github issues
- 3 weeks from now (Nov 14)
- Target first release end of November
- Need feedback form science team
- Will ask for feedback next week during Oct 31 - thanks.