1.0 Pertinent Information Gathering - N-division-2021-2022-even/Repo-12 GitHub Wiki
2. Team Information
Sl.No | Student Name | Student SRN | Roll.No | E Mail |
1 | Pralhad Yadawad | 01FE21BEC186 | 1441 | [email protected] |
2 | Rahul Hegde | 01FE21BEC219 | 1468 | [email protected] |
3 | Kiran Patil | 01FE21BEE095 | 1434 | [email protected] |
4 | Aditya Phatak | 01FE21BEC192 | 1447 | [email protected] |
3. About Engineering exploration:
The opportunity to explore materials and discover their potential is constantly evolving. An inquisitive and curious mind is needed to ensure that materials continue to push creative boundaries while still remaining functional under the decorative we deal with the project using components of mechatronics.
The goal of this module is to move from defining the problem to designing a solution. We begin by learning about the exploration phase, and we will exit this phase with a number of design concepts for peer review. We also learn how to decompose a design to evaluate its overall function and essential process in creating a good design essential to the life of our design. Finally, we learn how to critically examine past design artifacts to inform our current concepts so that we can sensibly differentiate our product.
From this, we build trust among our teammates, which also helps in the personality development and with individual self-confidence and co-ordination among us.
4. Pertinent Information Gathering
Need statement
Now a days, Computer and robotic technologies have seen major improvements in technologies commonly employed in Agricultural practices... So, we are trying to create a machine which will help the farmers for sowing etc.
4.1 Introduction
We already have many technologies which allow us to plant seeds on farms them. The problem attached with this is that, despite the technological advancement, major types of these machines include manual labor. There is a lot of potential for the development of the said machines in both large-scale and small-scale farming. By using existing technologies we can design and implement automation in these areas of farming which makes life easy.
4.2 Goals
The goals of this project is to:
- Implement existing knowledge along with new research to integrate automation in the seed sowing sector of agriculture
- Create a semi or fully automatic machine which does the work of sowing seeds them in either a field (large scale) or in pots (small scale)
- Easily sow different seeds in trays, starting with adding soil, seeds etc.
- Make it portable, and economical so that it reaches a wider section of the agricultural industry.
- Minimize the labor of farmers in addition to increasing the speed and accuracy of the work.
4.3 Proposed System
A semi-automatic machine that sows seeds in trays which is helpful in gardening and in nurseries. The machine must be able to sow seeds in a row and cover it again with soil. This machine must be made in such a way that it must be portable and economical. We can also make an agri bot which can be used in fields which can be controlled through Bluetooth(mobile).
4.4 References
4.5 Electric Components
Si.No | Components | Function of that part | Images | cost |
1 | Arduino mega 2560(1) | For storing programs | ![]() |
800/- |
2 | Breadboard(1) | Hold electronic components | ![]() |
70/- |
3 | Servo motor(1) | For the box coming out and in | ![]() |
300/- |
4 | Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 | To measure distance | ![]() |
100/- |
5 | 60 rpm dc motor | dc motor is used to convert dc electrical energy into mechanical energy | ![]() |
200/- |
6 | Bluetooth HC-06 | For wireless communication through mobile, tab ,etc. | ![]() |
500/- |
7 | Power supply-12 volts | To run robot | ![]() |
150/- |
4.6 Working Mechanism of this bot
It works on a simple mechanism, a battery operated dc motor is used here, which transmits the rotary motion to the shaft. When farmer puts seed in hopper, as seed rotates, it drops in seed pipe which comes out through opening and get sowed, and after that the soil is covered on top of that.
4.7 Subsystems involved
- Listing components
- Create a 3D model
- Designing the base wheel or the conveyor belt for movement of pot
- Designing of Plowing mechanism with steel sheets or soil
- Designing of Seed dispenser at regular intervals.
- Sketching proper circuit diagrams
- Implementing circuit to create a working model
- Building a Mobile app to connect with the bot and to ensure long range controllability