Data Dictionary Input Parameters - NAVADMC/ADSM GitHub Wiki

These are all the parameter tables, named starting with ScenarioCreator_.

Please note that it is not recommended to make changes to any of these tables unless you are using the ADSM application. It is useful to use these tables in queries where an assigned name would make more sense than a number For example, it is easier to understand the name "Control Zone" as compared to the identifier "2" in tables that may be linked.

What are all these fields?

The inputs and outputs to ADSM are stored in a database. A database is organized in a certain way and allows rules to be applied to tables to reduce possible mistakes. For example, you can't assign disease spread to production types that don't exist. The production type must be on the production type table first, then you can assign to it to disease spread. This table structure allows flexibility where parameters blocks can be built, and reused many times if needed. Database structure is not something most people learn, so don't be frustrated if it doesn't make sense at first. Pre-written queries are provided in the Example Database Queries directory to show examples of how to connect tables.


ScenarioCreator_airbornespread holds the parameters that are specific to describing airborne spread. Many entries can exist that will later be assigned to a production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of an airborne spread parameter block
spread_1km_probability real Probability value that disease will spread due to airborne transmission for a distance up to 1km
max_distance real Maximum distance of airborne disease transmission, used only with exponential spread
exposure_direction_start integer Starting of angle for wind direction, measured in degree
exposure_direction_end integer Ending of angle for wind direction, measured in degrees
_disease_id integer Hidden field, unique identifier of disease, no functionality implemented
transport_delay_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the transport delay. This field is obsolete in ADSM, but is needed to manage NAADSM legacy imports


ScenarioCreator_controlprotocol is a block of parameters that describe multiple, integrated control measures that are assigned to a production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guarantee on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a control protocol parameter block
use_detection boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use detection
detection_is_a_zone_trigger boolean Indicator if a detection should trigger a zone
detection_probability_for_observed_time_in_clinical_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the probability of observing clinical signs over time.
detection_probability_report_vs_first_detection_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the probability of reporting clinical signs over time.
use_tracing boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use contact tracing
trace_direct_forward boolean Indicator if direct forward tracing should be used
trace_direct_back boolean Indicator if direct back tracing should be used
direct_trace_success_rate real Probability of a direct trace succeeding
direct_trace_period integer Number of days that the direct trace should be attempted
trace_indirect_forward boolean Indicator if indirect forward tracing should be used
trace_indirect_back boolean Indicator if indirect back tracing should be used
indirect_trace_success real Probability of a indirect trace succeeding
indirect_trace_period integer Number of days that the indirect trace should be attempted
direct_trace_is_a_zone_trigger boolean Indicator to allow a direct trace to trigger a zone
indirect_trace_is_a_zone_trigger boolean Indicator to allow an indirect trace to trigger a zone
trace_result_delay_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the tracing delay
use_destruction boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use destruction
destruction_is_a_ring_trigger boolean Indicator to allow a production type to trigger pre-emptive ring of destruction
destruction_ring_radius real Radius of destruction ring
destruction_is_a_ring_target boolean Indicator if this production type is the target of the ring destruction
destroy_direct_forward_traces boolean Indicator if direct forward traces of this production type should be destroyed
destroy_indirect_forward_traces boolean Indicator if indirect forward traces of this production type should be destroyed
destroy_direct_back_traces boolean Indicator if direct back traces of this production type should be destroyed
destroy_indirect_back_traces boolean Indicator if indirect back traces of this production type should be destroyed
destruction_priority integer Priority order of this production type in a destruction plan. (Pace of destruction is driven by destruction capacity)
use_exams boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use exams. Requires tracing to be turned on.
examine_direct_forward_traces boolean Indicator if direct forward traces should be examined.
exam_direct_forward_success_multiplier real Multiplier that increase the probability of a clinical exam cause a disease detection on a direct forward trace
examine_indirect_forward_traces boolean Indicator if indirect forward traces should be examined.
exam_indirect_forward_success_multiplier real Multiplier that increase the probability of a clinical exam cause a disease detection on an indirect forward trace
examine_direct_back_traces boolean Indicator if direct back traces should be examined.
exam_direct_back_success_multiplier real Multiplier that increase the probability of a clinical exam cause a disease detection on a direct back trace
examine_indirect_back_traces boolean Indicator if indirect back traces should be examined.
examine_indirect_back_success_multiplier real Multiplier that increase the probability of a clinical exam cause a disease detection on an indirect back trace
use_testing boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use laboratory testing. Requires tracing to be turned on.
test_direct_forward_traces boolean Indicator if testing should be done on direct forward traces
test_indirect_forward_traces boolean Indicator if testing should be done on indirect forward traces
test_direct_back_traces boolean Indicator if testing should be done on direct back traces
test_indirect_back_traces boolean Indicator if testing should be done on indirect back traces
test_specificity real Specificity of the test
test_sensitivity real Sensitivity of the test
test_delay_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the testing delay.
use_vaccination boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use vaccination. This is turned on when a vaccination trigger is set.
vaccinate_detected_units boolean Indicator that detected units should be vaccinated
days_to_immunity integer Number of days after vaccination for immunity to become effective in stopping spread of disease
vaccine_immune_period_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the immune period.
minimum_time_between_vaccinations integer Mini mun days between the first vaccination and second vaccination. A default of 99999 is set to logically stop re-vaccination. User should choose a value that reflects their program if using this parameter.
use_cost_accounting boolean Indicator that determines if the simulation will use cost accounting. To actually use costs, track costs must be turned on in the output settings.
cost_of_destruction_appraisal_per_unit decimal Dollars that it costs to perform an appraisal on a unit before destruction
cost_of_destruction_cleaning_per_unit decimal Dollars that it costs to perform an clean a unit after destruction
cost_of_euthanasia_per_animal decimal Dollars that it costs to euthanize an animal in a destruction program
cost_of_indemnification_per_animal decimal Dollars that it costs in indemnity for an animal in a destruction program
cost_of_carcass_disposal_per_animal decimal Dollars that it costs in disposal for an animal in a destruction program
cost_of_vaccination_setup_per_unit decimal Dollars that it costs to setup vaccination per unit in a vaccination program
cost_of_vaccination_baseline_per_animal decimal Dollars that it costs to vaccinate per animal in a vaccination program - baseline
vaccination_demand_threshold integer Number of animals that cause an increase in the demand threshold for a vaccination program
cost_of_vaccination_additional_per_animal decimal Dollars that it costs to vaccinate per animal in a vaccination program - additional


