Reporting - NCEAS/arctic-data-outreach GitHub Wiki
Reporting Process
- Reporting is done quarterly and annually, using the following schedule:
Q1 February - April
Q2 May - July
Q3 August - October
NB: The Q3 report is not submitted. In its place the annual report is submitted, covering the time period from Q1 to end of Q4 of the applicable year. Yes, it's weird.
Q4 November - January
- Reports are submitted through, but a user id is required for this. PIs and co-PIs have these.
- Template for quarterly reports is stored in the Arctic Data Center Google Drive / Reports folder.
- NSF guidance for quarterly reporting is available online here. This link is for guidance put out in 2016.
Reporting components
Figures / Stats
- Budget - Ask Financial Officer (Julia Niessen) to provide budget for the quarter in question
- Site logs - Ask Software Engineer (Chris Jones) to pull the logs for you
- Support team activities - This repository has the R script for running these numbers
Running R stats package
- Load the github repository in to your RStudio
- Do a Pull to make sure you're using the latest version.
- Make sure you've navigated to the arctic-data>reporting>r folder, and open the
- Follow instructions in the but make sure to EDIT THEM if they're incorrect, out-dated, or don't make sense to you. Do this on a separate branch so that a reviewer can confirm your edits are appropriate.