Abstracts & Blurbs we use for conferences - NCEAS/arctic-data-outreach GitHub Wiki
Funding Acknowledgement
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Number 1546024
About Us - General
The Arctic Data Center is a data archive and portal for data discovery which provides users with tools for data and metadata submission. These tools include the ability to share data provenance and metadata quality checks. We assign a DOI to each published data set.
In addition to data storage, the Arctic Data Center also provides support services to the Arctic research community by providing trainings in data science and management, both of which are critical skills for stewardship of data and other research products preserved at the Arctic Data Center.
About Us - For Graduate Students
The NSF Arctic Data Center is a data archive and portal for the discovery of Arctic data. In the interest of data management best practices, the Arctic Data Center also provides support services to the Arctic research community including workshops in data science and data management, and six-month long data science fellowships.
ADC Overview
authors: previously existing content, Vanessa Raymond, Amber Budden
created: 01/2018
keywords: overview, Arctic, Arctic Data Center, data management, data management planning, , best practices, doi, metatdata submission, provenance, data editor
intended audience: General, Arctic research community
submitted to:
- Open Science Conference at POLAR2018 (2018)
Arctic Data Management Matters for Research Impact
author: Vanessa Raymond
created: 01/2018
keywords: overview, Arctic, Arctic Data Center, data management, best practices, doi, metatdata submission, provenance, semantics, research impact
intended audience: social science, Arctic researchers
submitted to:
- 48th Alaskan Anthropological Association annual meeting (2018)
How to Leave a Trail (a.k.a. Effective Data Preservation)
author: Vanessa Raymond
created: 01/2018
keywords: inspire talk, data preservation, fairy tales, best practices
intended audience: general research community
submitted to:
- ESA Inspire (2018)
Science Conf Poster Abstract
author: Kathryn Meyer created: 02/2018 key words: Arctic Data Center, data management, support, tools, doi, intended audience: Arctic researchers, Arctic research community
Maximizing Impact: The Case for Metadata
author: Vanessa Raymond, Amber Budden, Matt Jones
created: 03/2018
keywords: Arctic Data Center, data management, data provenance, metadata, research impact
intended audience: general Arctic research community
submitted to:
- APECS online conference 2018
- (modified) for 48th IAW 2018
Data at the heart of synthesis science for pan-Arctic observations
author: Vanessa Raymond (paraphrased and re-work of the Permafrost Carbon Synthesis Working Group)
created: 03/2018
keywords: carbon, flux, permafrost, synthesis, working group, data, pan-Arctic, Arctic Data Center
submitted to:
- AOS 2018 (part of POLAR2018)