ScenarioCreator_destructionglobal defines destruction parameters that are applied across all production types.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
destruction_program_delay integer Number of days of delay before a destruction program can be started. Applied across all production types.
destruction_priority_order character Primary priority of destruction as provided on list
destruction_capacity_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the capacity for destruction.
destruction_reason_order character Secondary priority of destruction as provided on list


ScenarioCreator_destructionwaittime is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination if units identified by the simulation for destruction have been waiting too long for destruction to happen.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guarateed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
days integer Number of days a unit can be waiting for destruction before vaccination is triggered
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_destructionwaittime_trigger_group assigns the setting in the destruction wait time trigger to a given production type

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
destructionwaittime_id integer Identifier of the ScenarioCreator_destructionwaittime record that is assigned to a production type
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that the destruction wait trigger applies to


ScenarioCreator_directspread describes the parameters related to direct spread

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a direct spread parameter block
contact_rate real Contact rate in outgoing contacts per unit per day. This changes between mean and fixed contact rate based on the use-fixed+contact_rate parameter.
use_fixed_contact_rate boolean Indicator if the contact rate should be fixed baseline contact rate, as compared to a mean contract rate
infection_probability real Probability that a contact will result in disease transmission for direct and indirect contacts
latent_units_can_infect_others boolean Indicator if latent units can spread disease
subclinical_units_can_infect_others boolean Indicator if subclinical units can spread disease
_disease_id integer Hidden unique identifier of disease, no functionality implemented
distance_distribution_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the shipment distances pre-detection.
movement_control_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes how movement will be controlled post-detection.
transport_delay_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the transport delay. This field is obsolete in ADSM, but is needed to manage NAADSM legacy imports.


ScenarioCreator_disease describes disease parameters and what types of spread will be simulated.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a disease parameter block
disease_description character User-defined description of the disease to be simulated
include_direct_contact_spread boolean Indicators if direct contact spread will be used. Automatically filled based on user creating a direct contact parameter block.
include_indirect_contact_spread boolean Indicators if indirect contact spread will be used. Automatically filled based on user creating an indirect contact parameter block.
include_airborne_spread boolean Indicators if airborne spread will be used. Automatically filled based on user creating an airborne parameter block.
use_airborne_exponential_decay boolean Indicator if exponential delay should be used instead of linear decay, which is the default.
use_within_unit_prevalence boolean Indicator if within unit prevalence should be simulated. Requires a prevalence for every production type.


