Advertising trainings - NCEAS/arctic-data-outreach GitHub Wiki

Generic advertising schedule:

For an open training* publicize training

  • monthly, starting 6 months from event
  • weekly, starting 1 month from event
  • 2 days prior, agenda, time, and room info
  • morning of, time & room info
  • 15 minutes before start, time & room info

For a training with registered attendance


For a training with an application process

  • Create application
  • Create page on and link to stand-alone page for event:[traingingname][traingingname] should link to the application form
  • Blast out this page: to drive traffic to site and allow users to poke around and see what else we have offered in terms of trainings, as well as general discovery

Promote training on NCEAS website:

If you are coordinating a data science training opportunity that is open to any relevant person (ie. not closed or organized for a specific group) and it falls under the NCEAS umbrella, here's what to do:

  1. Email NCEAS Communications Officer the event details, at a minimum:
  • when
  • where
  • a description including who the event is geared toward
  • link to register, apply or see more info
  • whether there is a cost involved
  • any relevant partners we need to mention. NCEAS Communications Officer or communications intern will add it to our training page, under "Upcoming Open Trainings."
  1. If appropriate, we can create a whole new separate page to house the training's information. Otherwise, I will likely provide just a short description and then link to the relevant external page on DataONE, ADC, or OHI with more info.
  2. NCEAS can also tweet about the training and, potentially, post it on Facebook, if it seems appropriate for the latter.
  3. Potential - into utilizing the calendar on our News & Events page more for our trainings.

NCEAS Communications Officer contact info:
Jenny Seifert
Communications Officer
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
[email protected] | 608-512-6259 (c)