5. Concept Selection - N-Division-2020-2021-even/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

A) Weightages Assigned To Objectives:

Objectives Weightage
Safety 10
Ease of use 7
Portability 6
Process time 6
Efficiency of wiping material 7

B) PUGH Chart:

Objectives Weightage Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Safety 10 - - Datum -
Ease of use 7 0 + Datum 0
Portability 6 - 0 Datum 0
Process time 6 - + Datum -
Efficiency of wiping material 7 - 0 Datum +
Score(+) 0 13 0 7
Score (-) 29 10 0 16
Total -29 3 0 9

C) Justification:

Design No. Objective Score Allocated Justification for the Score
1 Safety -10 More moving parts
Ease of Use 0 -
Portability -6 Difficulty in handling due to larger size
Process time -6 More steps for wiping
Efficiency of wiping material -7 More steps for wiping / Small wiping material
2 Safety -10 More usage of motors on the screen
Ease of Use 7
Portability 0 Detachable clips
Process time 6 Funtion by two arms
Efficiency of wiping material 0 -
3 Safety Datum Datum
Ease of Use Datum Datum
Portability Datum Datum
Proces time Datum Datum
Efficiency of wiping material Datum Datum
4 Safety -10
Ease of Use 0 -
Portability 0 -
Process time -6 Wiping material doesn't absorb dirt easily
Efficiency of wiping material 7 Wiping material lasts long as less friction is involved

D) Selected Concept:

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