ScenarioCreator_diseasedetection is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination if a certain number of units have been detected.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
number_of_units integer Number of units detected to trigger vaccination
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_diseasedetection_trigger_group assigns the setting in the disease detection trigger to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
diseasedetection_id integer Identifier of the ScenarioCreator_diseasedetection_trigger_group record that is assigned to a production type
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that the disease detection trigger applies to


ScenarioCreator_diseaseprogression describes how to disease progresses through the disease states.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a disease progression parameter block
_disease_id integer Hidden identifier of disease, no functionality implemented
disease_latent_period_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the latent disease period
disease_subclinical_period_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the subclinical disease period
disease_clinical_period_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the clinical disease period
disease_immune_period_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the immune period
disease_prevalence_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the disease prevalence


ScenarioCreator_diseaseprogressionassignment connects a disease progression to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
progression_id integer Identifier of the disease progression
production_type_id integer Identifier of the production type


ScenarioCreator_diseasespreadassignment sets up the disease transmission network with source and recipients of disease.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
source_production_type_id integer Identifier of source production type in this disease spread assignment
destination_production_type_id integer Identifier of destination production type in this disease spread assignment
direct_contact_spread_id integer Identifier of the direct contact parameter block in the disease spread assignment
indirect_contact_spread_id integer Identifier of the indirect contact parameter block in the disease spread assignment
airborne_spread_id integer Identifier of the airborne contact parameter block in the disease spread assignment


ScenarioCreator_disseminationrate is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination based on an estimated dissemination rate.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
days integer Number of days to build the window for the estimated dissemination rate
ratio real Ratio for the estimated dissemination rate
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_disseminationrate_trigger_group assigns the setting in the estimated dissemination rate trigger to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
disseminationrate_id integer Identifier of the estimated dissemination rate trigger
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that this trigger is assigned to


ScenarioCreator_indirectspread desribes the parameters related to direct spread

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of an indirect spread parameter block
subclinical_units_can_infect_others boolean Indicator to show that subclinical units can infect other units
contact_rate real Contact rate in outgoing contacts per unit per day. This changes between mean and fixed contact rate based on the use-fixed+contact_rate parameter.
use_fixed_contact_rate boolean Indicator if the contact rate should be fixed baseline contact rate, as compared to a mean contract rate
infection_probability real Probability that a contact will result in adequate disease transmission (infection) for direct and indirect contacts
_disease_id integer Hidden identifier of disease, no functionality implemented
distance_distribution_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the distance distribution
movement_control_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the movement controls distribution
transport_delay_id integer Identifier of the probability density function that describes the transport delay on indirect spread. This field is obsolete in ADSM, but is needed to manage NAADSM legacy imports


ScenarioCreator_outputsettings drives the details of executing the simulation.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
iterations integer Number of iterations to be simulated
stop_criteria character Description of reason to stop simulation
days integer If a number of days is used to stop the simulation, this is the number of days
cost_track_destruction boolean Indicator if the simulation should track the destruction costs set in Cost Accounting
cost_track_vaccination boolean Indicator if the simulation should track the surveillance costs set in Zone Effects
cost_track_zone_surveillance boolean Indicator if the simulation should track the vaccination costs set in Cost Accounting
save_daily_unit_states boolean Indicator to create supplemental outputs for the daily status of disease if not susceptible
save_daily_events boolean Indicator to create supplemental outputs for the daily events at a unit level
save_daily_exposures boolean Indicator to create supplemental outputs for the daily status of disease
save_map_output boolean Indicator to create supplemental outputs for the map output files


ScenarioCreator_population has the name of the source file that built the population, and the name is displayed on the population tab.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
source_file character Name of the file that was used to build ScenarioCreator_unit, which is the population


ScenarioCreator_probabilitydensityfunction contains the information to build a probability density function. A given type of distribution uses only a subset of the fields.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a probability density function
notes character Field for additional notes on a given probability function
equation_type character Type of distribution used
mean real Input used for Exponential, Gaussian, Inverse Gaussian, Log normal and Poisson distributions
std_dev real Input used for Gaussian and Log normal distributions
min real Input used for Beta, Beta-pert, Discrete Uniform, Triangular and Uniform distributions
mode real Input used for Beta-pert, Fixed-value and Triangular distributions
max real Input used for Beta, Beta-pert, Discrete Uniform, Triangular and Uniform distributions
alpha real Input used for Beta, Gamma, Pearson V and Weibull distributions
alpha2 real Input used for Beta distribution
beta real Input used for Beta, Gamma and Pearson V distributions
location real Input used for Logistic and Log Logistic distributions
scale real Input used for Logistic and Log Logistic distributions
shape real Input used for Inverse Gaussian and Log-logistic distributions
n integer Input used for Hypergeometric distribution
p real Input used for Bernoulli, Binomial and Negative Binomial distributions
m integer Input used for Hypergeometric distribution
d integer Input used for Hypergeometric distribution
theta real Input used for Pareto distribution
a real Input used for Pareto distribution
s integer Input used for Binomial and Negative Binomial distributions
graph_id integer Unique identifier of the graph
x_axis_units character Unit of measure for the x axis


ScenarioCreator_productiongroup provides the description of a production type group.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of an production type group parameter block


ScenarioCreator_productiongroup_group allows for the assignment of the production type group name to all of the production types that are included in the group.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
productiongroup_id integer Identifier of the production type group
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this group


