Meeting 2014 09 19 - NCEAS/commdyn GitHub Wiki

Commdyn weekly call

  • Date: 2014-09-19
  • Participants: Matt, Corinna, Chris, Andrew, Peter, Lauren

Agenda and discussion

  • Run manager and analysis sharing update
    • use cases
    • worked on how to implement run manager in R
    • need to override functions and methods
    • thinking about organization of github repo and how classes would be laid out
      • planning to use S4 classes
      • Peter has a design document on his local machine
    • Run manager discussions overview doc (by Peter and Lauren W):
    • Can we just use the ORE package as the serialization of a run for the time being?
      • And if so, do we need to also have an index/search mecahnism on the local disk?
      • including the ability to browse and search through past runs
    • Chris: have a listObjectsstyle method for locally listing all of the entities that are produced
  • R package updates
  • other items
  • package creation
    • matt: d1 r client might be updated to write and read local datapackages

    • one approach is to have a package created automatically from all prov relationships and derived objects for a run
    • should we allow hierarchial data packages, multiple packages per run
  • how best to share design & implementation ideas
    • put design documents in github, as markdown
  • we should be able to trace provenance across different tools
  • use cases
    • from Corinna
      • scientist has 80 input datasets but they only want to make public the aggregated dataset
      • matt: can't publish a dataset that only has a local identifier
        • we may have to automatically assign d1 ids and archive local datasets that are included in a run

Action items