3. Problem Definition - N-Division-2020-2021-even/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

List of Objectives/Functions/Constraints:

Sl.no Questions Answers Obj/Fun/Con
1. What should machine perform? Wipe/Clean the screen Function
2. What should be the size of the machine? Length=2ft, Breadth=2ft, Height=2ft Constraint
3. What should be the weight of the machine? Light weight as possible Objective
4. How many users need to operate at a time? Only single user Constraint
5. How do you want to get notified? Beep sound must be maid Function
6. Where should be the machine fixed? Seperately from the screen Objective
7. What type of clean should machine perform? Only dry clean Constraint
8. What type of power source machine need to have? Electrically driven Constraint
9. Within how much time the cleaning process should be finished? Within a minute Function

Problem Definition:

Design a light weight laptop screen wiping machine, the machine should be placed separately from the screen. The machine will be used by a single user at a time and should not be more than 2ft X 2ft X 2ft of size. The machine must perform dry clean and should work on electricity. Machine should complete its work within a minute. It should clean entire screen. It should consist of alerting system and should alert the user after certain task is accomplished.