ScenarioCreator_productiontype provides a description of each production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of an production type parameter block
description character Description of the production type


ScenarioCreator_protocolassignment assigns a production type to a given control protocol.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
notes character Additional notes on a given protocol assignment
_master_plan_id integer Hidden identifier to uniquely identify the master plan
control_protocol_id integer Identifier of a control protocol parameter block included in this assignment
production_type_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_rateofnewdetections is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination based on a number of units detected per day.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
number_of_units integer Number of units that are needed to trigger vaccination because of the rate of new detections
days integer Number of days that are needed to trigger vaccination because of the rate of new detections
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_rateofnewdetections_trigger_group assigns the setting in the rate of new detection group to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
rateofnewdetections_id integer Identifier of the rate of new detection trigger group
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_relationalfunction provides the general description on a relational function.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of an relational function
notes character Additional notes on a given protocol assignment
y_axis_units character Units that describe the X axis
x_axis_units character Units that describe the Y axis


ScenarioCreator_relationalpoint provides the details of the points in a relational function, as there are many points to one relational function.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
relational_function_id integer Identifier of the relational function that these points apply to
x real Value of the X in the relational function
y real Value of the Y in the relational function


ScenarioCreator_scenario provides a high-level description of the scenario and holds the random seed.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
description character Description of the purpose of the scenario
random_seed integer Value to set for a random seed. Null causes random selection, set value uses the set value as the seed for repeatable results.
language character Description of language, English is default. No functionality is available for other language translations.


ScenarioCreator_spreadbetweengroupss is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination based on a disease crossing between user-defined groups.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guarateed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
number_of_groups integer Number of groups needed to trigger a vaccination program
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_spreadbetweengroups_relevant_groups assigns the setting in the spread between groups to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
spreadbetweengroups_id integer Identifier of the spread between groups trigger group
productiongroup_id integer Identifier of the production groups included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_stopvaccination is the vaccination trigger that stops vaccination based on a number of units detected in a number of days (rate of detection).

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
number_of_units integer Number of units needed to stop vaccination program (part of rate as units per day)
days integer Number of days needed to stop vaccination program (part of rate as units per day)
restart_only boolean Not Applicable


ScenarioCreator_timefromfirstdetection is part of a vaccination trigger that starts vaccination based on a number of days since the first detection.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
days integer Number of days from first detection to trigger a vaccination program
restart_only boolean Indicator if the trigger is a restart trigger (after vaccination has been stopped)


ScenarioCreator_timefromfirstdetection_trigger_group assigns the time from first detection vaccination trigger to a given production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
timefromfirstdetection_id integer Identifier of the Time from first detection trigger group in this assignment
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_unit holds the details about each unit that were imported with the population file.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
latitude real Physical location shown as latitude of a unit
longitude real Physical location shown as longitude of a unit
initial_state character Initial state, or disease status of a unit
days_in_initial_state integer Number of days that the unit has been in this state
days_left_in_initial_state integer Number of days remaining for unit in the initial state
initial_size integer Count of animals in the unit
user_notes character Additional information that may have been uploaded with the unit record
_population_id integer Hidden unique identifier of a population, no functionality implemented
production_type_id integer Identifier of the production type of this unit
unit_id character User defined identifier of the unit. This is used in the supplemental output files and should be unique.


ScenarioCreator_vaccinationringrule_target_group assigns the production type that will be vaccinated when the trigger production type is detected.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
vaccinationringrule_id integer Identifier of the target vaccination ring rule in this assignment - After a detection in the trigger production type, what production types are the target of a vaccination program.
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_vaccinationringrule_trigger_group assigns the production type that will be trigger of vaccination when detected.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
vaccinationringrule_id integer Identifier of the trigger vaccination ring rule in this assignment - A detection in what production type starts vaccination
productiontype_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment


ScenarioCreator_zone is the description of a zone.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a zone
radius real Radius of the zone


ScenarioCreator_zoneeffect is the parameter block that describes how a zone changes other parameters.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guaranteed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
name character User-defined description of a zone effects parameter block
zone_direct_movement_id integer Identifier of the relational function describing the percentage changes to direct movement after zone formation
zone_indirect_movement_id integer Identifier of the relational function describing the percentage changes to indirect movement after zone formation
zone_detection_multiplier real Multiplier that increase the probability of surveillance causing a disease detection
cost_of_surveillance_per_animal_day decimal Dollars that it costs for increased surveillance for disease


ScenarioCreator_zoneeffectassignment assigns a given zone effect to both a zone and a production type.

Variable Datatype Long Description
id integer Unique identifier generated by the application. No order is guarateed on this field. Frequently used to link to other tables.
effect_id integer Identifier of the zone effect that is included in this assignment
production_type_id integer Identifier of the production type that is included in this assignment
zone_id integer Identifier of the zone that is included in this assignment

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