Getting Started - NCAR/MOM6-cases GitHub Wiki
Getting Started
For detailed instructions, see NOAA-GFDL wiki.
The steps of running MOM6 cases:
Downloading NCAR MOM6 cases
Clone NCAR/MOM6-cases git repository as follows:
git clone --recursive
Note that the option --recursive
is to clone the submodules simultaneously. In the rest of this wiki, your local NCAR/MOM6 clone directory will be referred to as $MOM6-cases/
Setting up the compiler environment
Cheyenne & Intel compiler:
Load the modules as follows:
module load ncarenv
module load intel
module load netcdf
module load ncarcompilers
module load mpt/2.19
To automate this step, see section Cheyenne Compiler Environment
Hobart & Intel compiler:
Load the following module:
module load compiler/intel/default
CU Boulder - Summit
module load intel/17.4 impi netcdf
Other machines and compilers
see NOAA-GFDL wiki
Compiling cases
1) Cheyenne
NCAR/MOM6-cases currently depends on two external libraries:
- FMS: a framework for constructing and executing cases
- mkmf: a tool to construct case makefiles
These are saved under src/ directory along with NCAR/MOM6 submodule. (These two libraries will eventually be replaced by NCAR/MOM6- and CESM-specific packages.)
Work Flow
As described in NOAA-GFDL wiki, the common phases of compiling FMS (shared library) and MOM6 executable are:
Using the
tool that comes with mkmf, create apath_names
file that contains the relative path to the source files. -
Using mkmf script, create a
. -
Compile the shared library or MOM6 executable.
Compiling the FMS shared library
Before compiling MOM6, compile the FMS shared code.
First, generate the makefile for FMS. In the MOM6-cases/ directory:
cd $MOM6-cases/
mkdir -p build/intel/shared/repro/
cd build/intel/shared/repro/
rm -f path_names
../../../../src/mkmf/bin/list_paths ../../../../src/FMS
../../../../src/mkmf/bin/mkmf -t ../../../../src/mkmf/templates/ -p libfms.a -c "-Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DSPMD" path_names
Build FMS (libfms.a):
make NETCDF=3 REPRO=1 libfms.a -j
Compiling MOM6 in ocean-only mode:
With the FMS library compiled, generate the makefile for NCAR/MOM6:
cd $MOM6-cases/
mkdir -p build/intel/ocean_only/repro/
cd build/intel/ocean_only/repro/
rm -f path_names
../../../../src/mkmf/bin/list_paths -l ./ ../../../../src/MOM6/{config_src/infra/FMS1,config_src/memory/dynamic_symmetric,config_src/drivers/solo_driver,config_src/external,src/{*,*/*}}/ ; \
../../../../src/mkmf/bin/mkmf -t ../../../../src/mkmf/templates/ -o '-I../../shared/repro' -p MOM6 -l '-L../../shared/repro -lfms' -c '-Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DSPMD' path_names
Finally, compile NCAR/MOM6:
make NETCDF=3 REPRO=1 MOM6 -j
2) Hobart
Repeat the steps above but replace "" to ""
3) CU Boulder - Summit
Repeat the steps above but replace "" to "" or simply add the following to the around line 78
CFLAGS += $(shell nc-config --cflags)
Running cases
On Cheyenne:
- First, compile FMS and MOM6. (see above)
- Create a batch script to submit the job.
- For more details on submitting jobs on Cheyenne, see
- An example batch script to run double_gyre:
#!/bin/bash ### Job Name #PBS -N double_gyre #PBS -A [YOUR-PROJECT-CODE] #PBS -l walltime=00:01:00 #PBS -q regular #PBS -j oe ### Select 1 node with 36 CPUs #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 ### Send email on abort and end #PBS -m ae #PBS -M [YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS] ### Run the executable mpiexec_mpt dplace -s 1 ../../build/intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6
- Submit your job through PBS Pro workload management system. For example:
qsub script_name
On Hobart:
- First, compile FMS and MOM6. (see above)
- Create a batch script to submit the job.
- For more details on submitting jobs on Hobart, see
- An example batch script to run double_gyre:
#!/bin/tcsh ### Job Name #PBS -N double_gyre #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -q short ### Select 1 nodes with 32 CPUs #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32 ### Send email on abort, begin and end #PBS -m abe ### Load correct environment source ~/MOM6-cases/build/intel/env ### Run the executable mpirun -np 32 ~/MOM6-cases/build/intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6
- Submit your job through PBS Pro workload management system. For example:
qsub script_name
On CU Boulder - Summit
This process is similar to the two above.
- First, compile FMS and MOM6. (see above)
- Navigate to the folder of the example you want to run. Double gyre is small enough to run on a single core.
- Create a batch script to submit the job.
- For more details on submitting jobs on Summit, see
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=16 #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 #SBATCH --partition=shas-testing #SBATCH --output=sample-%j.out module purge module load intel/17.4 impi netcdf echo "== This is the scripting step! ==" ### Run the executable mpirun -np 16 ~/path/to/MOM6-cases/build/intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6 echo "== End of Job =="
- Submit your job
sbatch script_name